Can we even fix architecture at this point?
Can we even fix architecture at this point?
Just don't. People used to laugh at Sydney's opera house. And now it's one of the symbols of kangarooland...
I miss Zaha Hadid actually.
the opera house is used as a giant billboard, did you know that?
also most australians think of sydney as a foreign country
>no iconic buildings, so the least fucked up becomes an icon
ok, what kind of architecture do you like/want to resurrect?
Everything before 1930.
>inb4 muh high costs
Then Art Deco. Fuck architects. I don't see why a cheap building should look like shit.
I can't wait to leave this shitdump. Everybody here is a chink or a poo. The memes are fucking real.
>I don't see why a cheap building should look like shit.
more like...
>inb4 I want candy from shit
I used to work for one Australian company for a very long period of time and asked them few times if I could get a working visa and shit... And they refused all the time and invited chinese instead. Over 3 years span they invited 5 chinks. On the 4th year they just fired me. What is it with Aussie's love for chinks? Or is that your government's shenanigans?