The pirate Blackbeard died today. Say something nice about him

The pirate Blackbeard died today. Say something nice about him.

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Fuck my ass, he must've been old

Ocean nigger

Ocean alpha*


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Was he jewish?

Old world kike who charged at the pi rate
Like the banks of river, always control the flow. Happy thanksgiving homos.

>guns only shoot once
>carry 10 backups
Need I say more

No, he was Welsh.

Nice beard, Eddie.


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His friend israel hands who sold him out might have been

when u cud jus smoke ur hair ayyy

What a hothead. Get him out of here

The rest of Maynard's men then burst from the hold, shouting and firing. The plan to surprise Teach and his crew worked; the pirates were apparently taken aback at the assault. Teach rallied his men and the two groups fought across the deck, which was already slick with blood from those killed or injured by Teach's broadside. Maynard and Teach fired their flintlocks at each other, then threw them away. Teach drew his cutlass and managed to break Maynard's sword. Against superior training and a slight advantage in numbers, the pirates were pushed back toward the bow, allowing the Jane's crew to surround Maynard and Teach, who was by then completely isolated.[83] As Maynard drew back to fire once again, Teach moved in to attack him, but was slashed across the neck by one of Maynard's men. Badly wounded, he was then attacked and killed by several more of Maynard's crew. The remaining pirates quickly surrendered. Those left on the Adventure were captured by the Ranger's crew, including one who planned to set fire to the powder room and blow up the ship. Varying accounts exist of the battle's list of casualties; Maynard reported that 8 of his men and 12 pirates were killed. Brand reported that 10 pirates and 11 of Maynard's men were killed. Spotswood claimed ten pirates and ten of the King's men dead.[84]

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he attacked british and spanish ships
he was stealing from the jews

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He stole from the jews and had awesome style.

he drinks damnation

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>drank rum with gunpowder
>tied slow burning matches or hemp to the ends of his beard and under his captain's hat, so that smoke billowed out and around his face, striking terror into the heart of his victims
>tfw you will never be this badass

>The pirate Blackbeard died today. Say something nice about him.

He wuz a good boy and dindu nuffin' wrong.

We just need mo' money fo' dem colonial settlements.

>didnt even kill the crew
top lad

>he attacked british and spanish ships
>spanish ships
Nobody fucked around with the Spaniards. Thatch never attacked a major Spanish ship, there's only guesses of him capturing a small Spanish vessel (lol). Everyone was BTFO'd by the Spanish Empire at the time.

>he was stealing from the jews
The Spaniards executed (Spanish Inquisition) and expelled the Jews (at least those who didn't transform to Christianity or were still suspected of being crypto-Jews), read this: "(...) great harm suffered by Christians from the contact, intercourse and communication which they have with the Jews, who always attempt in various ways to seduce faithful Christians from our Holy Catholic Faith." [1]
Part of the gold they got from the Americas was for the decorating of churches.

The Spanish Empire was based af.

[1] Kamen, Henry (1998). The Spanish Inquisition: a Historical Revision. Yale University Press. (pag 20).

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Farewell and adieu to you, Spanish Ladies

>invincible armada
>loses at its first battle

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