Christmas spirit in berlin, germany

christmas spirit in berlin, germany

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>having to spend tens of thousands of dollars in order to engage in your own cultural traditions in your own ancestral homeland because your shitty government allowed muslims in for no fucking reason

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are those the ashes of the 6 million?

Danke Merkel

Attached: weihnachten-weihnachtsmarkt-mit-bunt-angemalten-merkellegos.jpg (1200x675, 198K)

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what if they use a motorbike?

Then you are a Nazi Pole.

>no reason
But they would have been called Nazi again if they hadn't !

Have you seen them fly?

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Dont worry eventualily christmas will be cancelled all together in europe

But I still like christmas, it gives me a chance to post Christmas Merkel pics.

Attached: merkel-weihnachten-advent-vorbereitungen-auf-weihnachten-mit-bügeleisen.jpg (992x607, 105K)

who the fuck irons wrapping paper?

Australia does this too

translation please

I did 2 years of german but I can't understand shit.

Why did they paint these on the ground

are those ridges so no one sits on them?

Stingy people who want to reuse the wrapping paper from gifts they got in the previous year.

It's Merkel LEGO.

It clearly states that traps are not gay and boypucci is best.

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>mehr Farbe
Just fucking end your pathetic excuse of a country

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Lol, fucking pussies

Who the fuck doesn't? Why don't you just hand the presents in a trash bag if you don't care?

Good thing
Atheism is the future.

It took me a minute to figure this out, goodbye Europe

Why do you think it's called Merkel Lego?

They are concrete blocks that are meant to prevent crazy muslims in stolen trucks running over all the people at the Christmas Market (it doesn't really work)

The ridges make them stackable (just like Lego bricks) and the paint job makes them look more friendly.

Happy Hannukah!

It's against islamist terror trucks of massmurder

>painting "mehr farbe" (more colors) on Merkel Lego
that's macabre beyond belief
it's like giving a stabbing victim a band aid which states "more knives"

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Nice Wallahi, btw Germany is just the china of Europe. So who cares if they get raped out of existence by the Turkic Mongoloid migrants , they're better off extinct imo.

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They replaced Satan with Winterman and they beckon every nigger and muslim to go on a killing spree there and also hopefully dip their black mambas in some vanilla vagene.
Also the Winterman is interested in their kids.

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I agree paint looks shitty. Was probably done by idiots and they should have put some sheeting down

The view is even better on eye level
Looks like a concentration camp for evil white Germans

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Lmao, the Turks really are something special. I can't believe they cucked the sissy white germans into building road blocks.

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its fucking sad

Note that this is the Berlin No-Budget-Version of Merkel lego: Huge Plastic Big Bags filled with sand from the outskirts of Berlin.

They Communist city government in Berlin can't afford proper concrete bricks.

>diversity blocks are back

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>Cuck cage

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what am i looking at here? why are bags of dirt locked in cages?

Damn I love those!

Gut Nacht Germany or git gud

Diversity is so great that it requires 12-foot sand barriers and men with machine guns on every corner to protect you from it.

to stop Trucks of Peace from running Europeans over in what has become an annual festivity

Two star of david
One cross.

>stars of remphan along with the christian cross
so this is the unification of all religions that the NWO speak off

I think whether to go to Germany on this New Year's Eve to see if it really is as bad as they say.
It's Good or bad idea ? Any suggestions from Krauts ?

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what the actual fuck!

Because they’re dangerous

I know. I live here. My parents and I meet there every year after doing our Christmas shopping to have some Glühwein and Jagertee. Last year the city council at least tried and put concrete blocked everywhere (not that those would've been more effective)

that's white sand, it belongs in a cage.

looks like they dont prevent shit, that truck moshed right through with out even a struggle

>diversity is (((our))) strength
And it requires 4000lb barriers to stop it from crushing you.

in some cities in canada its already frowned upon to say "merry christmas" instead you must say "merry holiday" because wishing someone a good "christmas" is imposing religious beliefs on them and can be seen as a micro-aggression (reportable offense)

so ya you're right, not long before christmas will be cancelled

To make sure no racist white supremacist Germans drive a truck into a crowd of people

You know Christmas time is coming when you can repost the good old Truck of Tolerance meme.

Attached: truck-of-tolerance-meme.png (735x655, 466K)

>mehr Farbe
wow, that is very disturbing to write there

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Go to any train station in the Ruhrgebiet (Cologne, maybe Düsseldorf, hard to tell in advance where our high-skilled asylum seekers will decide to meet up on that particular day) and watch the show. It's redpilling, but definitely not fun.

Just bring about 10 Polish mates and you'll be alright. Just be sure to show you're Polish; rapefugees don't mess with people who bleed vodka and will fuck them up in an instant.

Is the sand meant for covering the blood afterwards so the next truck of peace does not skid?

Every time

What if you say "Merry Holiday" to a Chistian tranny while using her preferred pronoun?

What bothers me the most about all of this is that we Americans used to visit Europe to escape from this kind of shit from the orcs. Now you have it, too. Going to Europe is no different from going to New York City now. Everything feels evil, disjointed, unsafe.

A bot head explodes.

My sides

>for no fucking reason
The reason are the votes my friend. And cheap labor for the companies.

The sooner Germans die out, the better.

No, it's to stop the gasoline and oil dripping out of the truck wreck from polluting the environment

How do they decide where to meet up for mass rape? Do they have an app for that?

Cologne has been in the news in Germany right? So it's not like your women don't know what they're signing up for.

ISLAM IS A RELIGION OF kek i cant do it

>hard to tell in advance where our high-skilled asylum seekers will decide to meet up on that particular day) and watch the show.

wait you watch it ? thats sick

The absolute state

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LOL. Hans - at least they'll never take away your sense of humor.

Women are retarded and have no concept of cause and effect. They shill for the importation of millions of hostile surplus males, expect the state to protect them from the orcs, then tell the state they're racist for protecting them from the orcs. So they get raped, then they blame white men for "toxic masculinity" when white men didn't rape them. When the mass-rapes in Cologne happened, a Russian bouncer protected a bunch of white girls who came scrambling to him for protection, which he gave. He appeared on a TV interview giving his account. He was later fired because other white women called into his work and called him racist.

Yes, they use chat apps. Facebook is also still popular among them. The way it worked last year for New Years Eve was that the police monitored their chats and the movements of big groups at train stations and even started diverting trains to make sure they can't form a big zombie rapefugee swarm at one of the Ruhrgebiet stations and are more dispersed.

Still, my bet would be that they try to all meet up in Cologne again. It's the place with the most rapefugee tradition since 2015 and also has a big new Turkish mosque to visit.

>German send a Pole on Train station
>Fuck you ! I will not be fooled for the second time XDDD
Refugees are mostly in, high developed areas or maybe villages ?

>Just be sure to show you're Polish
White socks and sandals will do the trick XD
Really they are afraid of slavs ?

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The Polish guy from further above wanted to watch. I spent one of the recent New Years Eves in Nazi-stronghold Dresden but even there you could see the rapefugee retards gathering around the central station in small groups starting from 9pm.

>(reportable offense)
Hahaha fantastic. I'm genuinely delighted your country is becoming such a difficult cunt of a place to live in. You dickheads deserve nothing less.

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At least they're using sandbags and not feelgood concrete projectiles

To be honest I wouldn't be surprised if that's at least one of the reasons they use sand
It's all so tiresome

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The irony is that these bags of sand 100% are more effective than the expensive concrete blocks.

>They are concrete blocks
What is the sand in the bags inside the mesh wire?

>And cheap labor for the companies.
Which will soon be automated

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Yeah, the Wiener Platz was the drug hotspots here until they send more police there to deal with them

a not only cheaper but more efficient way of stopping vehicles.

that's how it stays? my god, how depressing. they can't even put some sort of banner around it?!?

If you have a Bahncard 100 you can even take a shower at the "DB Lounge" in the major stations. You should try it! :D

Refugees and migrants in general are concentrated in the most populous cities: Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, Cologne, Frankfurt

They try to escape the small villages in the rural areas as fast as possible, which makes New Years Eve very quiet there.


fire the polish guy who painted those

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Motorbike of peace is not very effective at killing infidels

Islam is a religion of piss

german engineering

>a not only cheaper but more efficient way of stopping vehicles.
That's crazy that they have to do this now.

Note that the stall next to this multireligious building sells "Pekingente" (i.e. "Chinese style duck"). That's how bad it is here.

it's better to not know, there's only so much a man should have to suffer

>That's how bad it is here.
Radical measures will only be effective at this point.

I watched a youtube video the other day advising me not to visit Germany for a holiday because you may as well visit an arab country and experience arab culture and food instead and that is sad.

the guy at 1:02 is having none of this shit