Albuquerque, New Mexico

New Mexico anons how is this city? Drove through to get to arizona and thought it was a cool city. Is it nice to live there? Seems better Than the southern city I live in currently . Also I like new Mexico in general, pretty cool state.

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New Mexico is a mostly nice state in my opinion. Cool architecture style (love the Pueblo revival), great gun laws, lots of land, low population huge state.

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High crime, kind of a shitty place to live desu

Sucks. Live in Taos if you want to live in new mexico. Reminds me of Anchorage. In a state that's best in the country, mountains, you get a big (but actually small) boring city

New Mexico is just Mexico 2 with the amount of subhumans you have there.


ABQ is nice if you live in a gated community or something. Otherwise lots of non-violent crime. Robberies are very normal. Sex shops everywhere. Disproportionately more strip clubs than I’ve seen in most other places. Do your research and live in a the right neighborhood.

t. New Mexi-cuck

I only know of it from BB and BCS

New Mexico seems like one of those places that seem to don't exist, but does.

Taos doe's look like a cool place. Know any on Santa fe?

The fuck does Albuquerque even mean?
Sounds like a fat wizard mispronounced a spell.

Yeah I keep forgetting it exist. Only time you hear something about it is when something big happens. Lots of CIA nigger action in that state

Any anons been out by Alamogordo?

ABQ is kind of shitty desu

mexican blue state

It's an even shittier version of Tucson which is already a total shithole

The name the Spaniards gave it when they found it I guess. Think after a town in spain

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Alamogordo here. I live outside the city a few miles tho.

I'm over here on the west side baby. Moved from Dallas. I like it a lot.

What's it like? And know anyone at holloman?

I live in Albuquerque and I don't really recommend it, especially if you are single. The women here are disgraceful. The drivers are outright murderous. There are not a lot of blacks, which is sometimes a problem because rather than concentrating in a certain hood they pepper themselves around decent parts of town. It's easy to live here though, which is why I am here, housing and living is cheap. The food is good.

Santa Fe is pretty to look at but unless you are a spic from there or a liberal piece of trash you're not going to fit in. Plus it is very expensive.

I live on base and I know a few people here. Town kind of sucks but there are some nice neighborhoods. The school system is shit except for the schools on base. The only reason I go into town is to hit up the Autozone and some med appts. Otherwise I go to El Paso for something to do.

New Mexico is just the future of Texas and Arizona, New Mexico is stuck to be blue forever, sadly.

Know any people working f-16? I was at edwards and a bunch of people I was stationed with out there got moved to holloman.

>That's a city

Fucking yikes

I was just looking at a place over near Belen but with a little research I found its directly in the path of the local Belen Airport where the USAF just signed a long term contract to conduct training flights with the HC130J;

with the runway about 4 miles away facing the property .. These fucking thing would be flying over your place a few times a day [night] all week and Saturday according to the public statements. Probably why they're selling but it was a decent 15 acres with a well and plenty of solar panels. Also looking over toward the mesa above Madrid where you get some privacy while being a short commute from the cities.

I work at formal training unit but I know a couple people in the 314th. The only reason I know them is because our wives are friends. Otherwise I would never come into contact with the fighter sqdn folks.

You turn left there faggot

I really like that Pueblo revival architecture. Do they do houses like that as well?

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You wouldn't happen to know dave johnson would you? Or josh hughes?

Jesus Christ don’t pull this doxxing shit

It's a strange place indeed.

I'm just asking if he knows people I knew.

it's spic jibber jabber that roughly translates to "take a left turn"

Kyle is that you?

God I hope you dumb niggers don’t lose your clearance

Yep. Nice to see these feedback loops finally completing.

The only reason I know those names is because of your threads. Also, I used to be stationed at Edwards around the same time you were. I probably dropped off PMEL items to you.

Don't have a clearance, just finishing up some things I got started out at EAFB.

No shit? Where'd you work at?

And if I were to mention "the flash" would you know what I'm talking about?

I heard AZ and NM cost of living is really cheap, but I wonder if my current job would also pay a lot less over there.

I was ammo back then. Lived in the dorms for about 4 or 5 months and moved out when I retrained. I lived in the dorms circled in the pic.

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I lived in 2519 (new ones). Remember Jess? She's actually working as a teacher now.

>"the flash"
Doesn't ring any bells. I kept to myself there and focused on either separating or retraining. I had some weird things happen tho.

Didn't think so. But weird things like what?

I got a massive nose bleed a few day after I got there. I chocked it up to the dry air having just PCS'd from a humid climate but it was insane. Literally gushing from both nostrils. Not long after I got real sick and could not stop shitting. Lost about 15 pounds. Had to go to the clinic but they never figured out what my problem was. Really bad night sweats. I would wake up drenched in sweat. One night some guy came to my dorm room and knocked on the door. I could here at least 3 other female voices with him. One asked who lives here. The dude said something like "not sure. let's find out". I just waited for them to leave.

anything else?

One time I had a skype call going with my fiance and I had to leave the room. She said just leave the call going and while I was gone some one entered my dorm and was going through my shit and left right before I got back. I moved out after that.

But they were definitely doing some kind of experimentation on us out there.

That's pretty much it. I remember people getting in trouble a lot for drugs. I avoided everyone as much as I could.

Can I get a description? He didn't happen to have blonde hair did he?

Sounds exactly like me.

Highest crime in the nation. Homeless everywhere. Run by leftist cocksuckers. Luckily, for some reason, second amendment rights are still fairly strong, but you'll want self defense insurance through NRA or USCCA, because there's no castle doctrine or stand your ground law, and someone does go to jail occasionally for defending themselves, but usually only if they're an idiot and try to represent themselves in court.

I hate it here. Spics always trying to break into my house, plus castle doctrine isn’t fully established. The drunk fucking Indians suck. Called the cops once after I saw a beaner trying to get in my back door, took them 9 hours to get here. Fuck this place. Nuke us.

Wife said that all she could see was a guy in ABUs. The lights were dim so she couldn't see his face. The laptop was on the desk with a chair in front and she said that the guy pushed the chair toward the desk and she could see he had on a wedding band. Couldn't see his face.

what a souless pile of shit

>Remember Jess?
I knew very few female airmen back then. Who was she?

APD has like 700 officers and for a city this size they need like 1200+. I learned a long time ago that unless the bullets are flying, the cops aren't going to be there any time soon.

If someone is trying to break in, it's probably up to you to get them to fuck off. You just get used to it.

why do spics steal so much? when i was in california we were painting a house and left all of our materials inside overnight. we get back to see the glass door broken and everything gone. the house had a camera, it was some fucking beaners

I knew I should have made a right at Albuquerque.

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Wedding band? Interesting that he would be in the dorms at all. I heard about people moving stuff around randomly in peoples rooms to screw with them mentally. Stuff would be randomly rearranged in my room as well. If you watch something called the kay griggs interview she talks about that tactic.

The real brash redhead from philly.

It's like every other beaner filled shithole, but with tens of thousands of drunk featherniggers doing 90 into any and all stationary objects possible.

South, like Los lunes area looks like reasonable burbs...but probably still shit

>t. Truck driver

How does Santa fe and other cities compare?

Does the APD hire alot?

Could have been the 1st Shirt but it was weird behavior even for one of them. I'll check out the interview.
Did she date a tall black airman named Austin?

discord gg sT7Vej

abqnons assemble

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They have like 2 academies a year. They last six months and they're arduous. The hiring process is not to be taken lightly either.

Also if you do happen to run into mary see if she remembers the line "they say company business is company business and that's especially true when it comes to company business". I'm not actually expecting you to do that, but it would still be interesting to see if she does.

Not that I'm aware of. Could have though.

Like I said, it was one of the tactics they used to screw with people.

Maybe if you got out of the fucking ghettos you wouldn't see high crime.

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Or the bin laden post.

I went through there once. It was easy to understand why Breaking Bad was set there.

Don't know about the job but yeah new Mexico and most of Arizona is pretty cheap. Used to live in arizona and it was cheap. Don't know if housing rose over the last decade I haven't been there though. The southwest and rocky Mountain states are so nice.

>ne night some guy came to my dorm room and knocked on the door. I could here at least 3 other female voices with him. One asked who lives here. The dude said something like "not sure. let's find out". I just waited for them to leave.

Kind of sounds like jones.

Santa Fe is better.

When you posted your other threads I looked her up. Looks like she separated but lives on base. What is the origin of that phrase? What do you think she would do if I said that to her?
I remember a chick in the dorms who dated one of the few guys I was friends with. She was short and thick with red hair and worked full-time as a bay orderly because she was one of the airmen who fucked up and they took her out of her real job. She was weird and hyper and had crazy eyes. She was waiting to be separated for whatever it was she did.

lol dude you should try the exact opposite. Went from albuquerque to the east coast. Suddenly started to throw up constantly. Couldn't even drink water and it was coming up pink. Was incapacitated for 2 weeks and couldn't even lift 10 pounds. My nails stopped growing for like a day and peeled completely off. I also had an internal rash. I thought it was something i ate but then i found out that the air here is swamp air and filled with algae and mold spores.

It was a code phrase, that's all I can say. But ask her about the bin laden post as well if you do. I'm not sure what will happen if you do though.

Taos looks pretty cool.

Oh and the skin on my hands and feet peeled completely off. What was left was this scaly feel that itched.

You mean the "Taliban scarf" myspace post?

Jesus dude. Did it eventually go away?

I actually like new mexico. It gets lot's of snow around the i-40 corridor and north of it.

Haha yeah the altitude sickness will do that to you

It would be related to that.

yeah and my nails grew back. it was the sickest ive ever been lol

You see that mountain there? That's an active volcano and it's long overdue

I would rather state police. Plus those cool gestapo like uniforms

it is spanish-arabic for "land of the cork oaks"

Opps This postmeant for

like all cities, it sucks.

Been to Taos dozens of times growing up and always enjoyed it, although I haven't been in about a decade. Back when I last went it had a big Art scene and a disproportionate number of hippy-ish/new age people, but was still very cool.

>being a "servant" of the JewAssArmy
lol you braindead cunts! lonely loser cunts!

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That coming from a german.

I alredy know youre an idiot. You dont have to further prove it by delivering unqualified, stupid responses - cunt!

Was it owned by Mexico before?

Go back to getting your ass fucked by Muhammad you aryan reject.