/cic/ Canada is COLLAPSING part 833 - RURR 74% WHITE Edition

This is a Canadian classroom. Notice anything?

Attached: toronto classroom.jpg (2048x1536, 766K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Canada was 53% White in 2016 and will be 49% White by 2019

Attached: le 53% wiki.png (510x580, 80K)

>Notice anything?
Canada is fucked lol

The fastest genocide in peacetime history. Satan confirms.

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Is that Flavor Flav?

Satan illuminates the genocide with the glow of his pizza

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good catch moshe

Attached: flava flav.jpg (1280x720, 52K)

Canada is a 3rd world shithole. This pathetic country has a fuckton of natural resources enough to make every citizen a fucking millionaire, yet it's too stupid to fucking build pipelines to sea and thus is forced to sell oil at a steep loss at $7 a barrel (yes Canada can only get $7 for its oil because the USA is the sole customer). A physical metal barrel is worth 3 times than a barrel of actual leaf oil.

The average productive intelligent White male flees the shithole the instant he possibly can to the USA where being successful and making is respected, not fucking viewed as shameful in Canada. How pathetic is that?

Canada's immigration policy literally excludes White Straight Males, it's called Gender Based Analysis Plus, look it up. Canada is now officially 49% White from 98% in 1980. Thus 99% of immigrants to Canada are illiterate shitskins for failed hellhole states and are given $10000 a month because Canadians are natural pathetic cuckolds too nice to speak up. Now the fucking Somali citizen who is Canada's immigration minister (yes a fucking SHITSKIN SOMALI MUSLIM) wants to start importing MORE shitskins, 350,000 a year. That doesn't count the Labour Mobility Class, Temporary Foreign Workers, Foreign Students etc- well over 1,000,000 shitskins a year.
>but muh wealthy immigrants
The Investor class was abolished in 2012 and there are no plans. Every single shitskin is poor.

Now let's look at the standard of living. Leafs have to wait years for basic surgeries, leafs have to pay $70/kg for fucking cheese, $14/gallon for milk and $35/kg for chicken. These are actual prices from Toronto, and Canada is a net exporter of food-- it exports the very same $35/kg to the states but they only pay $3/kg. Leafs are forced to pay these prices because the Italian Mafia literally runs the Cheesa Nostra, The Milk Mafia and the Meat Mafia in Canada.

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Attached: LEAF-$7-CUCKOIL.jpg (610x912, 265K)

6.4 million leafs recently admitted they only eat meat once a week because they can't afford it. The national propaganda machine CBC is trying to spin it that it is because of lifestyle choices - just read the comments to see how every single response is 'BULLSHIT LOL WE CAN'T AFFORD IT'.


>There's a new reason to ask, "where's the beef?"
>The results of a recent study undertaken by the University of Guelph and Dalhousie University show that Canadians are reducing the meat in their diet—and restaurants are responding.

he numbers are revealing. While 82 per cent of Canadians said they eat meat, the study also showed that 6.4 million of us have reduced or eliminated meat consumption.

>Women are more likely than men to limit or eliminate their meat intake and more likely to replace it with other proteins.
>Ontarians are most likely to already be eating less meat, according to the survey. Atlantic Canada less likely.
>Age plays a role: 63 percent of respondents describing themselves as vegans were under age 38.

>Restaurants, both national chains and independents, have certainly noticed their customers' interest in eating more plant-based food and less meat. The success of A&W's "Beyond Meat" plant-based "hamburger" meant that it sold out quickly, and this past summer, Beyond Meat was in fact outselling its popular Teenburger.

Meat is so expensive fast food chains are replacing beef with tofu

Attached: food sadist cgdf hung drawn quartered.jpg (5000x5000, 3.97M)

>Sup my dude and dudettes, check out these rad steak prices

Attached: $50kg-steak-selfdeau-approved.png (932x900, 1.17M)

>$39 for some chicken my dude

Attached: $39-chicken-trudeau-approved.jpg (2976x1890, 2.14M)

>$14/gallon for some milk my dude

Attached: $14gallon-milk.jpg (1200x1600, 959K)

The Trailer Park boys meat heists weren't satire. Organized Meat Theft is an epidemic in Canada

>He left his friend waiting in the car at the main entrance of Dollar’s Your Independent Grocer. Shopping list in hand, he went directly to the meat section. There, he quickly loaded a couple hundred dollars worth of items–six T-bone steaks, a prime rib roast–into one of the reusable shopping bags so popular nowadays.

>Bypassing the cashiers, he hit the exit doors at a brisk pace–though not so fast as to attract unwanted attention–quickly slipped into the waiting car and disappeared into traffic. Elapsed time: Perhaps two minutes.

>Professional thieves aren’t just well organized, their footmen are also remarkably fast and efficient. A retail theft expert in Chicago recently estimated that one professional thief, or “booster” is equivalent to four or five amateur shoplifters. Dollar says that some thieves get in and out of his store in 30 seconds. It’s common for these pro bandits to make off with $300 to $400 worth of merchandise in a single heist, adds Richard Hampel, a detective constable with the North Bay police, who worked with Dollar and his fellow grocers to combat the thieves.

>Meat is a particularly attractive target. It commands a high street price and in many cases doesn’t feature a UPC code that enables it to be traced. Hampel says that thieves sometimes sell the stolen merchandise from their home or take it to local drug dealers in exchange for cocaine. In some cases, goods make their way through a sophisticated network of fencing channels.


In Canada, 6 T-Bone steaks and a roast cost $300-400. In Canada, cocaine dealers accept steak, meat and cold cuts as payment. This is no joke. Organized Cheese Robberies are common with the police reporting the types of cheese stolen and the quantity down to 100 grams.

Attached: leaf meat heist.png (624x352, 385K)

Here is Trudeau taking a selfie at Auschwitz

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In Canada, police release the names of the cheeses and the amounts stolen down to 100 grams.

>Police released a long list of the stolen cheeses that includes two 3.2 kilogram blocks of havarti, five wheels of gouda, 18 kilograms of cheese curds, more than 30 kilograms of cheddar, and 10 kilograms of sizzling hot jalapeno.

Investigators are seeking the public's assistance. Const. Ed Sanchuk says someone in the community will have information that will assist police with this investigation.


Attached: trudeau selfie 6.jpg (700x467, 93K)

>Zoom zoom my dude, check out this $46 roast ayyy LMAO

Attached: $44-roast-selfdeau.jpg (936x857, 420K)

Have a bump

Here is what $75 buys you in Canada vs the USA. The equivalent meat in Canada would cost $680 in Canada. It is no wonder cocaine dealers in Canada accept steak as payment

Attached: 75 usa 75 canada.png (2352x1105, 2.59M)

Have a Putin-Medvedev happy tea time

Attached: putin medvedev happy teatime.jpg (1116x901, 84K)

More like the opposite of collapsing.

Canada is educating the future leaders of tomorrow. America is on the decline, Canada is embracing the that future is female and anything but white.

Canada needs more immigrant. Just not white ones. Becasue racist.

Nice duck.

Canada let in 1.5 million 3rd world shitskins in 2015. That's 4% of the population.


>As of December 31, 2015, citizens from 149 countries and territories required temporary resident visas to visit Canada. In 2015, IRCC processed applications (new and extensions) from 1,588,590 persons seeking temporary resident visas to come to Canada, 82.3% of which were approved. IRCC continued to be successful in promoting the use of multiple-entry visas, which are valid for up to 10 years and allow applicants from visa-required countries to travel to Canada more frequently and on their own schedules. In 2015, a total of 1,231,041 multiple-entry visas were issued, which was a 21% increase from 2014. Effective February 6, 2014, a policy change automatically considered visitors to Canada eligible for a multiple-entry visa. IRCC also introduced a single fee for the processing of a temporary resident visa applicable to both single-entry and multiple-entry applications.


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Late 1990s:

>White European Canadians were a 90%+ majority until the 2000s and Canada was conservative, no LGBTQ+ bullshit
>All of a sudden, start seeing Africans, Muslims, Pakis, Chinks, etc everywhere
>Multiculturalism expands to hyper levels, every school/university/work place/government agency starts ramming diversity down our throats
>House prices start accelerating
>Wages start decreasing

Fast Forward 2017

>Toronto 30% white
>Vancouver Syrian Refugees 24/7 on TV/news
>White people can't find work, it's all non-whites getting jobs
>Average house price is $1M+ while salaries are 50K-60K max
>Refugees driving BMW and Mercedes
>Most Universities have non-white majorities
>White Europeans down to 65-68%
>Whites will be Nobody really knows why this is happening so fast, government always touts (((250-300k))) "reasonable" immigration a year
>But nobody has ever heard of a white person immigrating in the last 20 years


>Turns out Canada is letting in 750K on permanent residency a year via various immigration schemes not publicized
>Canada lets in 1.2M a year on "temporary immigration" that's 10 year work/live visas that lead to citizenship that aren't even counted in public statistics
>Turns out secret GBA+ (Gender Based Analysis Plus) program is forced down every government decision maker including immigration officers to discriminate against straight whites
>Turns out 97% of immigrants are poor non-whites
>Turns out there is a secret organization called the Metropolis Project that holds an annual conference of 1,000+ government bureaucrats with the sole objective of letting in as many poor non-white migrants a year
>Turns out this organization started in 1998, around the time of the change
>Turns out George Soros started and funded the Metropolis Project through his Open Societies Foundation
>Government passed M-103 anti-Islamophobia motion, setting road to criminalize any criticism of migration policy

You are here.

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i have 0 food in my house, going grocery shopping soon, pray for me boys.

any donations welcome:
BTC: 3BMEXXKEVhG2HGB3UDjt7nwQ8b6odbJ7b3

Can you take pictures of the in-store prices?

Attached: nunavut huawei.png (1532x1184, 1.18M)

All complete crap. Here's Canada's actual demo. A white person can identify as a European or a Canadian.

Attached: Canada demographics.png (358x725, 26K)

Pl-pl-please join my shill threas

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Can you get steamrolled by Russia?

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yeah in about 4 hours I can take pics. I have to work for now.

>Biggest city in Canada

Literally a minority containment center along with Hongcouver. Why don't you post any other towns statistics?

Attached: Polishhaitian.png (500x562, 524K)

Yeah, I can confirm with an in store pic.

Attached: IMG_20180908_092635263.jpg (3264x2448, 940K)

just tossed you 0.026 Bitcoin/$150 CAD. maybe you can find a some irregular chicken legs and necks for sale. godspeed.

also, taking pics can be greater than 3MB which makes phone uploading impossible.

this is an american classroom, notice anything?

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Don't be a faggot and feed this retards ego. It's a troll, never feed a troll. Just laugh at his 12,000 a year Janitor wage.

Attached: GDP.png (787x474, 30K)

you know, you can lower the resolution on your camera.............

thx user, that will barely cover it, if it is on sale.

Otherwise, i'd be starving for another week.


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Wow, a Canadian will never experience the joy of eating affordable meat.

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Canada is more based with each passing day. Loving this timeline.

Its actually -27°C here. Welcome.

This is now a euroweek thread. Polish edition.

Attached: Euroweek.jpg (225x225, 8K)

canada is doing great economically. our interest rates are going up side by side with America without us deregulating everything

Canadians are very lucky people

>thx user, that will barely cover it, if it is on sale.
>Otherwise, i'd be starving for another week.

Polish teen is absolutely soaked from this photo.

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I recommend the free run chicken feet. Chicken feet always taste best when they have bunions.

Attached: $5:kg chicken feet.jpg (701x898, 90K)

Like I've been saying, poultry is dirt cheap here. Check out these chicken thighs.

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She's blushing, she wants that minority cock. Polish women loooooooooooooooooooooooooove foreign dick.

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This crouching Trudeau is amazin.


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I'm literally about to falsify a resume, then apply for TEMP jobs because they don't check for references, then hope the employers like me enough to forgo the reference check if i were to get permanently hired. just shitposting on pol until the coffee kicks in to do its work.

Some more Polish euro sweeties, they can't keep their hand of colored men.

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>falsifies resume but still shoots for the gutter

It may be your fault for being a failure. Just saying, resume falsifications happen all the time especially in bigger positions. That shits an art.

Dude, nobody's paying you any attention and I'm not giving you anymore (You)'s.

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I’m paying attention

Now i can enjoy it.

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Look at how malleable she is to a foreigner, Polish women are like clay to mold to them. They can't stop touching them for a moment.

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They're so damn obvious anymore. Are they even trying?

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yeah? how the fuck do you escape the reference check.

Just found out you have 10 million mixed race in your country, that's 33% of the Canadian Population. Just FYI.

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Use friends in high places or work your way up to a good position.


brown people are disgusting

>They're shills

Every time. You're an NPC Tyrone Miguel Hernandez.

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Its was all white in 1995 when i moved here. We had like two black kids, a couple chinese kids, and the rest were "white".

By white i mean like English, Greek, Serbs, what ever next europeans...

I went to my HS (leaside); which is in a WASP neighborhood. Literally did not see a single whity.

maybe if it is a small mom and pops shop without HR resources. Big companies will call the other companies directly and ask if you have worked there. There is a form they get sent with your sin number, birth date, name, dates of employment. i'm sorry but do you have any experience bullshitting a resume?

It's forced population replacement. Literal White Genocide. Do you know about Gender Based Analysis Plus?

Attached: gba+ cert.png (1688x1192, 301K)

I'm actually leaving this country in the next couple years because of the absurd situation.

I went to university, and all i can get is minimum wage. Prior to university i was a "working class", after university i'm in the "unemployed underclass".

Got a degree in chemistry... people tell me to make drugs, but i'm not falling for the "go to jail" jew card.

That would $12-20 here

Don't forget credit checks which are mandatory in Canada. Also, Whites are automatically rejected while Mohammeds, Abduls, Xirs are hired immediatly.

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Based in-store prices user!
Don't ever stop, these threads are hilarious.

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where are you leaving to? similar position but engineering.

I was suspecting it. I came to the conclusion that they want to breed a mix race population with a socially engineered identity. Someone without roots is easier to manipulate. They are creating an "international" citizen of the world.

From talking to mix race people, i'm under the impression that they hate whites and want to see more mix race people.

Also, all this tolerance shit is garbage. You don't tolerate someone raping you.

But I thought Canada had STEM labour shortages that all the illiterate 3rd worlders can fill?

What a joke. Go to the USA, a million pharma and chemical companies will hire you in an instant. Or go do a free PhD in Switzerland, they'll actually pay you around 50K Francs and you'll have a PhD in 3-4 years and have experience at a big pharma company in Switzerland, like Roche, and a ticket to a 150K+ Franc/year job.

Or you can try to get a job as a trader/analyst at one of the Swiss energy commodity trading shops... are you familiar with Parafins, Olefins, Napthenes and Aromatics?

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I believe it. I can't find the pic I wanted to post ATM.

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Wrong. I got a bank job by knowing someone on the inside and they called references from all data entry jobs that aren’t even a big deal. Put some effort into it you whino.

>Got a degree in chemistry
If you have an undergrad, get an education/teaching certificate and teach high school chemistry.
You need a post-graduate degree to nail a good job in pharma.
>t. Sister works for big pharma

Don't forget CBC made a 'beige horizon' where they make fun of White Genocide


Little Half Indian Half Kike manlet had a mental breakdown after people threatened to genocide him

Attached: beige horizon cbc.png (1370x1186, 1.41M)

So my friend Serbian cousin tried to come here on a tourist visa. She had no reason to move here because her familly is loaded; like they have a couple appartments, and a couple houses in Serbia. They rejected her because "she might claim refugee status".

Of course when an elderly Indian woman applies, they let her in. Then their family disown her, and she endups on welfare...

Also, me mates dad lives in subsidized housing. His Indian neighbor drives a BMW. Turns out he drives his cousins cab when he's not wirking, without being registered. These Indians are 'clever'...

Going back to Russia. I feel discriminated^2 in this country. And all i wanted to do was work a science job and contribute to a brighter future for all of us.

Literally, what a dope i was.

We don't have that problem here. All of ours have jobs. I really don't have a problem with them. I don't know what the hell part of India yours came from.

My friend worked for the CBC. He said that before working there he thought that they dumbed things down. After working there he said that they are actually that dumb.

In Canada if you dont conform, youre austresized; however polightly it may be.

Fuck that shit. I'm fucking off to Russia, buying land and having a familly.

There is nothing more important that raising kids and educating them yourself.

Working for the Pharma jew and be complacent in the chemical genocide of my people is not for me.

Every immigration officer has to apply to apply Gender Based Analysis Plus (GBA+) when making any immigration decision.

GBA+ is a Soros OSF program that was incorporated into Citizenship and Immigration Canada from the Metropolis project.

GBA+ requires every immigration officer to write up a GBA+ analysis, taking into account a persons age, gender identity, sexual orientation, ability, social status, geography, etc and if they are "privileged" in any way they must be rejected. Hence why any White person is immediately denied a VISA to Canada and always rejected immigration status.

Here is a lengthier thread on it, it's one of the biggest secrets of Canada's White Genocide program. In fact, every immigration decision must be kept on file for 10+ years and anyone in the Privy Council can audit any immigration officers decisions to see if GBA+ is being implemented, they are immediately fired if they fail to follow GBA+ protocol.


Attached: GBA+2.png (1536x2048, 474K)

I don't want to work for wage. Also teaching a bunch of stinky niggers, chinks and so on... not for me.

I cant bring myself to contribute to this country, so that a bunch of undeserving immigrants live off my tax, while i cant find a normal woman, or even if i do settle down here live in fear that she's going to fuck me, take my kids, and raise them to be littel faggots.

same man.

its not just you, this shit country tricked a lot of people into immigrating.


You're Russian, speak English and have a Chemistry degree. You have a job at Gazprom/Gunvor at the snap of a finger...

also speak French; because i live in Canada and embraced its culture. I was even planning on having a comfy Canadian family, with a cottage and all.


Its the same when you go and see a social worker. This woman I know lost her job, and she went in to get money for education. The philipino social worker basically told her that she's a scammer, and the socials workers philipino supervisor backed her up. Through a friend we found her a white social worker, who actually helped her out, and that white social worker was like "yeah, i know, its pretty bad".

Also know this Philippine girl, turns out her entire extended family lives in the same subsidized housing building; like 30+ people This bitch moved out with her white boyfriend, and was renting out her government apartment to people.

And i'm expected to work in this country?

Attached: trudeau.png (56x157, 13K)

Don't forget if you teach your kids anything "alt right" they can come forcibly kidnap your kids and place them in tranny SJW pedophile homes. Children Aid Societies are all run by SJW tranny pedophiles in Canada with 0 government oversight (they're private corporations) who can kidnap anyones kids and you will never see them again.

Attached: Bill 89 Cuckery.png (1920x1300, 2.66M)

Also if Jr at age 13 comes home one day and says she's a Xir and wants to grow breasts and chop off his dick, if you don't support him and let him do that then they can come and take him away and place him in a gay SJW tranny pedophile home where they will cut off his dick.

In fact if you tell your kids the Easter Bunny isn't real they can take your kids away.
>pic related

Attached: easter bunny canada.png (984x1601, 1.06M)

Here is Canada's Immigration Minister, a Somali Muslim Citizen, advocating for Female Genital Mutilation


Fun fact: FGM is not illegal in Canada and Muslim doctors are allowed to perform it.

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>beige horizon
Generation Zyklon will save us. They are growing up in a much worse environment than we did. I think they will reach a breaking point where they wake up and it will be a rude awakening for the kikels

Unless you're Muslim. Because they have a community that will literally tare down anyone who takes their kids.

Whites/Canadiens are divided and isolated. And when people are isolated, they are easy targets for both physical and psychological abuse.

Its not even "alt right"... i know enough good hearted, honest, and even "coloured" Canadians who had their kids stolen by the CPS. Its like if you're in any way not conforming to the social consensus, gives them a reason to investigate you. And the police/social services step over all your rights, and claim you're resisting if you standup for yourself; which just makes the case look even worse.

Go to a bar and talk to dudes who are in their late 40's. I've talked to so many good, honest Canadiens. I cant say the same thing about the people i went to school with. They are afraid of guns, and pretty much anything real.

I got rediculed and shamed for posting pictures of how i debonned a chicken to prepare a delicious Galantine.

Also, I've seen a couple close friend fall to literal mind control and they ended up in cults like the Hari Krishna, and this whole New Age movement.

I just accept that i'm no one in this country and that i'm not wanted or needed by this country.

I didn't know at the time, but it would have been better for me to just work instead of going to University. But whatever. I got to see how things are, and no one can convince me that what's going on is okay.

>You’re raw meat for a food industry that knows how to get you to spend more to feed your family

>The food industry is eating your lunch.

>By appealing to your need for convenience, food producers and retailers are getting you to spend extra on prepared foods and restaurant meals rather than cooking for yourself.

>Grocery stores selling ready-to-go prepared foods are one example. Another is the meal-kit trend, where pre-portioned ingredients are delivered to your home so you can assemble them easily. And then restaurants run the gamut from food trucks to traditional fast food to casual and fine dining.

>“All of these solutions cost more money for the same amount of calories,” said Sylvain Charlebois, a food expert and professor at Dalhousie University in Halifax.


Attached: $5-usa-chicken.jpg (3264x1836, 1.82M)

How does that nigger even get payed? How do these people get in government? Do you literally have to be a retard to get a job?

Pedophilia is totally normal, get with the times. (irony)

The people they are letting in are totally okay with having sex with kids.

Have you had a man rub up against you sexually in the subway yet? God forbid you clobber him, end up in jail for life. Because its coming. But its their culture, so you should tolerate it.

I cant stand how the laws literally prevent you from protecting yourself in this country.

>Meat producers in Canada can now use irradiation on ground beef


In Canada, ground beef is radioactive.

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Oh, I would like to point out to the shills that steroids and hormones are BANNED in US produced poultry by the FDA. You can get in deep shit for doing that. Look at the bottom right corner of this package. So, they can blow that bullshit out of their fucking asses!

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