Why are fast cars redpilled

What is it about cars in particular fast/powerful cars that makes the majority of the people that are into them red-pilled/right-wing. The majority of car guys ive met have been almost exclusively right wing.

Is it that right-wingers are naturally draw to them because they are powerful machines that require high intellect and understanding of complex systems to create or are s-o-y bois just to scared to get behind the wheel of something that can easily rip your throat out lmao


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It's mostly a manly thing

The fuck? The only people I've seen who are into that are spics and boomers with too much money on their hands. Hint: you're still gonna drive the thing at the same speed as everyone else. MUH FAST CARS VROOM VROOM! fucking retarded, least redpulled thing I've ever heard

spoken like a true incel who has never been behind the wheel of a powerful car. pic related is my car, every time i drive it im practically doubling the limit with the exception of built up areas, the engine practically begs you to abuse it. it's like the perfect gf really, only it doesin't complain

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I never heard fast cars were red pilled? Sounds like more Hollywood bullshit. No secretly weaponizing your vehicle is red pilled.

it's impractical bougie bullshit for people that have the extra space in the garage, the time and money to maintain it, and the money to buy it in the first place. An actually redpilled vehicle is a truck that provides utility and value instead of making your cock hard because VROOM VROOM WHEEEEEEE treating public roads like your personal racetrack, fuck you.

the full 007 machine guns in hood? i can buy into that lmao

>physical representation of usury that can kill you in an instant
Set yourself on fire inside and save us all the trouble

Based af