China rewarding people for reporting porn activities on social media


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How much do you have to report to earn that much? That's like 86 grand USD

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Sugar is the new porn.

>not 6,000,000

It's like my 2-year-old mother is being gassed again.

fuck dude thats 60 grand or so

Based and redpilled

What a bunch of jerks. I followed dozens on Chinese traps on Tumblr. Some of the sexiest women you'd ever see, some of the most feminine dicks you'd ever see. Now all those anal poundings and gangbangs will be lost in time. I better start archiving everything before it's too late.

finna yikes

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>has a dick
>is called a woman

Heard about this. There was a Chinese teacher who posted pics of him crossdressing, right?

Porn destroys cultures

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There are thousands of crossdressers, dude. I don't specifically know about any teachers because it's not like the blogs I follow plaster their occupation on their page, but I'm sure there's plenty of diversity in their work/study.

Why can’t our government fight degeneracy too?

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White men need to stop being such perverted losers.
Take all the white men in porn, and everyone else in porn for that matter, and hang them in a town square somewhere.

notice how only the degenerates, the jews and the typical leftist weak cuck and the pro abortionists are crying about it

kill yourself


watching porn is basically donating to AIPAC

based emj poster

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>$119,457.00 Australian Dollar

nigga what, this is just a ploy to get all the poor and greedy to participate and may not even receive that money.

It's a fine you idiots

>most feminine dicks
>you'd ever see
Kys, sick fuck

Attached: toranaga.jpg (276x276, 21K)

absolute state of british "men"

USA is the global sponser of degeneracy

Will they pay out internationally? Thats like 114k maple bux. Will report all the porns

This is great with this money we will able to fund the 2020 Trump campaign

Pretty sure that's what they're being fined,not rewarded

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Any country that encourages legal production and consumption of pornography is treasonous to it's citizens and society.

(((Japan))) needs to learn from the PRC

Are they retarded? They have enormous gender imbalance. Porn and masturbation is the only thing that stops surplus males from revolting.

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They will utilize them in wars.

nothing wrong with porn, chinks are overreacting

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>"aaaah help the jew is attacking me with pixels that show naked woman"

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Shut the fuck up you disgusting degenerate. I dont even feel sorry for the cultural enrichment your are getting because a new weimar republic is impossible under the upcoming German caliphate.

Your disgusting ways end here Kr*ut


wtf what's the problem with this? we have it in every town.

I agree with this


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>Now all those anal poundings and gangbangs will be lost in time.
Time... To die... You faggots

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>he hasn’t been archiving for years

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chinks do know how to reign in the jews

If you can’t police everybody yourself get the individual to do it for you until the majority feels alone.

just email Xi about it I'm sure he'll be sympathetic

also those loadouts are absolutely kino as fuck

>If you can’t police everybody yourself get the individual to do it for you until the majority feels alone.

Epic quotes from Jow Forums the last two days.

Thanks user.

Save and share.
God bless you user.

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That familiar GeStaPo feel. I feel it.
Merkel would be proud.

>Is that a penis?

We tried and you all laughed!

Found him. I think this is it

Attached: 1464526785465.jpg (580x328, 247K)

kid spotted

Wait ... what? No. NOOOOOO! she's cu-NOOOOOOOOOOO!

Where I'm from, that same girl would be wearing camo, holding rifle and be next to an dead coyote with those same joyful eyes, posing in the beautiful Arizona sunset.

This is the peak female form


whats wrong with that?
our Whores are cleaner than your entire country, they follow hygiene and safety standards and get tested regularly.
Sex workers have it relatively comfy here.