I’ve been working with teens and parents for over twenty years and lately I’ve been getting a lot of questions about how to talk about racism and privilege without people getting defensive and jumping to the worst of conclusions about each other. Here’s one question from a mother I recently received:
My 16-year-old son is an open-minded person who sees people for what they do, not what they look like. I’m proud of his acceptance of people who are different than him. He’s politically savvy and we’ve had many discussions about the election. Out of the blue the other day he said that he feels hated because he is a white male. He doesn’t want to be defensive but it’s hard to know what to tell him when so many seem to be against the demographic that he fits into. I’m sure he’s not alone in feeling this way. Any thoughts?
Here’s the truth: None of us are entirely open-minded. It’s like when people say, “I don’t see color” or “I don’t have a racist bone in my body.” Not possible. People only say that if they don’t know how racism and bigotry work. We have all been raised to judge people based on race, class, and how we conform to cultural rules about how we “should” look or act. The sooner we admit it, the sooner we can have more interesting, honest conversations.
White boy problems
Part 2/3
Part 3/3
Thoughts Jow Forums?
how to defeat feelings of depression from being born the wrong gender and skin colour
just fucking attack people who look like you and become even more depressed
undersigned: a jew
>The "real men" meme
This abhorrent social engineering will soon stop, and everyone who's peddled it to the destruction of lives and countries will be held accountable.
The narrative will not endure once decent people grow enough balls to topple it.
How fucking old is this blog? I can't find it on this deranged racist cunt's website. Fuck off with your slide thread faggot.
It’s interesting though
>Because the bottom line is real men, honorable men, are strong enough to be uncomfortable with their privilege, have the courage to stay in conversations with people who may be angry at what our sons represent, and have the confidence to speak out against bigotry in any form. It’s the only way he’s going to break out of the box he says he doesn’t want to be in.
A trailer dwelling son of a truck driver speaks out against the bigotry of gated community liberal, who projectively labels him as "fucking privileged white male". Last time, the truck driver kids voted Trump.
These people are evil
>Go to college
>Get a job
>Earn money
>Buy a house
>Raise a family
what the fuck is this article about?
Being white is good. You should teach your son to be proud of his race.
I think you should stop posting tabloid garbage here for views Mr. Wiseman.
>real man
This is not real life.
Also, can these kikes actually state what they think this "white privilege" is? Because it sounds like they just want white people to hate themselves.
No one deserves discrimination, but I don't want to end up like this idiot in pic. Look at his mile long stare. What a fuck up.
Apex fallacy. Like all liberals, when they speak about white privilege, they're projecting their own minority well-off class identity on everyone - especially if they're poorer and almost certainly with no power to oppress anyone.
The globalist left have decided to become racially abusive to Whites. They have thrust a collective identity upon them and want to enact punishments against them, some of which have already manifested.
Surely you will have noticed this "dear White people" thing and the "you can't be racist to White people thing" or the insane backlash the left had to the "It's ok to be White" flying campaign (which was a stroke of pure strategic genius).
When you are being collectively targeted by the left for punishment and destruction, not only do you validate racial nationalism but you also necessitate it. If Whites are to be attacked as a collective, why can they not operate defensively as a collective? The left cannot back-peddle to advocating individualism when it is clear that they are supporters of extreme racial identity politics.
White Nationalism is thus a completely politically and ideologically appropriate response to what is collectively happening to White people. Furthermore, the intellectual heritage of the White Nationalist movements actually predicted that this was going to happen. It has been their position for years now that people are racially tribalistic and collectivist to some degree and that the individual is not as prominent a concept as the left and neoliberal right have claimed it is.
For the seasoned White Nationalist, not only do they have the solutions to these problems, they actually predicted these problems long ago and have been consistently warning people the anti-White storm that was on the horizon.
As the globalist left and neoliberal right have green-lit identity politics, we are now free to operate in the open.
It's not to say that there's no space for some civic nationalism, but due to generational privilege, it ultimately becomes ethnic nationalism in the end.
Let her tell you about your problems, user.
Fuck you
The nose always knows.
disgusting jew
leftists have made it clear nothing, according to their ideology, nothing white people do will ever be good enough. no amount of submission or capitulation will be sufficient. if you give them your house, they will ask for the clothes on your back too.
As soon as I started reading I knew it was written by some hook-nosed kike.
Do you guys on the left notice how it always seems to be Jews?
i speed read it. total marxist trash. angry black bitches are demonized on an individual basis because of their angryness and balckness, white men are demonized by the corporate media, and political establishment for perceived injustices committed by their supposed ancestors centuries before their birth. when a fuck face spouts some shit at you like this you have to block and parry.
But specifics! Fucking specifics! What is this nebulous "evil" white privilege I'm supposed to admit and confront everyone about. How does that make the world a better place?
I'm supposed to chant "I have white privilege" then fucking what? What happens besides self loathing? Also, why has every rundown, poor or lower middle class white supposed to do about it? They don't have many privileges, they don't have any education or money.
Why? Racial pride is stupid. You didn't accomplish any of that shi other white people did. I teach my kids racists are fuckin morons and America is a land for all
kike level: over 6 million
>Racial pride is stupid
i have pride for my founding fathers and my ancestors and the men who came before me. just as they had pride in the men who came before them.
>archive 13 april 2017
I'd be more interested in seeing liberals dead, so call me when you have a thread on that.
>I’m sure he’s not alone in feeling this way.
How are people this out of touch
Oh look, the token thread kike
>Thoughts Jow Forums?
>exact same thread in the previous 24/48 hours
Guess what I put in the options field
anal her to death this instant.
i'll teach your kids to murder you. AND i'll give you free icecream unicorns. doesn't that make me even moar virtuous than you?
Having your country stolen by Jews and nonwhites
>Because the bottom line is real men, honorable men, are strong enough to be uncomfortable with their privilege, have the courage to stay in conversations with people who may be angry at what our sons represent, and have the confidence to speak out against bigotry in any form. It’s the only way he’s going to break out of the box he says he doesn’t want to be in.
What the fuck is this Jewish black magic? What the literal fuck does this even mean? Why are (((they)))) conflating race with wealth and class? Poor stupid whites don't have "privilege". Rich people do. They can fucking buy it.
But seriously, can someone decode this Talmud trash? I don't speak subversive Jew.
Your kids read the Daily Stormer and will grow to hate you.
But the message is:
>"If you're a real man, you will question and hate yourself and admonish others around you for having white skin"
what the fuck.
It’s basically
>>Yes we do intend to attack you because our end goal IS to destroy you. But it’s imoirtant to remember, “real men” don’t fight back. “Real Men” simply accept oppression because “real men” know that they deserve it. Never ever fight back, just take it.
It’s sad to think that there are kids out there being taught to hate themselves by these subversive kikes. Probably hundreds of thousands of them.
gradually I began to hate them
No, white identity was just created by the jews so they had something to demonize in their endless divide and conquer psychological warfare the wage among nations and races. Its not real and it has never done anyone any good. All white identity means is every non white race in the world hates you and believe you have committed insane crimes in history, and you have to try 8 times as hard to get a job and get into college, and pretty much none of the social programs that you pay for actually help you.
We should raise our children to be strong individualists who resist arbitrary group identities, and instead form real communities based on real things like shared beliefs, shared interests, and motives.
There was a white guy in there! He had blue eyes like a Nazi!
it's almost like multiculturalism was a mistake.
Let me try. Is this how white people are supposed to confront white male privilege?
>White male #1: "I got an A+ on my chemistry exam!"
>Suspiciously nosed white male #2: "Woah there, you're really showing your privilege there. All of your accomplishments are not your own. The peachy tone of your skin make you have more opportunities, makes learning easier, people like you and the clouds part when you walk outside. You didn't get an "A" on your exam. Your skin and your whiteness did. user, it's time you admitted how you hurt and ruin other people by achieving things in life. Now, put that exam grade away. Don't show it off to anyone else and maybe study less for the benefit of everyone else who struggles in this world. Now apologize."
Is that how this conversation is supposed to happen? Am I confronting white privilege yet?
>YFW a White Man called any other race "Boy"
No this is literally about boys user. It’s worse than you think.
>As the mother of two white boys myself, this is something I think about as well.
Undoubtedly her "white" boys were raised to think of themselves as God's chosen race and immune from any "antisemitic" criticism whatsoever.
My thoughts? Absolute bullshit. No one needs to applogize for being born the way they are, including white men. It doesn't give us some special "privilege" and we have to work just the same as others. Wiseman needs to reevalute her own distorted perspective.
fuck liberals they are rather liberal with the lives and safety of the rest of us.
We wont easily forget they sold us out while they kept themselves safe from the worst of the effects.
The only stable countries long term are ethnically homogenous ones. This is a fact throughout all of history.
i didnt think it was browns attacking me its just a joke i think about often because canadian Abos love calling ppl "white boy"
user, they’re a conquered people. “White boy” doesn’t matter
Hey OP, how about you and the author (((Wiseman))) choke on shit and die.
Jow Forums, this is another Jew* trying subversive Jewish tricks. Sage and ignore
Here’s an interesting conversation for you cunt: go get in a car crash