Lies about the Natives

Does anyone here honestly believe that native hunter gatherers taught European farmers how to farm? Does anyone here believe that 100 million natives lived here without cities or agriculture? Does anyone here believe in the "Noble savage" archetype taught to school children?

In this thread, let's expose the lies about the injuns taught to shame our people.

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Other urls found in this thread: plains used to be forest&t=ffab&ia=web

Indians were wasteful as fuck. They burned down entire forests like the abos of australia did with fire stick hunting, creating the great plains. Then they drive entire herds of animals off cliffs just to carry a few pounds of choice meat back to their shit tents, leaving the rest to rot in the sun.

I assume it was more that they taught them how to farm the specific North American crops which the Europeans were unfamiliar with

Only leftists and yuros believe any of that stuff.

most of the first settlers from europe weren't frontiersmen who could live off the land. These people were accustomed to civilization. Building a civilization is hard work. The indians did indeed help them through their first winter

Pretty much everything you learn in school is twisted truths and outright lies.

>They burned down entire forests like the abos of australia did with fire stick hunting, creating the great plains.

Same here; putting the fish in the cornfields, the three sisters, et cetera.

Bullshit. Back then, pretty much everyone that wasn't literal royalty had to know how to live off the land. The indians were and are niggers. The only good thing they produced was their women.

My father even believes that scalping people were taught by the europeans to the natives because we were saturday morning villains

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The lies never end.

>Source? plains used to be forest&t=ffab&ia=web
A lot of sources have little bits and pieces of it.

yes it's as true as Joulupukki, so you better watch you damn mouth or you're getting coal this year
So you don't have search for little pieces.

They had agriculture though.

>let's expose the lies about the injuns taught to shame our people
I'll start.
Natives never, ever lifted a bow or spear against one anothers own tribes and they're not racist at all. No way siree no how. They are benevolent bronze red alien elders who crossed here from Pleiades to assist us through the turmoil of the white male-run fourth world into the coming fifth world of womens, cats, fags, and telepathic rainbow children*.

*Actual leftist words. Look up "Harmonic Convergence" and "fifth world" + "Hopi" and go from there. Antifa and its backers, from Obama and Oprah and before them to right now, have actually formed a new religion rift with crystal worship and ayys and it's as fundamentalist and fanatic - and millennialist and dominionist, and eschatological - as evangelist Christianity was. Every single one of your Twitter Bluechecks follows it, and this invisible religion, the Oprah/Chopra cult, is behind every single thing in the news you're reading and witnessing now. Ignore this at your peril. They actually believe what I quoted about Native Americans. They think they're noble powerful space aliens and a forced transition to a new world of weak or zero men is on imminent horizon. It's crazy as fuck.

Read and check it out. The system around it was foreseen by Muslims. They predicted "Jews and Jewish women" would be its biggest followers and called it Dajjal. Seems pretty accurate. This, pic related, is one of the biggest richest and most powerful of them. Marianne Williamson. New age Blavatskian lesbian close friends with Oprah, another new age Blavatskian lesbian. They're all lesbians. Better wake up, gentlemen.

I'm not joking: CHECK OUT WHAT I'M SAYING.

Pic related, this is her

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Who the fuck has ever said that North American natives numbered 100 million?
one of the most numerous tribe,Cherokee, had about 40k members at the ultimate peak of power
I really like native americans, i respect warrior societies in general but they were anything but noble hehe

Spitting out the seeds from a berry you picked is agriculture in the same way that shitting in a river is plumbing. The overwhelming majority of them were pure migratory hunter gatherers.

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Mark Twain really really hated native americans
Honestly he disses them in every book i've read

>They had agriculture though.
Only some of them, and it was extremely limited. They didn't have farms, exactly, just little gardens that they used to supplement hunting and gathering. The only native americans with real intensive agriculture were in meso and south america.

how would nomadic people know how to farm?
you cant just plant things and wander off for a couple of years and come back to harvest them, its going to be picked clear by animals and overrun with weeds.

>Who the fuck has ever said that North American natives numbered 100 million?
Every leftist academic in the last 50 years.

My favorite lie is this "peaceful native" bullshit.

They murdered, raped, pillaged, and invaded like everyone else. THey just chose to do dances than advance past bows and arrows

I live next to a reservation on my island, the natives are low-IQ savages.

Bruh you literally realise this is how many people discovered a key component to agriculture...

First paragraph. I've seen shit as high as 145 million. Insanity.

So none of you care 51% of your population believes Native Americans are literally "kind and benevolent space aliens from Pleiades" here to slaughter "dual and toxic white male energy" from the earth and replace it by the shining and perfect feminine?

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The indians were also cannibals

The Iroquois, for example, are well known for their incessant warfare and their training of males to be immune to pain. They are also well known for their merciless treatment of prisoners of war. Captives were forced to run a gauntlet, their fingernails were pulled out and their limbs hacked off, and they were finally decapitated or roasted alive at the stake – after which their remains were consumed in cannibalistic feasts.

Marvin Harris, Cannibals and Kings: The Origin of Cultures, Glasgow, 1978, p. 69.

The history of Quebec/New France really demonstrates how little we needed from them. The biggest contribution they gave us at the time was their knowledge of local fauna for trapping and snowshoes, two things we could figure out without their help.

Their importance historically is overstated although they at least were a more helpful group to conquer than the Africans or South Americans

> teaching how to farm in the descovery ages
who would believe some stupid shit like that?
the only retards that were unable to farm were some african tribes and those subhumans at the north sentinel island

You know theres probably something wrong with them when one of americas greatest authors is constantly taking pot shots at them

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I just can't believe this
It's impossible for someone to be that retarded
Give me a source, i can't accept that actual historians would say such a stupid thing
Even claiming 1million might be an exaggeration

I think you underestimate the natives and their agriculture. They knew to use the burned down plains in their favor, not only for game, but also for farming. While nothern tribes combined hunting/gathering with sessional agriculture, southern tribes used an early form of crop rotation.

I care. I just can't process it fast enough to critique how ludicrous it is.

Jesus what the fuck. It's like these people will make fun of you for being Christian, but they'll sit here with all this borderline satanic pseudo spiritual bullshit because it's "in vogue"? Christ help us. That's not a slur, I literally beg Christ to help us.

>I just can't believe this
>It's impossible for someone to be that retarded
No, it isn't. The people pushing it aren't even stupid, they are just lying Jews. Then people get indoctrinated into never questioning anything that might make brown people feel bad.
>Give me a source, i can't accept that actual historians would say such a stupid thing
Bruh, just go on wikipedia or find any modern textbook about American history.

>Prior to European colonization of the Americas, some Native Americans in the United States[citation needed] used controlled burns to modify the landscape.[1] These controlled fires were part of the environmental cycles and maintenance of wildlife habitats that sustained the people's cultures and economies.[2] What was initially perceived by colonists as "untouched, pristine" wilderness in North America, was actually the cumulative result of these occasional, managed fires creating an intentional mosaic of grasslands and forests across North America, sustained and managed by the original Peoples of the landbase.[3][4][5][6][7]

lol love the new speak about how destroying a forest was a good thing and "controlled" "maintenance"

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They domesicticated corn and squash on the east coast. They had some large cities like at poverty point and where st Louis is now, huge cities that would have been impossible without some form of crop domestication to feed a population that size.

Everyone who ever had to really deal with them hated them. They are extremely violent and greedy, but they are smarter than blacks so they caused more problems on their own. They are also backstabbing cunts who constantly attacked their own allies whether White or Red, then demanded more gifts to repair the alliance they broke.

Well it's not like authors are your strongest point to be honest, but Mark Twain was brutally honest in his life and even though an overated writer, he was an amazing journalist.
P.S. his take on civil war is just amazing, despite being a Yankee supporter he didn't hesitate to condemn the winners when he actually saw first hand what the war was truly about.
Mark Twain was a badass

Bunch of savages, and nature took its corse.

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>Little Timmy doesn't burned down the house, he just modified our whole possessions into carbon.

his time in the west as a ( failed) prospector embittered him to injuns and Mormons

>projecting modern European land management onto people who didn't even have maps or writing
God I hate lying Jews so much


Hostiles is a great movie about this. Near the end they slip in some "I'm sorry injuns" stuff but I really don't care. Obvious to see it was a requirement by the (((studios))), because the opening scene is an apache raid on a homestead where the female supporting lead's family is all murdered and her husband is graphically scalped. Watched it with my gf and she really liked it. It's pretty raw in emotion. Christian Bale looks like a fucking baller with his American Cavalry look and he acts like a real man, and the female lead acts like a real woman. Would recommend.

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Ok, let's say some pockets of these red niggers knew how to grow something. School children are all taught that the Europeans settlers were taught to farm by cannibals. That is an outrage. The suggestion is ridiculous and does not warrant consideration.

>They had some large cities
>huge cities
Dude they were big villages of a few thousand people, not cities.
>would have been impossible without some form of crop domestication to feed a population that size.
This is true. Not all of them were pure hunter-gatherers, but they never got so far as the Aztecs or Inca in having actual farms.

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When you see what they did and how they were, you understand why Americans fucking hated them and called them savages. See my previous post

Thanks. Will do.

based as fuck

Oh sorry *Comanche, not apache

>does anyone seriously believe that natives taught settlers how to farm
Yes? Are you stupid? You can't just come in and farm the way you want in different ecosystems and expect it to go well. It took us a large percentage of lives per capita to pull that shit off in europe. why do you think european development was delayed and most people grew in the desert? It's much easier to grow plants with easy access to water and sun.

Soil acidity, weeds, plant composition, and general availability and fertability of seeds from crops grown make it more than possible that a bunch of puritanical retards made some fucking mistakes they had to pay for. Between actual hostile fighting between natives this kind of shit happened pretty frequently far before those fuckers ever set foot on the eastern seaboard because white people have already been living there for natives to learn our language.

>taught European farmers how to farm
Probably did teach local food sources, yes.
>100 million natives lived here without cities or agriculture
They had traveling towns in the north, tribes would roam territories, much like tribes still do in S America and Africa when they can.
Central America had alot of settled cities that were on par with pre-Abrahamic middle-eastern cities, but they didn't have a draft animal, nor did they have the wheel, though they had spheres. I would bet that most of this number came from Central/South America, not north.
The same niggers that complain about the whites enslaving the natives, and so we should be Muslim, ignore that the Spanish got the idea of chattel slavery from the sand-niggers themselves. But don't mistake, the Aztecs and Inca had slavery as well.

This. They taught them specifics about survival in a new territory - which of the plants they were unfamiliar with would be easier or harder to grow, what areas particular game tended to frequent, etc.

Ok, i think i got it
These numbers, with 100million being the extreme high , refer to the whole american continent. The numerous and populous cities in modern day Mexico are a totally different story from the north American migrating tribes.
100 million still is a huge exaggeration but there were a shitload of people living there.

this is exactly how people used to farm. Farming is not the hard component of civilization. It's staying in one place and surviving with farming that makes it hard.

Biggest lie of all is that they were wiped out with smallpox blankets. There isn't even one confirmed Native death from such a method

>School children are all taught that the Europeans settlers were taught to farm by cannibals
I was told back in school, that the settlers struggled with potatoes (which parts are edible and when) and that they didn't expect such a harsh winter.
>The suggestion is ridiculous
That's for sure. Roughly 75% of people were farmers, the settlers were mostly farmers and craftsman. This people knew how to farm.

>You can't just come in and farm the way you want in different ecosystems and expect it to go well.
>why do you think european development was delayed and most people grew in the desert?
oi vey ur insane. apart from eskimos, i dont know any other race living in harsher conditions than whites in the north
the fuck are you talking about you homosexual. get hanged.

Cahokia was huge, thousands lived there for sure. It's clear they grew corn and squash.

Those tens of millions were mainly in the central/south american societies. There were probably less than 5 million natives in the US and Canada.

>100 million still is a huge exaggeration
Yes, and it relies on them extrapolating the population density of Tenochtitlan at its height to both continents.

Howard Zinn was a kike

you dumbfucks realize some forests at this point have been so btfo by grasses that they literally don't spore new trees until theyre burned right?

Relative to little villages of a couple hundred, yes. The population estimates for it are grossly exagerrated, though.

>forests catch fire
Wow tell me more faggot

I didn't know Santa was finnish

Solutrean whites built civilization in America but were killed and eaten by the hordes of mongoloid asiatic invaders. The indians never developed agriculture or domestication of animals, nor the wheel or perforated axe head. They were nothing more than savage, cannibalistic beasts.
>Aztec cannibalism was not a perfunctory tasting of ceremonial titbits. All edible parts were used in a manner strictly comparable to the consumption of the flesh of domestic animals. The Aztec priests can legitimately be described as ritual slaughterers in a state-sponsored system geared to the production and redistribution of substantial amounts of animal protein in the form of human flesh. Of course, the priests had other duties, but none had greater practical significance than their butchery.

The Aztecs lost hundreds of thousands to poxes. There is no doubt that they were not prepared for our diseases. But Euros lost plenty to fevers and poxes that were native to the Americas as well.

I'm not one to hate an entire group of people but, the vast majority of them are drug addicts or severe drunks.
I used to live in North Dakota and they were almost always disfunctional.

The Rez.

That would be an unacceptable opinion in any Native American studies class at any college in the United States.

Doubt it. I was an insane leftist for years and never heard anything like this.

Of course they are. It's a 20 acre site with a bunch of dirt mounds.

far less
Ye, know i got it, Op was talking about North America and the claim of 100million would be too insane to be true
Among other things. Historians suck, this is a stable truth throughout the centuries, especially after the Anglo take over of culture

Do you know how to farm?

>hurrr wites be hard core mthfucka
Imagine being so much of a nigger you think the environment is going to fucking fite you. The environment is not a puzzle, theres no assurance of fair play. The reason we can grow in europe and america and australia and asia is because many people died and failed trying to do it the wrong way; the only way to learn what doesn't work.

Yes knowledge continues to make farming easier, no it didn't help the european colonists avoid disaster from lack of food.

With my dick, yes.

>durr I can't read
go back to school tyrone

>tens of millions were mainly in the central/south american societies.
They had nowhere near that many people. All of those estimates come from taking the population of the single major town (tenochtitlan or cusco) and then projecting that population density over a wide area using the population dispersal of modern countries as a model. It is completely disingenuous and everyone involved in the field knows it, but no one says anything because it is racist to imply that the natives were not 'equal' to Whites in some way.

>Does anyone here honestly believe that native hunter gatherers taught European farmers how to farm?
No. It's just leftshit propaganda. Europeans have been farming and domesticating well before Indians finally graduated from strictly hunter-gatherer to a mixture of (still primarily) hunter-gatherer and farming hybrid. And all they farmed was corn and low level crops that didn't require much intelligence to be successful on. And their farming method is slash-burn. All this bullshit about them being some kind of proto tree hugger is bullshit. Like the Aussie Abos that burned forests to create hunting grounds, the Injuns did the same to create the "Plains" so they'd have buffallo and a place to grow corn. Although not as destructive as the Abos, whose dumb asses literally turned a huge part of Australia into a fucking desert, the Injuns changed the landscape enough that it eventually led to the Dust Bowl disaster. Oh yeah, it was dumb Okies and some are part Injun, explaining the shit farming practices (slash-burn and not rotating crops, to name a few) they've learned from their dumb Injun ancestors. It took effort to educate the dumb Okie-Injun peabrains to stop shit Injun farming practices to keep the Dust Bowl from getting worse and perhaps reverse the damage.

Thanks, lads. OP out. Happy Thanksgiving! I'm grateful for however many we did manage to get rid of.

It must be really hard to work the land like that

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Indians didn’t even have the technology of the wheel. They didn’t have horses until the europeans and were prone to savage wars with neighboring tribes. They were cavemen with teepees and twig huts. The only thing they provided the europeans with was knowledge of animal migration patterns, someone to trade with, and cannon fodder when war were waged against other tribes.

The trail of tears is a small price to pay to be brought out of the stone age

>They didn’t have horses until the europeans
Fun fact: there were proto-horses in the Americas at the same time they existed in Eurasia. They were hunted to extinction instead of bring domesticated into horses though.

Also note that those were't the teepees like you see in Hollywood movies, those are new, improved white man teepees. The real original ones were much smaller, basically a crude shelter.

Pro tip
Anti Native American threads are started by kikes or kike worshipping NPCs. To create further division.

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>lol love the new speak about how destroying a forest was a good thing and "controlled" "maintenance"
"Destroying" forests IS a good thing and controlled maintenance. Not whole forests, but you've got to cut down some wood and burn the dead plant matter from time to time. Let's look at Commiefornia as a prime example. The leftards didn't want loggers to cut down trees and they didn't want to fund lots of wildfire prevention measures like clearing dried and dead plant matter, cutting down dead trees, allowing and working with loggers to thin out forests enough that they're manageable. But because the lefties are all like "muh treez" and shit, the consequence is annual wildfires. The federal gov't should just deprive the Commiefornians of their power/say on how to manage California forests, just like how the gov't told the dumb Okies that their farming dumbassery is what led to the Dust Bowl and they should fucking quit it or else.

They were semi-nomadic man? Look up the "people of the long house" before you ask stupid questions.

They built huge cabins in permanent settlements like the Finnish and they were aware of many farming techniques

There were different kinds of Native Americans, the nomads were farther West, these people built semi-permanent settlements

Based nothing except for their clothing has changed

idk dude, having to walk to from one place to another is pretty brutal treatment for brown pipo. They never had to do anything like that before, and I am sure it made their feet hurt.

I don't think you understand him. He talks about the native Hawaiians being born and living in paradise their entire lives without ever knowing there was a place called hell. I took that as dissing the missionaries who are 'helping'.

>The Iroquois are cannibals
>In Algonquin (an Injun language), iroquois is a venomous snake
>Iroquois Pliskin (Solid Snake's alias) defeated/"eaten" Venom Snake/Medic and Big Boss/Naked Snake

Nah its cool Hitler/Vishnu will save us

>Does anyone here honestly believe that native hunter gatherers taught European farmers how to farm?
Where does this claim come from? Its common knowledge the birthplace of true civilizations are somewhere around Middle-East territory.

>Does anyone here honestly believe that native hunter gatherers taught European farmers how to farm?
The pilgrims were not the brightest bunch.

the native who taught Europeans how to farm was taught in europe.