I took an Ecstasy pill last weekend in France. I had a good time, and i found i liked everyone

I took an Ecstasy pill last weekend in France. I had a good time, and i found i liked everyone.

Was that degenerate of me? Would i be allowed in the ethnostate?

Attached: buy-mdma-molly-pills.jpg (552x417, 123K)

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nah you're banished to the technostate

Why do you need drugs to like people?

Im a libertarian so I don't care, I believe most drugs should be legal. But along with this, people have the right to not want to be around others of a different race. I would also shut down endless immigration. You should be independent in your beliefs and not follow others for the sake of acceptance. You'll be much better off. Im kind of a mix within political beliefs

Protip: Jow Forums calls drugs degenerate because they're nerds who have no friends to hook them up

Same with their sexual hangups

>Would i be allowed in the ethnostate?
Only if you bring me a pill. We can throw a fourth Reich rave!

I like people. I just liked them, during that time from the start. Like i had +100 disposition to them no matter how they looked (tatooes, ugle clothes etc).

Have you met most people?

>and i found i liked everyone
that's just a dopamine trap

That's what ecstasy does to novices, once you take it a few more times you learn to control your emotions better.

Attached: image.jpg (600x487, 444K)