
Attached: Untitled1.png (1992x992, 111K)

Other urls found in this thread:

vote labour

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The Mosley party.

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Nothing likeable about the United Kingdom. And, no, it’s not a country. It’s a state. Anti-Celtic one at that

Let it burn


Let’s hope Nelsons blood doesn’t come on befor 11

How do i join the Nonce Hunters? There's loads of ways to join the Red Squirrel Conversation groups though none on these lot.

fookin celtophobes

took me carnyx

smashed me chariot


Attached: celtic.png (556x712, 39K)

>le Jow Forums comes to Jow Forums thread

Without using words, we are left to consider whether love and attraction can break through the impasse of human intolerance.

Buy the dip

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death to r*me, freedom for celts.

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Think I might pop me willy out

Vote labour = accelerationism

Where are all the cunts that keep voting in pro-immigration politicians? Cunts the lot of you.

Anyone play on Pokerstars? Would a Brit/pol/ homegame be something anyone is interested in? What sort of numbers could i muster?

>tfw set for life

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gambling is fucking haram mate kick it out

You're a cunt, m8. Pro-immigration is pro-globalism. Neck yourself.

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vote ukip

Nonce hunting groups only select the most elite and hardened members of society. Unless you've already got solo experience luring nonces to McDonalds then they don't want you.


fuck off

>seething tory

You're going down. UKIP, Labour (based vote) either way, your slow boil is done.

Why is the standard of comments in this thread so low, baka get your head in the game boys, no wonder we lost the country to a bunch of communist wankers and another bunch of slightly less communist wankers.
Brainstorm some next level shit my Anglo niggers!

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these threads never even have editions, headlines or anything

low energy

Shit version

My buttocks are hairy, my mind is clouded by psychiatric drugs, vote Lib-Dem.

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Plankton T Arsefringe

The joke here is that rags like the daily mail do not ever have a solution for anything, they only crywank over our increasing suffering.

you don't contact them mate, they contact you, and keep the chatlogs for training purposes.

The mail is now cucked into being pro remain

Conservatives are pro-immigration. Parliament has to go.

Don't vote, democracy is a sham

>Fiona Bruce new QT presenter


England can't be saved.

It's simple. Stop worrying about the state of this nation and its peoples, stop worrying about the death of our society and the death of our culture.

Just buy two four packs of Carling, a box of Greggs sausage rolls or Pukka Pies, go and purchase the full sky sports package, Norf F.C/Souf F.C shirt and sink into beautiful football induced bliss as you cheer on Ngubu/Mgwembe scoring a cheeky one just before half time.
Be sure to get mates with similar aspirations and HUGE love of football. Eat as many curries, kebabs and pakoras as your rapidly growing gut can hold and just forget about this nightmare.

Absolve yourself of the horrors and stresses of living in Britain in the 21st century. Soon the only worry you'll concern yourself with is if your favourite team wins this season or or if Khalid will be transferring from Souf to Norf F.C.

Take the Goalpill. That's it Ngubu! Past Mbwembe! Pass to Ngolo! Yess....yess YESSS !!! GOAALLL!!!

Attached: the goal pill.jpg (738x1473, 254K)


How I laughed.

Doubt there's ant psych drugs would make you vote lib dem. I've tried them all and my brains not that pickled.

Labour, the party that authorized mass child rape at the hands of pakis and covered it up for years? The same party that authorized mass uncontrolled immigration to 'rub the noses' of native Brits? No.

Just seemed a fucking bizarre track for that fop faggot to go for. I like this version. Esp as the main guy looks like a norf charles bronson

Did your school have kids who would buy six packs of lucazade from the pakishop and sell them in the lunchroom for a £1 each?

this, a good turnout only gives legitimacy to the sham.

This. The Tory benefit bashing policies have killed thousands.

This. If you don't vote with 5 tonnes of nitrate fertilizer is doesn't count.

We should form a nonce hunting group lads

Ok boys! You are going out or staying in? Can someone explain to me wtf are you doing?

or Ill arest you

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Start with MPs

it had to be a woman

I used to buy 10 Lambert and butler for 72p from my £1 dinner money from the kids home. I'd then lift the big dairy milk bars from John Menzies and sell them for chip money.

I used to do this kek, all sorts not just lucozade. Id go to places like Costco though to actually make profit.

Lads, how foolish do you have to be to die of an MDMA overdose like

I really want to try it but if it really is luck of the draw as to whether you’ll make it out alive....

Why dont you make a the next thread?

I'm sure they have their own sources that don't involve chatlogs

I'd bang.

we want to go, but they don't want us to go and are offering us an even worse deal. nobody knows what's happening anymore, least of all the government, and certainly not us either.

>Vote for the party that brought in millions of pakis
If you vote Tory or Labour you're a fucking moron
Our version of Republizionists and Demokikes

I was that kid, although i'd buy them from the supermarket and shop lift from the paki shop.

Vote Labour. It's as close to a bomb as it gets and nothing is stopping you making a actual one.

>72p cigs
How old are you?

Nah, chocolate bar packs that had like 4-6 bars for £1 and sell each bar for 50p. In my year alone there were 5 "sellers"

We could start with /b/

>yah werent posting to a femanon yah durty bastid, yah was youing ME

I'm staying in tonight. Its cold out and I like watching question time on a Thursday so only go out if there is footy or im seeing a band.

Over 40. Started smoking at 10. Paying £12 for twenty regal now. Thankfully from others taxes.

Did Paki shops only let school kids in 2 at a time where you live? They knew what was going on lol

The days you could buy 10p seperates from corner shop...

>if someone doesn't believe in my conspiracy theorist Jow Forums nonsense then they MUST be paid to post here!

The hell does "globalism" even mean? Does it mean international trade and cooperation? Because those things benefit us, you realise that right?

Get a load of Hitler over here.

Even your country has very close ties with the EU and you have freedom of movement with the EU. You're basically a member, except you don't get to vote on the rules. Lmao.

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Sounds like bad wedding story
Nice plan

>Smoking at 10
Different time ey?

12p from the ice cream van. Came with 2 matches.

This. Rome of today are corporations, banks, immigrant dens, media stations and uni humanity departments

If you can sabotage any institution in the UK - do it. Whatever damages the government is a blessing for our people in the long run
>m-multiracial s-society works
Nevermind the research conducted by Putnam

Fuck off paki newfag.

Nope. They still smoke at 10 in kids homes now.

so SAS < Nonce Hunters?

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holy fucking KEK

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Yeah they knew it was happening but were powerless to stop it. I had a few effective tactics and there were about a dozen paki shops near my school so me and my mates would rotate.

>when you are so tedpilled you refuse to use fire

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Im in my mid 20s and had my first ciggie at 10. Didnt properly start smoking until 15 though.

I would rotate too if I was taking two abduls on my lunch break. Damn, your socks must have been damp by the afternoon. Poor bastard.

are those the based islanders that killed the chink?

brit, other brit, or new other brit?

Stop now or you'll be broken by 40.

There are three likely outcomes I see
1. (Most likely, I'd say about 65%) Parliament will tell May to shove her insane deal up her arse and we'll have a second referendum i which it's heavily implied '''''''brexit'''''' is that insane deal. People vote to remain.
2. (Second most likely, I'd say about 33%) Our kike puppet parliament passes this absolutely unacceptable insane deal and we end up in the EU as a vassal and pay 40 mil for the priviledge
3. (Least likely, I'd say about 2%) Parliament tells may to stick her insane deal up her arse and the EU tries to play hardball and tell us we can't change our minds about brexit. We leave with no deal and trade with the commonwealth, US, China and Africa and start our rebuilding as the EU federalises or collapses. This is what the people want and what's best for the country and therefore will never fucking happen.

>what’s best for the country
Implying anything other than autarky is good for the country

What has smoking since that young done to you lad? And how many do you smoke a day?

rule by autists?

Dunno what you mean. There was usually only one paki working at the shop and they weren't up for a fight.

I'm already broken, but yeah I should quit.

Reminds me of a good article i read recently.

I think that youll do what you always do - cash out and bro down. And this is 100%

Those years suck anyways.

Kek, they're so self-righteous. They think they stop dangerous monsters but all they do is entrap flabby desperate old men.

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The Sentinelese are the last bastion of sovereignty

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