Donald Trump: Mexico will pay for wall, '100%' 9/01/2016
Promises promises
Other urls found in this thread:
>lefty memes
>low iq
>something something orange man bad
every time
Yeah but where's the lie? Even the military is deployed and they still let beaners walk across
>orange man no make wall
>orange man bad
The wall is ICE, you insufferable kike shill
>he thinks all it says is “orange man bad”
Did you not learn how to critically read as a kid?
It’s making a very particular point about the way Trump’s rhetoric has slowly but surely reversed his position on the border wall. And it does so by making a comparison to a similar joke of a jewish father promising less and less money to his son.
Is it hard for you to read? Do you just look at the pictures? It’s okay, it takes time to learn new things.
>the wall is ICE
Big fucking joke. He literally promised a 30 foot wall along the entire border paid for by the Mexican government.
And now you’re defending the idea that ICE is just as good? Are you from the office of the Press Secretary?
Trust the plan in one hand, build a wall in the other and see which one stops migrants you Qtard
Trump refuses to wield any power whatsoever. Even his own appointed judges rule against him and he just takes it like a bitch. All we've got out of him is moving the embassy to Jerusalem. If he isn't a kike puppet of ZOG, he's totally ineffectual and impotent.
man, kikeshills are really mad this day that a isreali traitor is not going to isreal.
t. Trump sycophant