Brit/pol/ - Culture Edition

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Vote UKIP!

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Daily reminder muzzie terrorists are based

They kill degenerates, gays, nonwhite subhumans and urban corporatists economy slaves

depressing stuff

Poles out, Pakis in

Are there any articles that highlight the stupidity of modern education ie. left wing bias etc... Help me out lads.

are they really going to refer to wales and england as "Wangland" after scotland and northern ireland split from the UK???

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They also cucked the Bobbys

No because the media is run by a far right establishment

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That's a contradiction there mate.


Rasheed chatting shit about the north again I see

The same tribe run both. What are you hoping to find?

Muslims are disgusting animals

t. Kebab gobbling Norf F.C season pass owner

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It is, but libshits really believe it.

haha good one Rasheed

Another request boys: how long do ISPs log your internet activity for? If I visit Jow Forums, how long will it be before they "forget"?

why doesn't scunthorpe ever feature on /b/ slags? Do I need to post photos of my niece?

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Not new but look up the sokal affair, brown university withdrawing a paper so as not to hurt the feels of trannys. And this

Ffs I can hear the demon at my door

There's a word created for paki's.

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Legally? 12 months
In reality? probably longer

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>four days sober

What a poof you are. My last you to you.

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Isn’t it up to 6 years or something?

Getting pissed with a concussion is turning out to be a fun couple of days.

Fuck off

Wow can't believe Bristol made it into OP's image!

Should have put the angle of the norf in the background

She's pretty fit to be honest

The NORF Colossus

Interviewed an ex sapper at work today. Good guy.

London 2045: Opening Paragraph

Nobody dare look one another in the eye as they pass through Hackney. Its a bitter cold winter evening on Chatsworth road and a hooded figure swigs from a hipflask as he walks to Homerton Station. Small crowds linger around the boarded up shops but there is little interaction between them and they don’t bother the hooded man. He grips the flick knife in his pocket tightly. Its impossible to trust in this environment. Even the homeless, once aggressive and demanding in their ceaseless begging do so today without the slightest acknowledgement of others, each pleading their case quietly to passersby without looking at them directly. The hooded man doesn’t acknowledge them. Even if he could understand the broken English and myriad of other languages their pleas would fall on deaf ears. He has no money to spare. No one does since the economic collapse.


The only thing worse than jews and coloureds are policemen that protect them
are we going to mourne Ariana Grande fans or London wage slaves now?
Should have turned nonwhite immigration into a public health concern a long time ago

Could london become one of those independent city-states that you find in civilisation 5?

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Hey guys get a load of this keyboard warrior over here: This guy obviously fancies himself as the next Führer lmao

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I like to expose my genitals


Alright, I laughed

More like ROADS Colossus

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I don't wish to believe that.


Most of them are, I’m guessing the job was completely unrelated to his trade.

Anybody going to watch PC Nick Bailey make a dogs dinner of the official government narrative on the Skripal "poisoning"?

Why don't we just stay in the EU, then we will be a much more powerful country

Do you want to see the UK break up? I bloody well don't

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What do we do about the "chav question"?

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Execute order 66.

If you live in an area with a prominent MP you could become a fake candidate just to get on telly when they read the results of the vote, like the monster raving looney party or nigel farage

>da poisuning neva happened!
>its just two rushan lads on 'oliday to see a cafeedral!
Get rid of the proxy Vladimir.

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repurpose them into crack nonce hunting squads.
they'll save the country in about two weeks.

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>Could london become one of those independent city-states that you find in civilisation 5?

The Shitty already is. We need to Wall off Outer London and nuke it.


The weak fear the strong.

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I'd rather have the UK disintegrate into its constituent countries then be subservient to the wannabe autocrats in Brussels

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I might be wrong, light googling said 6 years but reading into that, it was companies being required to keep data of ex employees for at least 6 years, some more light googling told me ISP keeping data for 12 months, but that was part of the policy deemed unlawful. Can’t be arsed looking into it properly. The demons talking too loud now

we will build a wall to seperate the pure white welsh from the rat-like, brown and black english

it will be called offa's dyke, named after the previous wall

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The United Kingdom of England and Wales would suffice, got a nice ring to it..

pretty sure if the russians wanted to kill somebody theyd actually kill them instead of just making them sick.
also killing a couple of bong junkies seems pretty low on their list of potential global targets

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would you lads join a nation wide council tax boycott if you got enough people interested? tired of busting my balls every day for it all to go on NEETs and romanians benefits who never have to work a day in their life

Why can’t we have sovereign families instead of sovereign states? Is it because family is the natural enemy of state?

>Season pass

Im a neet who lives alone and had most of my council tax discounted and paid for, so no.

You can afford to live alone without an income?



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i want you to suffer so you get a real job and stop being a scrounger

Totally. Went into IT after leaving the army.

Was a VM now in roofing

We need to start offering medals and other incentives for Nonce Hunters.

At least he had the sense to retrade early.

what the fuck

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What the fuck are you on about?

I used to make £21000 + £2000 bonus. ESA + PIP + housing and council tax benefit works out roughly the same. Miss working though.

god no, they're self righteous idiots most of the time

what we need is the death penalty for all those found to be noncing

Look, we both know I’ll have every intention of only having a couple then once that crate is sank I’ll be smashing that gin

So what you're saying is you're feeling suicidal?

It's a disgrace that you can claim esa and pip when you're capable of working, what's up with you?

>tell my mum bout my interview failure
>she offers me a couple of jobs at hers

bless her but just fuckin end my life

is the reason you're living a NEET life style because you can't get a job because you're a convicted nonce?

Not really. I've been unemployed 3 months and nearly run out of money.

I've been applying but nobody is hiring.

Eddie's lost the plot lads, was only a matter of time

Not as funny as I thought it would be.

Seen a homeless lad, ex-soldier, called Mark, lost his job and everything and ended up sleeping by a school yesterday. He had to walk to the next borough as they had a hostel type set up to get people an address and get them back on their feet. The other borough wouldn't provide him with a home or anything even though he'd paid council tax for 5 years but was willing to house a bunch of rapefugees free of charge.

This countries entire set political system sickens me to the core. We'd be better off going back to a HRE set up with City states instead of being ruled by offshorist in Londonistan.

just got a bottle red, drinking now.

What do you look at when browsing pornhub, lads?

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Is moving back in with your parent(s) an option?

Our fucking firm gave a bunch of syrians a gorgeous furnished house that they ruined by drying all their clothes inside. Everything down to the carpets got mouldy.

We gave them another.

You realise that the "autocrats" are either directly elected by us (MEPs) or appointed by our democratically elected governments, right?

The way that the President of the European Commission (currently Juncker) obtains his/her position is IDENTICAL to the way that our Prime Minister obtains his/her position. In both cases, whoever is the leader of the party that gains the most seats in parliament is the person who obtains the office in question. Juncker is President of the Commission because he is the leader of the European People's Party, who have the most seats in the European Parliament.

Anyway, we should stay a part of the EU because it makes our country stronger and more influential. Remember how we won WWII by banding together with allies? Alliances make you stronger. We should retain our alliances with our closest friends - France, Germany, etc.

>hurr durr russian dindu nuffin!
You are joking aren't you? I'm going to assume you're joking because nobody could actually be this stupid.

>killing a couple of bong junkies seems pretty low on their list of potential global targets
They weren't targeted. They happened to come across the chemical weapon (novichok) by chance after it had been lazily discarded by the Russians. You really don't know anything about this case, do you?

Not an argument, faggot.

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I'm disabled. Hence the disability payments you faggot. It's not rocket science. I'd love to be working. Life is fucking soul destroying on benefits.

Most ex military on the street are there because they fucked up or chose it, there's so many charities to support veterans here it would be down to self doing.

Big tits.

Howling, what a load of fucking bollocks

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imagine being this much of a eu loving loser

being a lazy excuse for a person isn't an official disability

the disability benefits system is fucking incredibly easy to play, so whats your "disability" then, aside from an obvious desire to sit around scratching your arsecrack all day

A lot of lads are too proud to ask for help, and some of the lads out there got their heads really messed up or just genuinely can’t adapt to civvy life. It’s hard to explain how alien it is to a pot noodle eating cunt

You, babe.

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Stopping welfare will solve most problems in the west.

what no bukkake

>It’s hard to explain how alien it is to a pot noodle eating cunt

Cannot wait for this old cunt to die.