In 2010 the WSJ put this out to criticize Obama’s tax plan

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What about the din do nuffin?

yeah that's totally the average income in America. goes to show these fuckers have NO idea

>the upper 10% is all Americans

They should drop one 0 everywhere.

Top 33% = 65k/year
Top 25% = 80k/year
Top 20% = 91k/year
Top 15% = 100k/year
Top 10% = 118k/year
Top 5% = 166k/year
Top 3% = 200k/year
Top 1.5% = 250k/ear
Top 0.1% = 1.6m/year

Top 33% = 37.5k/year
Top 25% = 47.5k/year
Top 20% = 52.5k/year
Top 15% = 62.5k/year
Top 10% = 75k/year
Top 5% = 100k/year

Attached: 1536974781944.jpg (683x1024, 131K)

wtf i like republicans now

Attached: 1542139888330.jpg (256x256, 11K)

Who makes that much money?

Top 5% up in this bitch. What are all you poor, broke motherfuckers doing this morning?

reading you dreaming out loud. and calling you a fag, fag

and solving captcha's like a mothefucking boss.


Attached: 1542900477616aa.jpg (959x632, 288K)


Kekked and checked

It's all so obvious now

He's likely an engineer if he's talking about individual income. High engineering salaries are easy to come by here in the States.

260k/yr in America is taxed less than me making ~100k in Canada.
Convert cad to usd at .75 and it’s worse.
I pay more tax on 75usd than Americans do on 260.

Well done. Nice HH too.

Man, 2010 was like living in a different world with regards to media
>single mother has white kids
>no gay/trans couples
>actual black couple instead of black male white female
>an actual all white family is shown

You've gotta make sure all those illiterate immigrants get housing, healthcare, and food, man. That's YOUR responsibility

It wouldn't be progressive to show a monochromatic couple

The infection spread fast. Social media and instant access.