Be me

>be me
>lying on the couch scrolling Jow Forums on my phone as usual
>crippling depression and anxiety for almost a year now
>mom comes to room and asks if I'm ok 'cause I haven't been talking to her or dad that much lately and "sad" all the time
>want to die inside.jpg
>need to talk to someone about these problems
>we keep talking
>asks me whether I'm in love or smth
>say no
>keep talking for approximately 40 minutes
>asks me multiple times if I'm ok or not, because she will help me to get through everything and won't judge me no matter what it is
>say I'm ok
>eventually asks me about suicide
>tell her I won't do it because I love her and don't want to hurt her
>starts crying
>hug her
>tell her that I'm ok and there's nothing to worry about
>actually thinking about suicide everyday, selfharming etc.

I won't do it because since last week I'm scared of death because of that dream where I committed suicide and now I'm even more scared and I really need help, but don't want to hurt my mom with the problems I have.
What do Jow Forums?

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>crippling depression and anxiety for almost a year now

Alright OP, what have you done to address this issue?

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Just tell your parents you're bored and you need friends

being really bored feels just like being depressed

She just wants you to talk to her more about it to put her mind at ease desu. She'll know you're still dealing with things but if she tried to talk to you and tried to talk to you about suicide then likely she has read about some suicide case before and couldnt sit and watch you like that without saying anything

Find her when she's on her own and tell her
"Hey mom, I just wanted to tell you that I really do appreciate the talk the other day. I know it must've been hard to have it and I know you did it because you care. I just wanted to let you know that I care about you and dad a lot too. You don't have to worry about me killing myself because, as I said, I don't want to hurt you both.
I'm just not feeling that well right now and haven't been for a while. I feel depressed,yes and I lied when I said the suicidal thoughts never came around but I won't do it even though sometimes it feels like it's all I can do.
I'm sorry if this is a problem but I just wanted to let you know that I love you both and I'm going through a rough patch at the moment but don't worry yourself too much about it."

Build that bond. You're lucky that your mom cared enough to give you that talk. Truly lucky.
It'll get better. If it's the environment that's getting you down then change it. Talk with them if you need to.

Literally nothing. I don't feel like playing computer games and hanging out, everything seems pointless right now.
I realised that my life is a wasted (not like I'm old or something) and all that time I've someone I hated being most - hypocrite.

t h e r a p y

or meds

Thank you, user. I really appreciate your advice. Gotta talk to her again this week.

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Don't wait for the "right time". She's likely replaying the conversation every now and then. Put her mind to ease.
Here, this really put things in perspective for me.

I'll watch it as soon as I get back home. Thanks once again.

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Word. Hope the talk goes well.
Also, keep holding on. It'll get better.