>be straight white man >work 40 to 50 hours a week >1/3 of my earnings automatically vanish in taxes >to fund welfare for leeches who never worked and never will >to pay the police's salary and they'd still gladly charge you for being a bit racist online >to pay for single mothers' lifestyles that you are not fucking and to care for the children that you don't know
I fucking hate having to pay so much tax. We don't have any parties who believe in lower taxation either, all of them want even higher taxes, more of that sweet taxpayer cash, what bullshit.
>1/3 in taxes You should be grateful. Americans pay a similar amount. We don't get healthcare, higher education, pensions, incredible safety nets, etc. Our roads are terrible and if someone rides in an ambulance, they have to pay for it outside of taxes
Matthew Long
I am Neet and i thank you for your services. I never worked in my life and do not plan it either. why tho ? to be cucked like you ? for society ? FUCK SOCIETY !!! i prefer living as a free man. you choose your own destiny . you want to be a slave. i we all stop working the system would colapse. the filthy rich NWO Reptiloids would be forced to change the things for the better. otherwise they couldnt sustain theyr actuell life standard. We could change the game , take it over and make our own rules. But you are to cowardly. and thats why i despise you. enjoy suffering
Kayden Perry
but if you're a republican why do you vote against your own economic interest?
William Thomas
Oh no, you could only buy one house and live semi comfortably. Fuck off whinefag.
Adam Moore
Taxation is theft
Brayden Rivera
Have you ever spoken to people about taxes? A lot of people love paying them for some reason.