Muricans are weird

Why have so many police forces in every town?
Normal police, port police, transport police, guns booze and smokes police, border police, inmigration police, college police.
It's insanity!

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Have just 1 or 2 police forces ffs, like normal countries do

i dont know what you're talking about. all i see are local and state police

Because we're the best country in the world motherfucker.

there's also the cyber police

Lol the beaner is telling us to be a normal country. Shut up you filthy beaner, before we destabilize your very existence some more.

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a multicultural society is a low trust society

Who cares?
post cop cars.

Attached: HSV-GTS-Police-car-4.jpg (938x643, 77K)

Most people have their municipal police force, and a county sheriff's office. It's a legacy of when we used to have an actual federal government with states' rights.

About that, state cops, county cops, metro cops, town cops, city cops, highway cops, park cops, parking cops, OMG THIS IS SO WEIRD