Men give pleasure. They were not made to receive pleasure. It’s not in our neurochemical makeup, unless you are a bottom twink. This is why male circumcision is not an issue but female circumcision is. Obsession with uncut penises is a homosexual LGBT fantasy, and a desire to feminize men by saying that all men are born with a “male clit” known as the foreskin.
>muh pleasure >muh male clit >”if I was uncut I would masturbate so much more!” >”I’m going to murder my parents because they deprived me of possible pleasure!”
Reminder that the banning of circumcision is a liberal/new atheist attack on tradition and religious rites supported by people like Richard Dawkins under the guise of “muh pleasure” and “muh wanking.”
The New World Order wants us all to be beige people with clits and no religion and no identity, whether you’re male or female. The only right you have as a human being will be whether you want to wank your uncut dick alone to porn, or have it licked clean by a trans woman, trans man, or gay man.
nice try kike, I'll never get my son(s) circumcised. The gig is up you JIDF scum
Owen Morgan
Fuck you kike and fuck MGM and FGM, HUMANS WERE DESIGNED TO BE FREE
Kevin Hughes
Men are meant to have the bodies they were born with. No jew deserves the right to alter it.
Lincoln Morgan
The eternal '' Yeah, just Africans, Jews and us do it '' American shitposter, thinking his cut dick somehow make him a more faithfull individual in the eyes of Christians...
>defending your Jewish cattle brand Cope away, faggot. Fuck kikes. Can't wait to nuke Israel.
Leo Wilson
Circumcision is wrong objectively. It's no different from any other body mod abomination, other than that it is inflicted on unconsenting babies.
Also, both sexes give AND receive pleasure. Thinking it's only one or the other is the dumbest thing I've ever heard, and it can only come from someone who has obviously never experienced being in a relationship.
Sebastian Diaz
These kind of people would perform human sacrifice on their own kin in satan's name if they thought it would give them more brownie points. And many actually do and get praised by the cult.
Kevin Edwards
but that's completely wrong?
Caleb Kelly
>Men don't get pleasure from vagina Ok buddy.
Jordan Green
People like OP must be stopped! I don’t mind that my wife’s son isn’t going to be circumcised, because he should feel good when he’s masturbating and the white women he’s having sex with deserve a tasty smegma snack. Who cares if your son looks the same as you and went through the same things you did? I don’t care at all if my offspring are made in my image, that’s why I let a black man impregnate my wife with his superior genetics. I’m still going to raise him as my own son even though he looks nothing like me. Since I don’t have a foreskin, we’ve hired Daniel, a 38 year old male entertainer, to show our little boy how to masturbate on his 13th birthday. .
Levi Sullivan
The fuck out of here jew
Alexander Gomez
thats right, good goyum
Ryan Baker
That's either a wonderful or terrible insult. I've never heard it before.
Landon Carter
>be mother and father >have child >spend only a few moments with your newborn baby boy >doctor walks up, asks you if you want your son circumcised >doctor tells you they cut the foreskin off to prevent risk of infections and cancer >agree to it There are two perpetrators here: >the medical professionals, who are literally insane enough to strap a baby down and mutilate the most sensitive part of a baby boy because "the textbooks say to" >the parents, who don't even question anything and don't get informed before they do such horrible shit "the doctor went to college, he knows better" There's nothing more soul crushing than trying to talk to your mother about this stuff and all the repeats is "it's just a little piece of skin" and begins making light of it. >well women with breast cancer get their breasts removed! >well women go through pain when they give birth! >well everyone was doing it!
>Obsession with uncut penises is a homosexual LGBT fantasy, and a desire to feminize men by saying that all men are born with a “male clit” known as the foreskin. omfg this, I was wondering why intactcucks get so buttmad over this but it all makes sense now
Joshua Phillips
>doesn't know about Jow Forums IDs Makes sense seeing as you're a dumb kike.
Leo Harris
Congrats you have actually out retarded the poos
Joshua Sanchez
You disgust me you fucking satanic kike. Being a father is about protecting your family and nurturing them to grow, not being a commanding authoritarian master ruling everything with an iron fist.
Grayson Rodriguez
Digits confirm. OP is a faggot.
Brandon Brooks
>reading this delusion of a cutfag Painful. I feel sorry for you.
Mason Roberts
Why don't you get your baby a bad ass leopard tattoo while you're at it? I'm sure he'll be so happy you went ahead and did that for him when he's older.
Cameron Taylor
>underrated post
Ryder Martinez
Liam Richardson
LOL I forgot about that, thanks for reminding me based doctor
Kevin Parker
Fag who got a medically indicated circumcision at the beginning o the month here.
The first week was hell and regret. The second week was constant mild pain and regret. Getting my stitches removed was almost worse than the circ itself because of no pain meds. Now that the swelling has gone down, I feel so much better than before the procedure. It's pretty liberating to be able to get a full erection without cutting off circulation to the head.
TL:DR don't get a circumcision for political or cosmetic reasons, the pain isn't worth it. If your foreskin is killing you, and you've already explored other options, then go for it. The pain was worth it for me.
shlomo, are you having troubles with lack of infant dicks recently or sth?
Connor Wilson
The fact that Satan disagrees just goes to show that these penis and jew obsessed faggots on Jow Forums are his minions and want a dick vagina so they can feel like they are getting fucked without it being gay.
But docking is gay. Totally in line with Satan's agenda.
>on tradition and religious rites Unless you're a kike, circumcision has only existed in the White American population for a few generations at most. Your only """""tradition""""" is being a shabbos goy and being cucked by John Harvey Kellogg.
Isaac Turner
I never said natural anatomy is gay. Touching dicks is gay.
Pipes still work fine. Do you really think circumcised males are incapable of having an orgasm?
Read the part about exploring other options. Don't you think I would have gone through other options before subjecting myself to what's essentially mutilation?
Jayden Sanchez
Uncut man here, it fucking hurts when you pee with a boner and sex with a condom is impossible. Also high possibility of infections and if you find yourself a girl that doesn't mind your gross dick you are a lucky son of a (christian) bitch
>talk to your mother about this stuff >and begins making light of it that really is the most soul cruhsing part of it. our parents are so jewed and ignorant about everything. the worst part is i got infections from the procedure until about 3 at which point i had to go back to get cut a 2nd time. there is still a little foreskin left and i remember having smegma as a young boy. th elittle bastard fought on lol. but i only remember being terrified of the 2nd time, all my specific memories are repressed. the worst part is my parents thought it was quite funny, amd if i ever acted up i would be met with playful threats of "going back to the wiener doctor" which i took very seriously and would be on my best behavior at all times so as not to return. no son of mine will be circumcised
Yep. Circumcision literally only exists to inflict pain and long term suffering, both mentally and physically.
Had my mother watch that. Guess what her issues were after watching it? >he curses a lot Not the systematic ritual mutilation of baby boys, no. The mean words.
>circumcised males are incapable of having an orgasm not all but some, it is one of the side effects.
Brandon Rogers
I ended up exploring options too, trying and failing again and again, until one day I found a treatment that works and fixed my dick. The literal hook nosed doctors purposely lied and traumatized me for FUN.
Kayden Murphy
Fuck off, oven dodger. Allowing male genial mutilation is a dream come true for feminist whores.
I thought god made us in his image? If you alter your body you're straying from him and rejecting his design.
Adrian Perry
this whole post is moot because you can be cut and not have it effect your life in any way
Robert Rodriguez
>Men give pleasure. They were not made to receive pleasure. It’s not in our neurochemical makeup If that was the case then men would've gone extinct a long time ago. Animals, including humans, feel pleasure to guide them to do things that help their genes. It's quite obvious, by the way, that human males get pleasure from sex. The fact that you don't realize this is bizarre.
Benjamin Allen
>it fucking hurts when you pee with a boner and sex with a condom is impossible Uncut myself, but I dont experience either of these problems. Sex with a condom sucks if you use the wrong condom, try other varieties. I find magnums work well for me since the have a wider tip.
Jayden Perez
please change him for at least Pinochet
Ryan Long
B-but.. if I can’t blame all my problems and misery on my lack of foreskin WTF am I gonna do with my life if I have nothing to hate myself for and no one to blame for my shitty life?
Adam Garcia
Is it true? Do twinks have long, intense, female-like orgasms? Can true, deep sexual pleasure only be obtained through physical submission?
That's pretty shitty if you ask me. Can we straight men really not obtain the same kind of intense sexual pleasure in normal heterosexual intercourse?
Dominic Hill
>degeneracy is good for you! You are the reason why the concept of western civilization is dying.
This is literally why US average dick size is one of the smallest of all western countries. I have no idea why people would advocate for cutting off mass from your penis.
Ryder Ward
Who gives a FUCK about female pleasure? Do you think females give a fuck about loyalty or honesty or integrity or anything besides getting dick? Maybe when they're dried up hags they pretend to care. Do you think women give a shit they have an optimal place in society being pampered? NO, they DEMAND more and throw a fit when everything doesn't go exactly their way.
Adrian Taylor
Not if you have access to running water, you 3rd world nigger.
Jayden Russell
what does it accomplish to categorize different kinds of sex as normal or not normal?
Juan Hill
>oy vey, goyim! You were not meant to have pleasure! Trying to ban the mark of our slavery over you is degenrate goyim! Embrace traditional slavery goyim!!!!