Zuckerberg and Sandberg, the two people running Facebook, are now accused of being anti-semites for going after George Soros. George Soros has funded the "Freedom from Facebook" group, which aims to break up the company.
How does this affect your worldview, Jow Forums? Is this a bit of a "red pill" to you? Not what you expected?
It’s to make normies think all the Soros stuff was lies you dipshit. Facebook are taking one for the team.
Nolan Clark
Corporate Jews vs Commie Jews vs NWO Jews
Brody Collins
soros is banned from israel and most jews hate him. shocking. ben shapiro is the most popular person and kikebook and that's all you need to know about it. all of them need the gas.
But Facebook is completely dispersing the myth of George Soros being a boogeyman by actually linking him to campaigns that the media branded "grassroots".
The whole theory thus far is that George Soros is just a rich guy who doesn't actually do much of anything except donate some money to campaigns. Facebook is countering that theory quite hard here. He is very active on the widest range of possible subjects. He's not a boogeyman.
Daniel Ramirez
>a Jew that married a chink is coming after his fellow Jews You DO know Jews collaborated with Nazis to kill rival Jews, right?
>Facebook has just gone full anti-Soros. You're telling me I'm on Soros' side? I swear to God I'm going to pay the first Chink I see to overload your PSU
Noah Cook
liberal kikes and zionist kikes in a power struggle for control.
I've been thinking this for a while, a friend mentioned it. That George Soros is just another front man behind the real players. Not are what the grand plan would be in that scenario, just more divide and conquer jewish bullshit.
Adam Williams
I didn't choose this, it was chosen for me. Facebook disabled my account, not soros!
Noah Wright
Angel Brooks
I think Zucc targeting system is having a malfunction
Aaron Lopez
This is pretty fucking empty news since I don't like either one of them and they both still continue to exist
Jacob Hall
>How does this affect your worldview, Jow Forums? >Is this a bit of a "red pill" to you? Not what you expected? Faceberg is just defending his company. Nothing strange about that.
Fake news MSM presents it in a way that defends soros; but that's nothing new.
Jordan Hernandez
Wrong. The strategy to convince normies is just to ignore and ad hom critics/conspirators, not to create a wide scale controversy that'll draw eyes and beg questions.
Asher Flores
it doesn't change anything. Maybe some people will see the writing on the wall but it won't change my mind on Facebook or Soros.
Matthew Adams
>good jews and bad jews in to the oven, sorry memeflag i dont make the rules
Asher James
facebook is 85% aligned with SOROS/globalism but that 15% is troubling. It's a US corporate entity that could (and may) be broken up or forced to be politically neutral by a somewhat populist gov't such as Trumps. That is to say - there are many forces, who each hate each other, that for their own reasons want to destroy Facebook and create it more in their own image. Social networks are like the one ring in tolkein and there is a struggle to control that power.