It's been two years

What do you think of this guy now? Has your opinion changed?

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Other urls found in this thread:

In 2016 i rly liked him and now its 2018 and i cant stand him (There are things he says that i still agree) but overall god damn did he change my view of him to the worst.

yeah, I can no longer support him. It was fun in the beginning, but he's clearly a cuck.

He's been great. Ever since he got elected he's kept the burgers so busy fighting each other that they've had no time to go around fucking up the rest of the world like they had done for the previous two decades.

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Blatant kike shill

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>year 1
>year 2

>this thread again

Honestly, who the fuck do you think falls for these obvious shill threads man?
Like, your whole team gathered and the best plan you could come up with was making these threads?

The right man for 2016 but probably not for 2020

Once an ASS, always an ASS

I love him even more

He promised a wall. Instead we got a caravan.

>t. Rod Rosenstein

I Love him more now than I ever have.

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Trump "good" for America:

The truth about Trump explained to BPS:

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I was a faggot and thought he'd change everything in 2 years but I got to hyped like a dummy. Same thing happened when I voted for Obama the first time. I like him and support him but he's not perfect. B- president so far IMO.

Great guy, made immigration and nationalism mainstream
Far superior to Obama and Bush in every capacity
Is singlehandely responsible for the rise of the right in Europe and beyond
Didn't cuck out on a Supreme Court nominee, which is what republicucks would do
Trump is great


also this

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Mediocre domestically, utter failure on foreign policy. Better than Hillary, sure, but that's an abysmally low bar and the country needs far better.

He's the single greatest President of any of our lifetimes. He is also the most persecuted person in history having recently eclipsed Jesus Christ himself. He withstands it all because he loves this country and his name and legacy will live on forever and ever as long as there is an USA

>T. North Korean user

kys meme flaggot


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You have to go back

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Love him

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Don't really have an opinion. He has done pretty much nothing that affects Finland except his visit which got some media attention.

Not perfect but, way better than Crooked Hillary and certainly better than anything Democrat. He puts the country first, even if the Congress and rouge Obama Federal judges don't. As long as cucks and commies hate him, I love him, The only reason you took the house with 40 more reps is because 45 neocon sellout Republicans retired. One day we will get a real White Nationalist as a leader or a new country. Fuck working with Democrats and Socialists.

one of the best presidents we've ever had, even though he didn't fulfill all of his promises

He’s a draft dodging pussy who only cares about himself and fucking his daughter

No, my opinion didn't change. I knew he was a lying sack of shit, but I'm surprised at how ineffectual and retarded he'd actually be.

Trump is Obama lite.

Love him more everyday


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He's discovered that the U.S. gubmint can't be run like a fortune 500 company, because every time you fire someone that deserves it, there's 6 gorrillion 'journos' that shout 'racist' all across the country.
He wanted to put Comey and Hillary down, and the deep state was not having it.

Actually it's more positive now than 2 yrs ago. Back then I was totally feeling the Johnson, braaaah!

He's the best President I've ever seen in my lifetime. Sadly the President doesn't have much power in our government, what we really need is a real King to take control of this country the way it should be.

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Based and Truthpilled.
The only politician I've ever seen that even remotely tried to live up to campaign promises. Shills will burn in Californian sage-brush fires.

Leaf IQ at an all time low

Fuck you communist faggot we kicked the shit out of a country so we would not have a king

Beta cuckold detected


Oh boy you have no idea what I am

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Must be thinking of yourself fag

Not anywhere near what I was hoping for; but still leaps and bounds better than Clinton.

>the country
You mean Israel?

Aww poor baby dick incel is mad

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Kill anybody that’s wants to take away democracy and democratically elected officials

You’re right, we need an emperor.

he's a kike shill. and he just lost the house after 2 years of inaction save for a shitty tax bill that only made the rich richer.

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>Leaf IQ at an all time low
Opinion already discarded, but after seeing you posted this retarded shit your opinion can go straight to the incinerator.

I didn't really like him at first but now hes turned out to be a really good president

Nope not mad just like laughing at trump tards like yourself … when the economy implodes February of next year and you don’t have a job come and talk to me fag I’ll be here laughing

Our democracy is a joke. The reason why America has fallen is because we started letting everyone vote.

Aww keep crying micro dick incel

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He has surpassed all expectations about how stupid I thought he was. 2016 that this guy was a literal inept brainlet. Since then, and with many other idiotic statements from this tard it's only re-enforced the opinion that he is the dumbest person to ever become president.

Why are you thinking about the size of my dick fag

Its funny that they so brazenly and desirous clamor for an economic collapse. I'm sure most liberals would welcome it as they're truly sick sick sick in the head people

this is why

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No u

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Literally who?

Because it's incredibly small, that's why you're a loser and nobody likes you

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He's based, i love the way he's destroying american influence worldwide.

So you think of my dick when you see a picture …you are strange user but thanks I guess

Two years with the whole world constantly trying to destroy him daily, multiple times a day; and he’s still standing.
You could say I’m feeling happy with my pick.

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The Jews are too powerful for him to enact any meaningful change. Sure we can have tax cuts, but no beaner wall and no end to Jew wars in the middle east

Well keep thinking about it fag hope you enjoy it

Me and the whole world laughs at your micro dick

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We need to change the laws so he can run for a third term.

Look at what he's accomplished in two years with the constant hissy-fit of the left, without support of his own party and with the constant noise from the lugenpresse.

t. Israeli

Well again you are thinking of another mans dick … I think it’s funny cock gobbler tell me how much you love it and how often you think about

fuck i just answer the same post. you fucking shills retarded or something. he has done alright considering all the scrutiny against him

t. butthurt sandnigger

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TRUMP did great in his first year!

TRUMP cuckedout in his second year.

I'll only get worse in his 3rd year.

Impeached before his fourth and WE will be happy not the Liberals.

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it seems like he knows how to play the media really well, but other than that he just tweets and rarely actually follows through
i don't care about trump i just want someone who will fix the fucking country

Stfu faggot go wank your micro dick alone in your basement

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Thought he was going to be a shit president; now he’s my favorite president.

Only Hercules can truly convey my disappointment.

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In April 2009, the Advocate, a leading gay and lesbian magazine, asked president Barack Obama who had most profoundly influenced his ideas about gays and lesbians. The first person on Obama’s list was his mother; the second person was his political science professor at Occidental College, Lawrence Goldyn ’73.

“He was a wonderful guy,” Obama said. “He was the first openly gay professor that I had ever come in contact with, or openly gay person of authority that I had come in contact with. And he was just a terrific guy. He wasn’t proselytizing all the time, but just his comfort in his own skin and the friendship we developed helped to educate me on a number of these issues.”

Two years and Barry still won't come out of the closet

The truth is out there

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liked in 2016
by the time Pence got paired with him I started to dislike him
now I think he is fucking retarded and worthless

No no no your the one thinking of my dick tell me how you want it fag tell me how often you think about it

Not even a little. In fact he proved himself worthy for a second nomination. He did a great job not importing 500,000 refugees like Hillary wanted, and not getting into war with Russia, and having the most pedophile busts than every other president combined.

leftist shill: but he didn't build the wall and mexico didn't pay for it but we haven't left afghanistan but but but but. Only retards would take what any politician says at face value. Trump has the courts, Republicans and Democrats against him. Considering all that hes done pretty good.

meme flag kike shill

We thought we were getting a regular wall but instead we got one made of razors, and troops on the border authorized to use deadly force. Considering what he's up against I'm happy with the results.

Quit sucking his orange cock, you failure at life.

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Wow you're an actual faggot, what a surprise, I guess you gotta fuck men when you're an incel.

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Incel detected

His reelection in 2020 will be 10 million votes taller.

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I would take a bullet for him.

>have the shill campaigns worked
>do you fucking nazis hate Cheeto hitler yet
>why do you evil stupid fucking racists agree with us yet.
>we should just kill all white men.
My opinion of him is irrelevent, my opinion of you has however grown worse over time

When Trump starts to suck you Democrat donkey ass cocks then I will bash him but until then MAGA

He's okay. I'll like him more once he drains the swamp and he still owes me a wall.

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Says the guys who admitted to thinking of other men’s cock … come on user tell me how much you think about it does it make you hot thinking about cock do you finger your asshole and spit on yourself when you think of cock

>>my opinion of you has however grown worse over time
This exactly.

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Best president since Jackson. Give him some room and watch him grow.

>orange man bad
Stop sucking faggot dick, fag.

inb4 a bunch of shills replying to themselves saying they have lost faith
You people are pathetic.

Wall is coming. Wall funding is going to happen this year, though Dems and and GOP are locked in a gridlock right now. A government shutdown is looking likely

Honestly there is no alternative than Trump. The Democrats offer nothing but more commie shit. It's not like we have a choice.

There is one guy that’s thinks about cock

You're an unoriginal fag who uses the same insult twice in a row. Trump is shit and won't win 2020 because he hates people like you, his supporters.