The Fire Rises!

USA demographic is almost 10% mixed race. Holy fuck, why is nobody talking about this? 40% Hispanic, 10% Mixed and 14% black and they have the nerve to talk shit about other countries?

Attached: USA demographics.png (778x403, 14K)

Look at that bar raise, goddamn, you'll be 100% mixed before 2030 at this point!

Attached: Mutt.png (323x522, 20K)

Uh oh!


Attached: mutt3.png (541x391, 156K)

Does this count infra-ethnic mixing (I.e. French with Pole) as mixed like we do, or is it just racial?

Wait, it's 73%?

But "muh le 56%"

If you look at the first chart, it shows you what races mixed with what other race. Here's another chart for you. Ruh Roh Shaggy!

Attached: mutt4.png (473x495, 151K)

I will never breed with a non-white, and I will teach my offspring the same. I will be a white light in the darkness, a final bastion.

Oh no no no, no cop out, hispanics are classified under white. It's less than 56% now my little mixed race goblin alien.

Attached: 1510200286730.png (400x400, 30K)

you literally threw a bar graph at me with no information besides statistics.

no data when or where its from. Oh no, im totally convinced..

Happy Thanksgiving you shareblue niggers, try not to sob over your white families enjoying themselves.

You'll be snuffed out quickly by the colored winds.
Also telling kids to not do something makes them want to do it more.

Attached: 1510372914060.png (889x696, 117K)

I live in a state with a similar area to Germany, it's 90% White. If things get bad, Whites can come here. Things are bad now in Germany. Where are the White Germans supposed to go?

That's because they don't include White Hispanic as White.

>Muh sharblue
>Muh source

It's from a gov website my little Israeli puppet.

Attached: 1501197863351.png (900x506, 464K)

The US as of July 2018 is 60.7% Non Hispanic White, 18.1% Hispanic, 12.6% Black, 6% Asian, the rest mixed race.

Attached: 6BBEC7F5-BCD3-45AA-B74E-7962F58CBBF9.jpg (553x467, 260K)

Lmao yeah right.

No it’s not it’s gaslighting projections from

Now show the WMAF

>Changes flag to hide the fact he is in fact a mutt or worse yet, from some 3rd world European shit hole
Spotted the kike

based maine

why do they always vote blue???

Show your Israeli flag kike

>Almost 10%

>single-race white

That includes kikes so take at least two percent out.

There's a difference between telling and teaching. My people will endure.

Went to /v/ a few days ago and people ere posting there mutt kids holding a switch ad the new Pokemon game. They got the typical mutt response and most of the post (probably american) defended his looks and said he looked white.

wtf is going on in Alaska?

Who is "they." memeflag kike?
For the sake of argument, check total numbers instead of hiding behind percentages. This country still has more total whites than nearly ALL of Europe combined.
One region is more vulnerable than some and Europe is busy letting Muslims come in to rape their women as they sit and shitpost on websites.

America has always valued assimilation over multiculturalism asides from enclaves like Chinatown. Different Europeans mixed within generations. Ask an American "white" what they're ethnicity is and they will give you multiple different European ethnicities while speaking English in an American accent and living in "American culture." Imagine the same thing in 30 years but now the responses could include mexican, african, asian, arab, indian, etc instead of just german, english, irish, or italian. There is no stopping American muttification.