The goy are rattling up HIT THE BREAKS!!!!!!

Attached: Europe must curb immigration to stop rightwing populists.png (645x1311, 209K)

I'm scared guise

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>it was all refugee's fault i lost, fucking shitskins

realizing (((their))) mistake

whites aren't the docile sheep they thought we were

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They would need to start reporting them to stop it now. To late.


this stupid cunt and Obama caused this when they fucked up Egypt, Libya and Syria

Nah their job is done. Now all they have to do is wait 1-2 generations until the roaches multiply with 6to12 kids.
Shit is gonna make Gremlins look like a fucking joke.

Remember seen old videos from 2002 where Ron called all of this before it started.

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I foresee race war before Europe is completely lost. This country is a fucking powder keg waiting for a spark. My 88 yo grand-dad said this is the worst race relations he's seen in all his years and he was around for Jim Crow segregation.