Any of y'all dealing with leftist family members on Thanksgiving?

Any of y'all dealing with leftist family members on Thanksgiving?

>Be me, Thanksgiving 2017
>Aunt, uncle, and paternal grandmother attend (my dad & uncle's mother)
>Uncle brags about how my cousin married a black guy
>To be fair, cousins' husband is actually fairly redpilled, hails from a rural community, hunts, fishes, has voted for Republican candidates etc
>Brags about mixed race grand kid
>just sit there and take it
>But then he tells my grandmother he is leaving the church
>Says he cannot condone how Christianity treats women
>Grandmother pretends not to listen
>can tell she is beyond pissed off though
>She dies 6 weeks later
>Uncle fucking converts to Islam

Mfw aunt and uncle are going to be here later today
Mfw everything I have posted here is not an artistic work of fiction

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Other urls found in this thread:


>mom mentions that the new FL governor is the republican
>thank God
>she mentions something about how he told the black dude he was running against to "quit monkeying around"
>fucking based
>mom says trump doesn't believe in climate change
>"he's so stupid lol"
>must... contain... power... level...
I've made it this far, I'm not revealing my lvl to my liberal family. I will just give them little redpills here and there until they figure it out. If I blow my cover now I'll never have a chance to redpill them.

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my mentally challenged epileptic aunt has to go to a hospital to come off her meds to see if she is disabled enough to be on disability. honestly like wtf america????

this happens next week. dinner is gonna be a shit show

You're weak. This meme about hiding power levels needs to stop.

Aunt and uncle are massive liberals. Theres always an argument every year at their house, usually over guns.
>mfw I always carry, and make it a point to always carry when I visit their house for Thanksgiving or christmas

We are fighting an ideological war, brother. I am behind enemy lines. The only way I will be effective is through covert ops, for now. You have to drop truths when they don't have their NPC programmed defense up for them to get through the brainwashing. It is a delicate process.

If you can reveal your full power level and effectively help our side then I wish you all the best and Godspeed, bro. We all do what we can. We will feast together in Valhalla.

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>tfw entire family is redpilled as fuck, voted and support Trump, hate niggers and jooz and armenians, same page on all political issues, and have civil discussion on how to coordinate our votes

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my extended family uses ostracizes me and my immediate family unless they want something done. Also, most live far away so it's a little understandable.

Dont have any, God bless

>having to deal with your family after moving out

You fucked up your life, Chris

>as voted for Republican candidates etc

>just sit there and take it
Fucking pussy. Your grandma was beta too for not ripping him a new one.

here the islam is impossible

>Can’t stand how christianity treats women
>Turns to islam
What da fuq?!? Islam is like ten tines worse to women.

Cousin who seems most red pilled of the younger generation is bringing a Mexican tranny bf...

>Says he cannot condone how Christianity treats women
>fucking converts to Islam

Fucking lol

one thing I didn't get about King Of The Hill.... Hank looks like his mama.
Hank's Japanese half brother from his father looks like Hank... How does that work... lol

Its a cartoon

>>Says he cannot condone how Christianity treats women
>converts to Islam
See, his problem isn't leftism but rather severe idiocy

Right? Makes no goddamn sense.

my entire family are liberals including all my aunts and uncles. Arguing with them about politics has become pointless as you cant change their mind and any facts you bring up in my family are fox news facts. They know i dont watch fox news yet that is their only comback. Just eat the turkey talk about improvements in daily life keep the subjects on science and get through it. Only thing that will fix a liberal is living in a black ghetto community for a year. It fixed me and i hate niggers now but as long as they live in their white communities and dont experience multicultralism enrichment they will never change.

Now I am confused. Tranny bf means that it was originally male or female?

Man, the next things, that you will demand from them are logical thinking and responsibility. Aren't you too demanding?

Kill them


nope just sitting here alone about to go to sleep at 3pm

Why bring a gun to Thankgiving dinner? What's the point?

Just ask them why they are against women having the strength to defend themselves. That's what guns do, unless you are a black male.

But if the meds stop her fits why can’t she work? They obviously work if they are making her come off them to test it.

>you hate darkies


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not even going this year. These fucks live in a gated all white community currently meanwhile I grew up going to school with mexicans and now work in the pozzed vibrant city to support myself. Somehow my opinion on politics are invalid though. I'll be going for christmas though, hopefully thats not a mistake. who else close to cutting contact?

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he doesn't always vote republican. Likely did not vote for Trump. I guess it might be possible though.

Turkey might not be fully dead


not from USA but my whole family is so fucking liberal it disgusts me, my hippie grandma who uses facebook to praise left-wing parties and abortion, my stepfather who is half-black (from southern europe), my mother - a whore and my father - the ultimate cuck, i hate them all. at least my dead grandpa was in SB

Peggy's mom radically changes from a poofy suburban mom to a tough as nails rancher




My family is a regular, thinking conservative family. We all complained about Trump and once again went over why the constitution party should just start shooting people. Kikes and shills that unironically support trump aren’t welcome to my thanksgiving or my board, fuck off.

its an old communist organisation, something like military police, it would be translated to "security service" i think, its purpose was to eliminate opponents of the regime

>literally the commie's degeneracy enforcing arm

You deserve to be torn apart between Russia and Germany

this guy knows the meta

this guy doesn't

what's the difference?

In our family many have different views nad opinions, discussions can get heated but at the end of the day we are still a family regardless.

im not a commie, my grandfather wasnt a commie too, it was just a good career path, however after 1990 there were serious consequences

>leaves christianity, cause how women are treated
>joins islam

well, only thing to do, is supporting him, with some quoran verses, like 4:34 for example

The idea of an unbreakable family is bullshit, I haven't spoken to mine for more than two years now and it's one of the best decisions I ever made. If you don't agree with them politically they are your enemy.

If I ruled Poland today I would restore the Ulatowski royal line and conquer west Germany
things I would do include
A) Bill of rights based exactly on the U.S.
so 2nd amendment would be allowed
2) lower taxes a crapton and deregulate business
3) base the currency on work like in ww2 germany
4) after conquering Germany. Fix many of germany's social problems... after annexing territory. would rebuild germany's military to much greater extent
prevent minorities that are deemed threats like... you know who... from gaining power

>be me
>forced to attend boring lefty dad's side of the family thanksgiving
>they don't even make a real turkey
>they just heat up some dogshit from costco in the oven
>eat a bit of everything
>the tastiest food was the bread rolls and butter
>currently am shitting all this dogshit food out
>they're talking about normie shit so boring I want to blow my brains out
>they don't dare talk about politics while I'm here because I'm a proud Trump supporter that doesnt take shit

At least I'm eating real food later on today with my not gay side of the family

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I'm about to head to my aunt's place. My cousin will be there and she's an obese whore who posted a bunch of statuses on facebook during the Kavanaugh shit about how she got raped and how this country needs to change. I got a bit sick of it so I asked her what her rape has to do with the alleged groping of Blasey-Ford, and whether evidence or proof should come into play in dealing with the allegations.

So yeah I know I'm going to have to deal with that bullshit.

The Papal Bull promising heaven to all that resisted Islam in the name of Christ never expired, user....Deus Vult!

Niggers. Remember the nog who went hunting on Easter after his girlfriend broke up with him?

5)Invest heavily in nuclear energy to support a growing economy
6) Purchase or negotiate a deal to annex land from western Ukraine in exchange for support
7) Invest in synthetic fuel refineries to create energy independence
8) increase the size of the navy and design it for worldwide service
9) Cut diplomatic ties with Israel
10)invest in heavy industry

shit meant forsorry

I've been the lone alt-right outcast in my famliy for 6 years. No more. Trump and his criminal enterprise are hard-core degenerates. His family of gifters and Zionists has caused the GOP to leave me. His taff of bungling fuckwits has damaged the ability of the govenment to function. His series of vacuous confirmations and hirings makes me question his sanity (Sessions, Kavanaugh, Bill Shine, Bolton, McFarland, Nauert, Digenova, etc.)

The recession Trump's trade wars has already triggered will hit hard next spring because Trump does not give the first fuck about anybody but himself. We have been warned.

Are your parents divorced or something?

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>We will feast together in Memehalla.

No but they disagree politically
>dad is fullblown lefty cuck in almost every way you can imagine
>mom is Trump voting civnat that on the surface is getting sick of the hatred towards whites
There's also been petty shit going on between our family to the point that she just doesn't show up to the family holidays anymore. They're too fat and comfy to divorce

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1. Pick some choice verses from the Qur'an and the Hadith regarding how women are regarded and to be treated in accordance with Islamic teachings.
2. Ask your newly minted sandnigger wannabe cuck of an uncle what he thinks of them.
3. Don't let him ask questions as he will naturally try and deflect. Press him for answers.
4. Watch in real time as his head implodes as he fundamentally tries to divide by zero.

Tell the cunt that it deserved to be raped. Go big or go home.

I don't have any leftist family members. It would be horrifying though.

its funny to me how whites who live in exclusively white communities or gated communities are usually liberal on this stuff while the whites who grew up surrounded by "diversity" are usually more tribal

you realize when youre living among dirty ass mexicans or niggers that they're not your people, they don't want to be your people, and that the whole multicultural meme is a bunch of bullshit

How to coordinate your votes? It’s pretty easy you dumbass. Just vote republican. You don’t need to strategize how to do that.

Silence, heretic. You will go to the cuck place, the gates of Valhalla will not open uuuu

Fukkin saved


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based post, brother

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sounds like an interesting couple

Despite me being mixed race, my family is fairl redpilled in comparison to most mixed families. My nan sometimes comments in a negative tone whenever she sees invaders outside her house, and she doesn't seem to have a high opinion of, my grandad whom is how I'm mixed as he's part Maori usually tells her off, but doesn't do anything else. However both are sadly labour supporters. My maternal nan, is a ukipper who doesn't like the way the demographics of this country are going more and more non white, and she supports Enoch Powell. My mum who's white, is usually apolitical but she opposes immigration, hates pakis. Also when i was a kid I used to have a bad habit of picking my lip, and she warned against this asking if I "wanted to look like a nig nog" (British term for nigger). My half brother who's also white hasn't really said anything based to me, but according to my mum, when he was looking for a place to go to uni, he considered Wolverhampton but didn't because "there were too many Asians." (I presume by Asian he meant pakis and Indians). I myself am outright alt right. The only bad thing is none of them are redpilled on the JQ.

>Uncle fucking converts to Islam
>Says he cannot condone how Christianity treats women
are you making shit up, Op? this reads like a cartoon.

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>>they're talking about normie shit so boring I want to blow my brains out
>Not bringing a book
You absolute pleb.

Why does your image imply that's an extraordinary outcome, rather than a 50% chance.

*she doesn't seem to have a high opinion of gays

>"voting will fix this"
>hate niggers and jooz

this is what a kike shill looks like. makes republicans out to look racist. the only real problem is the kikes and their control of media, the jewdicial system, zogbot law enforcement, and both republicans and democrats.

fellow anons, allows look for the kikes who say "jooz". It's their amerikike way of shilling.

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The only reason why Republicans are against any discussion of climate change is because they like the taste of Saudi cock. Otherwise, they wouldn't give a shit.

I think family is important, its the ones you would help regardless and get help from regardless.

They respect you even if you have a different opinion and you respect them even if they have a different opinion.

I don't know your relations to your family, maybe they are so bad it cannot be but if it can someone needs to take the first step.

>hate niggers and jooz and armenians
>hate armenians
So you're all dirty Turkroaches. Ahh.

FUCK you shills are salty today. Are you finally getting tired of your operation? Every day you spam garbage all over this image board, and every day you are all completely blown the fuck out. Every time. Without fail.

Must be pretty disheartening to know that even with millions of shekels backing your shill organizations and all the time and human resources you waste trying to lie to us, with the only effect of all your efforts being that even more normies become redpilled, that when the money dries up when your handlers are exposed you will be even less effective than you are now, which almost seems impossible, and you will be nothing more than what you always were, shill.

A bunch of pathetic, stupid liars.

p a t h e t i c

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Sorry man. Fuck Mudslimes.

No liberals in my house. I'm a white native Texan.

Uncle was a starshina and talks about how much people he knew who ge bribed or just commanded respect in and tyey gave him various goods for which the plebs had to queue or go on the other side of the city for.

Grandma was a store clerk and has said that people fought at lines for sugar and people left their workplace to get it but still admits that she liked her job because there were petty corruption schemes and giving stuff to your friends which ofc equals them owning you a favor.

Fuck you, Hans. I'm not dead yet.

>thanksgiving comes around last year
>don't contact any family, don't feel like it
>remain no-contact with them until recently
>last week dad texts me that he wants me at his house for thanksgiving
>tell him I'm going to my mom's place
>he leaves me alone
>don't go to either of them
>stay home and write this post on Jow Forums instead

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the climate change debate is only about Saudi Royal family cock flavor and that's it. It's all about rich ragheads and their money.

Deal with it™.

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Yeah so I'm open carrying my 357 to piss them off.
>user why do you need that big gun!?
>user could you not get that so close to me please.

Go home then you gay cali faggots.

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Whole family is either a trumptard cuckservative, liberal, or downright Socialist, I’m a Nazi. We go back and fourth constantly at every get together.

what family?

Bobby is a fat fuck and his father isn't but that's the joke.

Yep, I have a cousin who is a professor at Berkeley. She turned my other cousin against the family when she realized how “racist and misogynistic” we were by voting for trump and wanting to keep some semblance of our national identity. It fucking sucks dealing with people who are brainwashed to hate their family for political opinions.

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>nonsense response

Why are you shills so fucking gay? You faggots are always talking about sucking dick or dick this, cock that. I mean, really, "cock flavor"? You have to be a complete faggot for thoughts like that to come to your pozzed mind. Just let your black bull fuck your prolapsed anus already so that you will shut the fuck up about male genitalia ffs.

Faggots, all of you. You should know that you are all obvious to anyone who has lurked here more than a couple months, if that.

p a t h e t i c

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You're american, just shot 'em.

I refuse to believe you. Anyone bragging about niggers and converting to Islam? Come on, at least try to make it realistic.

My mom
>Anti-American Blacks
>Anti-Anything LGBT
I've been giving her redpills and passing them as jokes and when she asks "Is that true?" I just show her statistics and explain them to her, I've been telling her about the shit I see on Jow Forums while lurking and honestly I now feel like I'm the liberal when I talk to her.

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Of course. Literally all of my family is leftist/progressive.

Trump has tiny hands is a hilarious joke to them.
>Trump is in big shit.
>Trump's done for now.
They all watch CNN on full blast.

If they know that you support Trump, they will automatically (NPC meme is real) discard what you are saying, no matter how true it is. They will simply think
>what i am hearing is racist/sexist/whatever bullshit
>orange man bad
If you truly want to educate the useful idiots, you have to give them small truths at first, and preferably ones that are so obviously true that they can't be countered by the leftist propaganda. Then, when they are beginning to see that their worldview just might be a little bit wrong, you drop one or two heavy pills on them and just let them digest that for a while.

If you do it right, they will come around and they might surprise you with how much their power lvl has grown. Slow and steady wins the race.

A frog is in a pot of water. Boil fast, frog jumps out. Boil slow, frog stays. Slow boil, anons.

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>my entire family are liberals including all my aunts and uncles. Arguing with them about politics has become pointless as you cant change their mind and any facts you bring up in my family are fox news facts. They know i dont watch fox news yet that is their only comback. Just eat the turkey talk about improvements in daily life keep the subjects on science and get through it.
too real

No I skipped Thanksgiving again just like I will do with Xmas. Holidays are terrible

How hard is it to have an entire evening where no political conversation comes up? Are people so obsessed and brainwashed by what society feeds them, that politics are the end-all-be-all, they cant keep their traps shut about it?