
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

ARCHIVED LINKS pastebin.com/ynXV6CHT
DAILY SCHEDULE twitter.com/POTUS_Schedule
WH Public Pool: publicpool.kinja.com/

>Pres Trump Thanksgiving Visit with The Coast Guard 11/22/18
>Pres Trump Thanksgiving Teleconference with The Troops 11/22/18
>Trumpwave: Russian Hoax 11/22/18
>HUDSec Sleepy Ben on FBN 11/21/18
>Pres Trump arrives in FL 11/20/18
>Pres Trump departs JBAndrews 11/20/18
>Pres Trump remarks before departing WH 11/20/18
>Pres Trump Pardons Peas, Carrots does not concede 11/20/18
>SoS Pompeo Press Brief 11/20/18
>SoS Pompeo meets w/roach FM Cabus-ugly 11/20/18
>DHSSec Nielsen @Southern Border 11/20/18
>UNAmb Haley @UNSC on ME 11/20/18
>NECDir Kudlow outside WH 11/20/18
>NECDir Kudlow on FBN 11/20/18
>SpiceDaddy on FoxNews 11/20/18
>SpiceDaddy on FBN 11/20/18
>IntDepVideo: Happy Thanksgiving from Interior 11/20/18
>WHVideo: Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania receive Christmas Tree 11/20/18
>Donald Trump - Last Christmas 11/19/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania receive WH Christmas Tree 11/19/18

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

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waiting for user to deliver

prev thread wordcloud

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Hope you are enjoying a nigger and jew free holiday, frens. Don't watch tv.

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you're lucky a new thread happened because your ID was 100% DICK

hows the rain in cali?
has i helped the fires?

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>I'm just saying "be not fat". It's literally not hard
Yes it is. It's te equivalent of saying to the audience of this thread
> be an extrovert, it is not hard, lots of people are

>There are no legitimate excuses for anyone to be a fat piece of shit as an adult.
Agreed but if you want a woman you will have to mine one and refine on your own from a bad already finished product.
All of the good ones have plenty of choice and the good people in this thread, myself included, are not the most prize possessions in the world.

It is a simple choice:
> can you tolerate having to spend a couple of years molding a woman into a perfect wholesome mother, housewife and companion for life for the small price of helping her help herself to become a better person?
If so, go find one. If not, stick with 2D

>it's good to document things because everything goes away and gets lost in the void all the time.
I then make new ones. I don't really have attachment specially because I never throw them away, they're somewhere in my backup disc.

Here is what I believe to be the latest: archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/131549721/

>One of the difficulties with the modern dating market
One of the difficulties is that there is such thing as "a dating market" in the first place. Whatever happened to families introducing their youth to each other in hope they'll figure out that it takes two to make a baby and that by the time they're 25 they're christmas cake?

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>/ptg/ fat need

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Start pulling weight and throwing it above your head.

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I don't get why your threads keep getting deleted.

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LOL fag

>I don't get why your threads keep getting deleted.
jej, which ones, the bait ones?

no one would bother to cut it up into states, the old boundary lines would remain, but there would be a caustic transition period to new constitutions, and greedy hands would slice and gerrymander those states to the maximum, causing possible internal conflict. like i said, not only in terms of national defense or budgetary expenditures, it would be more of a burden.


What happened? Age of consent laws happened. Now the penalty for fooling around unsafely is abortion for the girl and a felony sex offender rap for the boy, whereas before that just meant early marriage.

Oh woops, I forgot about chanx viewing links that old saying it was deleted in the mouseovers, but yeah those shouldn't be fucked with anyways.

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I am too busy this past week

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Basically the bongs and aussies were neck deep in the FISA corruption and they've been begging him not to declassify the docs.

>the jews want to destroy this
I'm not saying I want to gas all the Jews, but my patience has its limits.

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>Trump going out of his way to make sure families argue over dinner

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>Whatever happened to families introducing their youth to each other in hope they'll figure out that it takes two to make a baby and that by the time they're 25 they're christmas cake?
There's a lot of social stigma these days against marry early (below late 20's), since it's seen as "irresponsible". Also there are several milestones in a young person's life that often causes them to move large distances, the first being college, the second being getting a decent job after graduation, with more moves being necessary depending on the job, field, and location (very few young professionals in NYC are from there, or intend on staying for the rest of their lives). Those moves tend to break up relationships. Also there's a lot of social pressure to "play the field" and "see what's out there", and people in long-term relationships since highschool are told that they "don't know what they're missing". It's a real mess.

>He's still doing it
Just be a little positive for one day silly.

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Checked. A reich of frens is better than no reich.
>Hope you are enjoying a nigger and jew free holiday
You know it.

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so was there a AWOO balloon????

Global freezing a go!

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Winter-chan please hurry!

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I just got done eating the turkey I prepared. It was the first one I've ever cooked and I injected Coca Cola in it along with butter. It tasted good.

Anyway, happy Thanksgiving.

>Age of consent laws happened
Bullshit. If you are even thinking about thinking about having sex with a girl when her family introduced you both in the hopes of marriage you are not marriage material. Sorry user, better luck next time.

Oh, that makes sense because the only threads the other "mind linked" portuguese makes that gets banned are bait threads and he is still serving a 30 days ban for one (15 for the thread, 15 for evading).
Not me tho, I don't partake in such activities. I don't even remember what was it. OH! A thread about the shooting [1] casting aspersion on the identity of the perp before the full details were revealed.
Under 1 hour to 200 posts and them the hammer fell on the poor sucker that made it.
[1] archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/190890907/#190890907



JFK's 55th Anniversary live stream & Current Events

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Hopefully all of you made fun of liberals all day with your families like I did.

>No sento gf to MAGA with
Fucking kill me

What bullshit, they might have room to dictate quality if they did the bare fucking minimum at all other times. Fucking cunts.

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They are trying to distance May from this. When FISA is revealed, May will hit damage control button and claims that she didn't know anything about this. Only naive fool will believe her that day.

And there is lots of naive fools.

>french anti-tax protesters find migrants hiding in a truck
>give them to the police
>the police releases them
>customs' unionists file a complaint against the protesters for racial hatred has shown by the fact that they gave the niggers away to the cops instead of sending them to a pro-migrants ngo

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>yfw with the cold embrace of Winter-Chan all the niggers and spics in this country will freeze to death
>yfw no more immigration from 3rd world hellholes because it's too cold

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>There's a lot of social stigma these days against marry early (below late 20's), since it's seen as "irresponsible".
True, it is the "infantilization" of the adults that gave you basedboys (not basedboys, basedboys) and thots.

> often causes them to move large distances, the first being college
That's a meme. There is barely to no benefit to going to "that one special far away college" except it became a tradition to have the chance to "get teh college experience", to the tune of 7 digits not dischargeable debt for a meme degree.

>Also there's a lot of social pressure to "play the field" and "see what's out there",
That's also a meme, mostly caused by said "college lifestyle".

Ride never ends huh?

Speaking of chans, whatever happened to Ebola-chan? Is she still sleeping? I was hoping to hear she had spread her love all over Africa and Europe by now.

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Never ever

Sorry to hear.

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>What bullshit, they might have room to dictate quality if they did the bare fucking minimum at all other times. Fucking cunts.
I considered it deserved, that's the sort of thing that makes mainstream media news
> Washington Post fact checks the claim that the shooter was a Bernie Sanders delegate

I'm willing to put in work if the person isn't a complete lost cause, however I'll also admit I'm also stubborn on this topic and look down on fat people. I've tried to help some in the past and they've always given excuses or relapsed after a very short period of time. I'm done with that. If she was just "mildly" overweight with a few pounds to lose I'd consider it, anything above that is a lost cause.
>If not, stick with 2D
If that happens to be my fate then so be it. I won't give up though.

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Why are UK police so worthless?


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Yeah but both those memes loom large in people's thinking. It's tough to fight against since they're so pervasive.


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She's taking her sweet time in Africa.

How is she not replaced by Mogg already? She hasn't had ANY successes as PM. Cameron was boring but at least he did what he set out to and resigned with dignity after Brexit.

Honestly though that's the price of things, throwing the baby out with the bathwater randomly throwing hammers out and leaving so much trash everywhere. They selectively enforce out the ass.

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>Be investigated by spies for Russian collusion
>Spies conclude no collusion
>Happily want to share this information with the public
I fucking hate the crying Jews.

nice work.

She's now a seasonal thing like flu in west Africa, so she might visit China and India soon!

The position of PM is basically a grenade with the pin out right now. No one is going to fight to take over that mess until after it's exploded.

Stop responding seriously to people tripfagging for no reason. Don't be stupid.

They are a private mercenary force for Jewish bankers.

I hope it doesn't get to cold this winter. Damage my stuff, it might.

That .webm is really fucking gay, my man.

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most of the time to see ebola in the news it's to cover up some other US action going on in Africa, usually related to keeping resources from China

>assuming you can just touch a stranger's face

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At the very least winter-Chan gives shitskins and their kids autism and brittle bones from vitamin D deficiency

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Oi m8 u ain’t got a loicense for publishi-

Oh you’re the American president aye?



Well done. Happy Thanksgiving

They really think Corbyn will be too crazy to beat them, but they're wrong.

>Damage my stuff, it might.
user, did you have a stroke?

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>If she was just "mildly" overweight with a few pounds to lose I'd consider it,
That's a fattie. What you described in the sentences before is a "hambeast".

>If that happens to be my fate then so be it. I won't give up though.
Don't. I should be a poster boy for the fact there is nobody hopeless. The only thing I had for myself when I found my wife is that I'm a man that works hard and have pride in being a good provider because I was in the metaphorical (and sometimes, in the literal) gutter, physically, mentally and socially.
The one thing I never did tho was to search for perfection so I found a rough diamond worth 100 times the asking price, 10000 times my own value and now I'm set for life. My advice, the original one is

Another thing, and that will sound sappy is
> put loyalty over looks 100%
> a loyal woman will follow her husband to hell and back
> a pretty woman without that kind of loyalty will bail at the first sign of setback

Fuck's sake

i'm yoda.

Better to have damaged stuff than greasy goblin crossing your border

I'm OK with that. My (and his, the one that's still banned) bait got a whole lot better exactly to explore the uncharted lines. It used to get a much smaller audience and a much faster hammer


I was warned by...ahem..."management"...that if i were to post my anus in this thread, I would be banned.

Sorry friends.
Happy thanksgiving.

>posting autistic girls

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/ptg/ dance party NOW

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holidaying in congo last i heard.

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> Yoda, I am
One job!

are "sources and methods" a CIA meme? people are always crying about not wanting to reveal them

It will get colder and colder, nut up buttercup

> Sometimes I wonder if Barron plays this, being a Zoomer and all

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Based and red pilled.
>the virgin magna Carta
>The Chad Constitution

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I think the FBI tried to pull that shit too over the FISA application. It's a standard coverup technique.

Yes. It's just an excuse so they don't get exposed running entrapment schemes against their domestic political opponents.

Well my family had gumbo and it was pretty good
What did you guys eat

One job janai, katsura da!

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Kancolle crossover!


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They don't want people to know how much involvement Perkins Coie had.

Needs to be as cold as pic related. This town gets 30 days of night. Same town from the comic and movie 30 Days of Night too. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utqiagvik,_Alaska

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UK police will eventually toughen up like American police. Right now they're still used to policing a compliant white citizenry.

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Eating here in an hour.

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>Amerishart television
y tho

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Who are you quoting?
And no, Barron doesn't play some shitty game like that.

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Are majority on white Europeans godless?
Wtf happened

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that might be the worst hatting i've seen

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>The soldiers are unarmed and not ordered to use any kind of lethal force
>There to help with menial tasks, including minor repairs and medical screening the migrants for their eventual entrance


>be trump
>cucked on legislation; incapable of getting anything done legislatively with congress
>cucked on executive orders; refuses to use executive orders because MUH true conservative values while democrats will steam roll over his
>the little victories /ptg/ snatches on to are based on lies (see the links above)