Do you talk politics with family during the Holidays ?

Post pics of your Thanksgiving meal also. This will probably upset the Europoors.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Post pics of your Thanksgiving meal
current eastern time in 6 am.
thanksgiving is eaten at 2 pm.
why are you pretending to be american?

>mfw Europoor
>no Thanks to Give

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Don't worry, OP's Thanksgiving dinner will apparently be sitting out 8 hrs before it's time to eat... it'll be cold and dry as fuck.

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Also, you could probably get your hands on most/all of the things to make your own Thanksgiving dinner. You should celebrate Thanksgiving too :). If you just make a fuckhueg meal and get some family/friends over to eat it with you, you're like 95% of the way to an American Thanksgiving.

>americans put all that time in to make a roast dinner
>don't have yorkshire pudding's

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that brings back memories.

just so you know, Thanksgiving is completely ignored outside the united states

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wasnt there one of these where it says no and he starts crying?


Of course, yon bong.

It's a Thanksgiving Dinner

Not a Roasty-Woasty Nibbly-Wibble

That's because Europoors have nothing to be thankful for unlike American chads. Exquisite food, beautiful womens, guns, freedoms and such.

Attached: America.jpg (237x212, 19K)

>Family gather together on chirstmas
>Boomers get drunk
>The topic of immigration comes up
>"LISTEN HERE, shut up, hush, shh, FUCKING LISTEN"
>"We need to deport them before Sweden becomes ALLAH COUNTRY"
>Shouts and shrieks all around
>Somebody gets called a nazi
>Others complain that you can't say neger anymore

Every year is the same where it's just a shouting game where the loudest is the winner

>the only tradition linked to a decently cooked meal in America
>upset Europoors
get out of your bubble, ignorant burger

No, but I do try to redpill my family about the (((central banks))) during christmas dinner

>gravybrit giving cooking lessons to a burger trying to represent europe

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don't forget great satire ;)
so goofy

Why would I be upset? We get black friday now, isn't that the best part of thanksgiving for burgers?

this post has so many errors in it it's hard to respond.

only trash shop on black friday.
we do cyber monday.

lol daar zitten ze echt op te wachten

wtf I hate my own post now
great point

we get that too

You mean biscuits with jam?
Fuggin weird ass bongs calling biscuits pudding.

no he means yorkshire puddings not scones

redpill them about Assad

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These are clearly just some deformed biscuits.
>calling baked goods pudding

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They're just uncivilized savages.

Its the made of the same ingredient as a pan cake. They are soft and are in no way biscuit like.

Ay yo hole up, we got pudding.

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I don't have a family. It is just me, my faithful stash of marijuana and the spiders all through my house. I used to hate the spiders but now I don't care, they keep me safe from the bugs.

You Americans dont speak proper English.

Attached: Black-Pudding-1.jpg (700x467, 18K)

We used to celebrate Kekri user which served pretty much the same purpose. Of course rapid urbanization and abandonment of rural heritage killed Kekri.

no shit, as well as it should be, Thanksgiving is about native americans helping the pilgrims survive.

good goy, keep spending shekels on things you do not need.

Usually not unless the females go on and on about some bullshit they have zero understanding of but say it with such conviction until I need to correct them on their "facts". I don't go full Jow Forumstard though, nor do I get upset.

Disown Leftist relatives.
They are no longer human.
I will not break bread with apostates.

Leave your leftist families.
Set yourself apart.
You will be richly rewarded.

Don't be afraid.
Step out into your own.
Even if it is a little uncomfortable.

The time is close.
>But now I am writing to you that you must not associate with anyone who claims to be a brother or sister but is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolater or slanderer, a drunkard or swindler. Do not even eat with such people.

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where the fuck did you pick up I was trying to represent Europe

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>you americans dont speak proper english

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I wish we could trade you mates for our niggers.

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but seriously, yorkshire pudding's are right up americas alley

it's surprising you don't have them since you love pancakes

It;s actually about thanking GOD.

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They look like miniature dutch babies

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When I think of God's goodness and glory...
I rise in thanksgiving.
Thank you Jesus Christ for your Blood and Word.
Thank you Father for your abundance and grace.

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literally every day other than the holidays.

make them without sugar and use beef dripping, perfect with roast dinners

I'm going to find a carvery now as i'm making myself hungry

We're all based and redpilled, even my new York ex liberal mother makes Jew jokes. My sister has a higher power level then my ancap brother, and my wife somewhere in between. We're all right wing here in Florida

I can't talk five minutes with my family without politics my father tried to enter senate twice.

>We lost twice.

What made Scandinavia abadon tradition so collectively?

We are talking about good food,naked women American freedoms and cigars.
Get the fuck off my thread Christ faggot.

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Oh don't worry amerimutt, in Europe good food isn't something that's limited to a single day of the year.

I don't see you posting any.

It’s batter.
Not the type dribbling down the folds on the back of your leg though.
Like big crapes (that’s probably confused the lard even more).

All of my family hates niggers/muslims/slavs, etc etc. I occasionally participate in the conversations, but they have a pretty weird understanding of events, since they are years behind the news.
Their only news sources are some shitty posts on Facebook

>tfw working 2-11 at Walmart

My Thanksgiving consists of a hot plate from the deli.

Thanksgiving dinner is usually eaten from 2 to 10pm so why are you telling us to post our fotos? it is just about 8 am.

I just finished my lunch, and I did say thanks to cook too. No biggy, happens everyday because we have good manners over here. 364 days a year Americans just say ‘have a nice day’ and shart when they get served lunch.
It was curry today if anybody’s interested. Her chilli this Tuesday was bestest of the best.

noun: pudding; plural noun: puddings
a cooked sweet dish served after the main course of a meal.
"a rice pudding"
the dessert course of a meal.
"what's for pudding?"
synonyms: dessert, sweet, sweet course/dish, second course, last course; More
informalafters, pud
"Pete had given up on the stew and was eating the pudding"
a dessert with a soft or creamy consistency.
a sweet or savoury steamed dish made with suet and flour.
"a steak and kidney pudding"
the intestines of a pig or sheep stuffed with oatmeal, spices, and meat and boiled.
a fat or stupid person.
"away with you, you big pudding!"

I bet you feel like a right pudding now.


I will try to get in minor redpills when I can but being with your kin is its own reward, carrying on traditions its own political statement.

>everything made with batter is pudding

This way lies madness

>"what's for pudding?"

>Dedicating a holiday to say thank you.
Oh you, Americans.

13:00 officially afternoon. God I feel better with food inside me. Now I invent my duties for this afternoon.
*phone parents for first time in months. It’s my daughters birthday and she will not speak to me herself.
*phone bank and argue over credit card payments.
*check on one of my based boys who got his ear scragged on Monday make sure he is okay. (Pic related).
*I was supposed to go horse ridding with a chicklet from the office but her father (a shareholder & managing director of one of the companies based here) has taken her to Worcester for a meeting. No stable based bonking for me today. Probably. Could look into that though. Explore options.
*smoke indoors because frankly the government can go get fucked.
*circa 4pm raid my booze caravan and finish off the spiced rum then take a taxi home OR
*drive home to my fortress of solitude in one of my bosses Italian cars.
T europoor.

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Checks out

That's a roasted bird with some toppings and gravy
I bet you guys buy most of that pre-made and wash it down with liquid sugar
Atleast put some effort into it

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>average sweedish meal time

You should really not be posting in this thread. Sweden meal=Cum from Nigerian cuck

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>have you seen John Oliver...
>"current year", and we still have...
>orange man bad

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Normies are the way they are because most of their life experience comes from TV and MOVIES.
pic and vid related.

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Fuck you beaner faggot
big parts of your country was built by swedish immigrants

Eat a black immigrant dick sideways svn. Fuck you cuck homosexes

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Why are you americans so obsessed with niggers and their penises? I literally see it in every thread

>just so you know, Thanksgiving is completely ignored outside the united states
You know Canada has Thanksgiving too right? Fuck europeans I swear...