The main difference between Italian and greeks

Actually Byzantine were too dark to be considered white, so modern Greeks are not white.
Furthermore Byzantine has forced white pagan Italians to convert to Christianity, an other proof that Greeks are more similar to middle Eastern people than europeans.

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kys retarded p*g*n

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It's the Rom as n Empire. Byzantine is a modern term used by insecure western historians.

Muh yeshua

Nice one kike, try telling that to a real Italian now and see what he says.

Actuallity I'm a real Italian
>Green eyes
>High stature
>fairy skin
>Same face of Roman statues
Other shitskins are mixed with l*v*nt*n* shitskins and actually not real Italian.
My family keeped the purity of Roman blood

Imagine being so uneducated that you do not know that only colors Byzantines used were
Royal red
Heavenly blue
Golden yellow

>Same face of Roman statues
Not hard to imagine low iq boomer

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Mhu face more look like this

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fuck off faggot ,neither us nor greeks are white and we are proud od that

Looks like a ADHD kid, saged

Byzantines were jews

l'Impero romano d'oriente ha tradito la parte occidentale obbligandola a cristianizzarsi quando la popolazione originariamente seguiva la via romana agli dei. Quindi quel frocio di Teodosio ci ha pugnalato alle spalle. Inoltre è da aggiungere che se sei basso e scuro probabilmente non discendi dai Romani ma da immigrati levantini

Praticamente si

Nobody is white in Europe so stop with your bullshit.

Don't tell bullshit gipsy

Bippity boopity boppity youra nota whitey!

>Not white

I am not i*talian now stop shitting this board with your WN.

>Greeks aren't white
>As told by a Greek living a little more to the west

The best part is Americans are whiter than the average Italian.

Ancient Greeks were white, but majority of modern Greeks no

Italians were white never. You are the same thing than rest of mediterraneans: mixture between Europeans and northern Africa people.

I don't look like the average Italian, I'm pale, tall and with green eyes and my hair are not black but brown. Mhu brother is blonde and mhu father has blue eyes.

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in italian terms its very tanned

Read my somatic traits ignorant

Actually I can't sunbathing

because you are already tanned just like niggers cant tan

And most important, I'm nordo-med and not m*diterranean

A my photo.(I'm the guy on the right)

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why do you post face pic of yourself retard and you look whiter than avg italian

Oh fuck

>this is are the people that call you a gypsy or non white

i don't know who of the two ones are ugliest

The blonde guy is a my friend that respect everyone, don't drag him in our bullshit

Also serious question are you two lovers? Because I cant sense a gram of testosterone between the two of you.

you fucking moron. probably a kike too.

No, we are eterosexual

What is this some kind of a new lgbt thing? Like pan sexual or whatnot.

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Actually all this was a great troll and you have took the bait

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>che se sei basso
>In che modo infatti pochi Romani avrebbero potuto vincere contro l’orda dei Galli? Cosa avrebbero mai potuto osare con la loro piccola statura contro gli alti Germani?
Cesare dice più o meno la stessa cosa dei Galli che perculavano i legionari perché troppo bassi

Pic related

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