Why amerishits LARP as pagans so much? I have yet to see a non-memeflag/non-burger flag that screeches muh Odin all the time.
Why amerishits LARP as pagans so much...
hail Óðinn
there you go
I'm a pagan cunt. Christ cuking is for fags, cucks and weaklings
The pagan stuff really doesnt seem to be very well documented, so they are probably over romanticizing it. They feel more connection to that than say teddy Roosevelt. But nothing wrong with ol ted, he was a warrior. Tough as nails true american.
Anything is more romantic than following the "teachings" of a jew hippie virgin.
I'm not using a memeflag, tard
Anything is more romantic than following the "teachings" of a jew hippie virgin.
You know...Jesus came back to earth in the 60s...he went to Woodstock then died of an OD. He then came back again in the 00s...went to burning man, ended up tripping balls and jumping in the fire.
>worships scandinavian gods
>calls others cucks
The irony.
Perun is a slav god you dumb cunt. I am half croatian.
Fucking learn your history dumb peasant faggot.