American goes to North sentinel island to try to preach Christianity to un-contacted hostile tribe. Visits the island 3 times. First time hes met with arrows, second time he brings a gift and they still shoot at him, third visit he's murdered. "You guys might think I'm crazy in all this but I think it's worthwhile to declare Jesus to these people"
Source that his motivations were religious? Also, who keeps spamming these threads.
Ian Reyes
You forgot the part where God saved him from a loosed arrow by blocking it with his water proof Bible. Then this dude spits in the face of God and goes back and dies. Don't squander your miracles, folks
Bentley Jones
Even third worlders aren't dumb enough to accept the claims of mythological semitic allegories. Look what having faith in God gets you. You leave this life looking like a fucking moron who doesn't even deserve pity because of the narcissism. If you want to live with intellectual cancer well go ahead, but keep that semitic shit out of everybody else's lives.
You forgot your citation. Your post is full of shit anyway.
Kayden Wright
Bring them Indian women instead. White women are played out
Jose Cox
>implying they're 3rd world Those people lived and thrived on that island for over 60,000+ years, longer than any white civilization ever before it eventually destroyed itself or conquered by another civilization and genetically enriched.
Amazing. It says nothing about how he evaded death or even personal harm because of an arrow hitting his bible. >M-MUH MIRACLES! His bible was sitting somewhere in the boat and got hit with an arrow. You're retarded.
Eli Bailey
Yes. They kill any outsiders, doesn't matter the gender.
Robert Rogers
Ok well I'm going off what I heard on the news this morning, just provided the first textual evidence I found. He's a retard for going back
Blake Jackson
about a month ago some poo military was posting on here about the time he was stationed in the andaman islands, (dont think it was sentinel island, but one nearby). he said the savages would sneak into the army camp at night and steal nothing but cushions from their couches.
they would usually be found passed out on the cushions nearby, it was like advanced comfy alien technology to them.
He was martyred for the faith. Surprising to see a protestant do that. Praise the Lord. Hopefully the Islanders will come to accept Jesus one day
Cooper White
>christtards believing in claims without having evidence to validate the claims >does no investigation either >MUST BE MIRACLES/GOD Color me surprised
Charles Adams
Yeah I don't believe you. No way are a bunch of tribal people can break into a 21st century modern military outpost. Even if they did, they would have no reason to.
All the Leftists are celebrating his death, especially the black Leftists.
They call him a 'devil' and 'criminal'
They are glad he's dead
Gavin Morales
Nothing of value was lost, I hope more of these mutts go to this eugenics island.
Leo Murphy
none is celebrating his dead but everyone can agree he earned himself a Darwin award
Michael Gutierrez
The majority of coalburners are christkikes everyone can see that leaf whats your point? Are you saying poison only effects some type of people and not all?
Eli Reed
Here's a fact; They will not make what they both were, they will make a mulatto child who will look like a dirty spic (((They))) like racemixing though
Jaxon Wood
They are celebrating the power of christ. How it doesnt exist
Jacob Richardson
He did. Notably he left you behind to continue to suffer.
Samuel Flores
Their is no such thing as a non autistic pagan, she is a model, so she was probably payed to sell some merch.
Noah Martin
These island apes, interrupted the man’s song with their Stone Age weapons. Roped his body across the sand. Very disrespectful.
Identity politics belong in the trash. You're a subhuman retard for believing your identity politics is an exception.
Tyler Morgan
Fuck off to reddit niggerlover, trash like you are why this country is going to shit, you embrace subhumans and kikes who destroy this nation from the inside out.
More than likely you're just some mestizo mongrel anyways.
Brody Butler
+1 for the red army :-) EBIN
Luke Rodriguez
>”””murdered””” shot for trespassing after being given warning shots on multiple occasions, those bone-nosed penis sheath wearing niggers are practically American already
Justin Hall
Not an argument. I'm white, also. Why dont you make like a good NPC and go die in another country for the "opportunity" to spread semitic mythology? God wills it, faggot.