ITT: Ask the opposite gender anything

ITT: Ask the opposite gender anything

Before you post a question, check the FAQ to see if it's already been answered.
Keep questions short for more answers.
If you're not going to like honest answers, don't ask your question.
And please no derailing arguments.

>Do girls/guys like ?
>What do girls/guys think about
There is no one answer. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.

>I'm shy and afraid of people/rejection. What do I do?
Get over it by practising and exposing yourself to it, little by little, step by step. There is no single magical moment that will instantly change you forever.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out.

>Where do I meet girls/guys?
Anywhere outside. Or online.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me please
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>This person did something that hurt my feelings. Why do guys/girls do this?
Because shit people are shit people. It's not a gendered thing.

>Someone has made it super clear they're no longer interested in me. Do I still have a chance?

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Pick one or more of the following: coffee, lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, art gallery, .

>Guys insecure with their 4+ inches dick
Fuck off

>Why is there no new thread?
Create one yourself. You can use these macros:

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I'm feeling down about a girl and I don't even know why. She's not someone I know well, but she'd come into my shop (which is now closed) a few times here and there and always greet me with the biggest smile.

Basically I've tried looking her up on Facebook based on her place of work but she doesn't seem to have a profile. I've looked at profiles of people who work there. I've looked at their Instagram pages and there's pictures of them at work and on a few nights out, but she is nowhere to be seen.

Basically I'm worried that she has a boyfriend. It's not so long ago that I had a massive, massive crush on another girl, and it turned out she had a boyfriend, and it devastated me, and I just don't want to endure that again.

Guy I work with told me this girl we work with has been giving me the "I want to fuck you" eyes. She's real flirty with me and shit, but I'm damn near autistic so I don't know what to really look for. But she's always trying to get my attention, waves at me whenever I come in, and finds reasons to touch me. Also has me watch her to her car.

Cunnilingus tips for girls who haven't cum before and super sensitive clits.

Girls do you ever get attracted to guys online? I see a lot of girls on the net having shit tons of followers and orbiters but from what I see they just kind of treat them like cattle which is understandable but even those with very few orbiters rarely talk about or allude to have an e-crush or whatever whereas my twitter timeline is chock full of guys talking about how they want a gf and personally I see nothing wrong with these people and even find them interesting and full of character and even good-looking but they remain alone forever and sure I mean if they don't actually approach anyone then ofc they aren't going to get a gf but I still find it kinda strange that no girl ever expresses any interest in them online and it kinda gives me the impression that girls see guys as a dime-a-dozen or something and I'm not complaining but I feel kinda unloved lol.

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How many girls are on the pill/implant? How many are on and ok with unprotected sex and having the guy cum inside them?

I just really really want to cum inside a girl. Most of my friends have done it, sometimes in one night stands, and have gfs that let them do it with absolutely zero consequences. But knowing my luck if I ever get gf, she's going to be a prude about it.

Girl here. Both my bf and I are introverts. Sometimes when we talk on Skype we go minutes on end without saying anything to each other. I'm nervous he sees me as boring. Any tips?

What are his interests? And what are some things he likes that you do?



Should I be worried?

I messaged this girl if she wants to get together soon. This would be the second thing we woulda done since we reconnected about 3 weeks ago.

I sent the message Saturday, and still no reply from her. In the past I wouldnt be too worried, as she's taken upto ~1 week. But this time its a bit different as I sent her a text commenting on the seemingly never ending winter. Never got a reply from that, but I guess it doesnt really call for one?

She's also the one who pursued me originally and mentioned getting together when I tried to reconnect

Intellectual stuff.

Yeahhhh.... if she's a bad texter maybe you're okay but even you sound like you doubt that. Ordinarily I'd say that if you have to wait more than a day for a reply that you've got no hope.

If you want real advice ya gonna have to do better than that..... I need sex advice regarding inexperienced gf but ya never gonna hear say "sexy stuff" in response to what she likes specifics please hun, gimme a list.

so you're online stalking a girl you don't know well and worried she has a boyfriend?
i worked in customer service, some people are actually just nice and extend that to people they interact with
don't get hung up on everyone who's nice to you

Is it a good idea to have a before and after pic on things like Tinder if I've lost weight? Is it good to show O can be dedicated to things like that or is it better to keep it on the down low since it can show what I'd end up looking like if I let myself go?

is it really worth it?

Question to a girl, how do I get my gf to focus during competitive games that she enjoys playing instead of constantly bringing up how she misses how I did x and y during our games and how its less fun because of it?

She wants to be high ranked in it but anytime I roll up my sleeves and get serious she starts telling me i'm focusing too much on the game and less on her and I don't really know what to tell her at this point.

Because my gut instinct tells me to be straight forward and say look I want that high rank with or without you and if you don't focus then don't play it with me or if I should just give that up and cater to her?

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That's tricky, if the change was drastic and you feel like you have done a real bang up job and proud of what you are now, I wouldnt mind seeing it as your SECOND!!! picture. I'm a guy and assuming you are a girl, I would actually see that and think "wow she is cool for doing that, ill swipe" .... Also helps you filter out fuqbois and unworthy candidates. Goes without saying that if you just looking for hookups or casual shit don't bother.

1) No one gives a shit about your personality traits on tinder
2) It could be confusing, "is this person currently fat or currently thin I can't tell so I'll just swipe left"

What's the general wisdom on seeing girls on different apps/sites?

I matched with a girl on Tinder and sent her a message (no response yet), and just saw her on Bumble. Would swiping right seem to weird or desperate if we already made a match on a different app? From her profile, this girl seems like a genuinely great match for me and I'm new to this stuff, so I don't want to fuck up by doing something stupid.

This is a really weird question, but I've been curious about this for years.

Girls who have worn long dresses: Do you ever worry about abrasion damage from the fabric moving across the ground? Even the material just barely ends above the ground, it can still come in contact with inclines, stairs, etc.

Yeah, just stick to one app/site if it's the same girl. Even though you have a valid excuse, it just looks awkward. Actually trying to explain would make it more awkward.

It's a fucking game dude it means nothing, who cares if you lose all the time. The only valuable thing you can get from the game is time spent with your girlfriend.

I know she's a bad texter. She's told me that, and I've seen it. She tends to call though. But hasn't yet, since reconnecting.

Also, when we were really seeing each other she still would take a long time. But always seemingly when it kinda works for the best for us. Like she'll wait till after bad weather and stuff.

Should I bother pursuing her still?

She seems to possibly be on the spectrum. (high functioning) as well as potentially being Bipolar or having ODD. But pretty borderline on all of it

She doesn't have much of a filter, and seems to have no problem talking to people. But just carries herself weirdly in conversation, and just act a bit weird socially.

And for the bipolar bits, she has a tendency to have mood swings (so maybe not Bipolar really, but somethings going on), but she always tries to be nice and friendly with me. Even when she's obviously in a bad way with world as a whole, she always seems to cheer up when she's with me.

Um yes. I do worry about it. But also, it looks nice when it's all flowing along the ground so it's worth it I guess. So long as it wasn't too expensive

How are ppl like you even in a relationship wat

Are the women that answer questions here obese?

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>Wanting to win at a game is bad
>Why are you trying to have fun by being matched with people on your skill level?
I guess all sports mean nothing. That's why it rakes in billions of dollars and has diehard supporters

The issue is that gf fucking wants it and won't make up her mind what she exactly fucking wants, she wants two things and I have the concentration to get one of them.

How often should I text a girl I went on a first date with? I really like her and she likes me. We cuddled during the movie. That was my first date ever and I don't want to be too clingy and scare her away.

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Girls : do you find it weird if a guy asks you out out of the blue after months of no contact .
Quick background : I knew this girl from college. Always kinda liked her even though I had a GF at the time. She knew but I thought she liked me as well. Today I asked her out on FB after months of no talking to her and she said yes. Just want to know if was a weird move or not though. Maybe she thinks I was just being friendly ? We weren't friends or anything, didn't hang out much.

Just be confident
just be yourself

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Slightly less than she texts you

Is it okay to ask a girl I like out on a date right off the bat or should I try to talk to her a bit first.

asking in a highschool setting (I'm 18)

I've recently become more comfortable with the fact that it is ok to want attention from one's partner. Is it better to ask men directly or hint at it? Which would make me seem more clingy? Is this problematic.

My bf is nice about it but I worry it pushes him away. I only ask for attention or compliments maybe once a week. He is "on the spectrum" so it wouldn't occur to him otherwise.

But that ass is sooooooo fucking tight homie. I just wanna stick my tongue in there and lap that shit like a dog.

Guys, which would you prefer to date:
>a girl who is your age or younger & actually looks like it
>a girl who is older than you, but looks younger than you

how important is penis girth compared to length in providing pleasure in sex

Whatever feels natural. If you want to text her - just do it. She probably loves it really.

Being with someone with mental illness is a challenge on both parties. Just be prepared but it's not a deal breaker.

Girls: You enter a Jow Forums thread and realize anons have posted your picture.

Photoshoppers are taking turns attempting to X-Ray your top and make it see-through. One user succeeds, revealing your bra. Moments later, another manages to X-Ray through your bra, showing your boobs.

What would your reaction be?

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Well, really idk if she is. And according to those who know us both, we are not too different. Both awkward, kinda "free-spirited" and kinds having problems with authority. Soo yea. Were both pretty similar. But idk, is there any way I should behave? Should I be more accepting of being sketchy on text responses?

One on the left could be real x ray boob. One on the right is just actual photoshopped shit

Girls: How do I start being attractive to a different type of women? The ones who are interested in me are scandalous as all get out and way too straightforward for my taste.

Personally I'd go with older than me but looks younger. I might be biased though, since I look younger than I am.

Behave how you would with any girl you might be into. If she already feels more chill with you then you are clearly doing something right!

You could always try changing your personal style.

I have no preference. Both of those are equally good.

Why are American girls so fucking fat?
Goddamn. I'm not exactly a prize myself, anger issues, social anxiety, an absolutely rabid pervert, but at least I know how to put down the fucking fork. Is it an anti-rape/kidnapping mechanism? Admittedly, that Asian chick from the uiuc probably wouldn't have been picked up, if she weighed 200 lbs instead off 110.

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>Be 28
Dear women, are you all basically just emotionally damaged at this point?

Yes. Turning 30 next week and I'm fucked.

Well, she was the one who pursued me, and seemed to act differently from her norm (if her sisters reaction is anything to go by)

And yea, she's very patient with me, even when I do something that may agitate her if it was done by anyone else.

But yea. Still, I shouldn't hold her to the same expectations as anyone else? Especially with communication?

Any tips? I've always been a jeans and tee guy (not trashy, just simple).

You shouldn't hold anyone to a specific set of communication really.. she'll do it how she does it and it could be different than other people you know. Doesn't mean she can bail on basic things like respect and common courtesy.

Treat her like anyone else really. You don't know if she is mentally ill just her personality. She could just be that way!

I went on holiday to America for 2 weeks. The amount of adverts for fast food/food in general they have is obscene. It's just the freedom of capitalism getting people hooked on their shitty food so they can keep making money

Well.. what kind of women are you hoping to attract?

You could try button ups with jeans. Or step out of your comfort zone in general and pick something you normally wouldn't wear.

Is a 7inches long or not?

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I literally live off of the rankest shit this country has to offer. The only negative is that I may or may not have a prostate the size of a volleyball by the time I'm 50.
You can still eat the shit, you just have to eat "less" shit.

True, she could just be that way. (Which is very similar to how I am)

But the communication stuf was referencing how she's pretty sketchy on when she replies to texts. But has a preference to call me. (But she hasnt done that yet since we reconnected.) Usually takes a few days, but can be instant, and can be upto a week.... Just always get nervous that she wont reply. But she usually does...

I'm not perfect myself, but I just got off a whirlwind of lies with a 25 year old. Fuck me.

Sighly below average

It sucks with the time lapse but I don't think there's much that can be done. You guys aren't a thing yet so being direct with asking to communicate faster isn't a great route. Patience is the key unfortunately.

Not too big and not too small.

I think the bullshit gets easier with age. Sorry to hear about your experience, friend. Remember it doesn't represent every experience.

Average is around 5.5" depending on your source, so it's "big". If you're super curious there are sites like howlongismyschlong that will tell yoy what percentage you're in.

Guys, when you have a girlfriend do you still think about other women? There's this guy I really like but he is taken. He never talks about his gf or mentions her to me (we are coworkers and quite close) but I know of her from his fb. I don't want to do anything to hurt his relationship so I'm not going to do anything, but should I stay friendly with him in case he breaks it off with his gf?

I guess,but at a point, we were basically a thing. Gone out ~10 times so far, pretty datey and flirty circumstance. But really, everyone who worked with us assumed we were a thing. But I guess I still gotta be patient...

Preferably somewhat the opposite of myself personality wise but from a similar economic and social background. So a bit introverted, reserved, intellectual, and a homebody from a upper middle class suburban background. No real preferences on body type or race as long as either aren't the focus of their life (no one likes a martyr).

Yes taken guys still think about other women. Kind of like how you can't help but think "what if I jumped?" When you're near a cliff, even though you don't want to jump at all. It's usually just fleeting thoughts.
No you shouldn't stop talking to him, unless you have feelings for him. If he has even a modicum of self control he shouldn't have an issue being decent.

Probably a girl younger than me, I can't really articulate why though.

Statisticall, it's generally more important, but neither is a huge deal compared to other things.

Older. I'm mid 20s so I'm at that weird level of maturity where girls who are ~2 years younger seem like gossiping high schoolers and I can't handle that shit.

is going bald really a death sentence for young males? what if he wears a wig

every forum says stuff like "just be buff n confident and you'll get gf" but i sincerely can't imagine any woman under the age of 28 being attracted to someone without hair

Depends, some men look great bald, some look terrible... I think the worst is the in-between phase.

Wig sounds like a good plan if it looks real

Can you describe how you know when a woman isn't a "gossiping high schooler"? Like what are specific differences you've noticed between "girls" vs "women"?

Depends on how old you are. If you're over 33, people don't care nearly as much as you think. The age where you'd get the absolute worst reception is if you're in your teens or early 20s.

If being bald is really that embarrassing for you, try these alternatives:
A. Be more than 6 feet tall
B. Earn more than $80k a year
C. Date a Filipino/Cambodian/Thai/Chinese girl like every other guy who gave up on life.

I think everyone is by that age.

I'm 20 and not judgemental about male pattern baldness, as long as you shave it before it gets bad. Keeping your hair while it's mild is fine, but it's got to go when your hairline has noticeably receded or you get a bald spot on the top of your head. Bald dudes look fine. Balding dudes do not. The only downside to a bald guy in my opinion is that there's no hair to run my fingers through. Especially when you're... Y'know....

yeah, i'm opting for the wig (semipermanent, you take it off every 2 weeks to clean and reattach whatever), it just feels like there's a lot of stigma against it. i just want to look age-appropriate and not have people's eyes always moving directly to my head

i have a masculine face but i don't want to scare everyone by looking so intimidating, plus i'd feel like i couldn't get romantic affection because i just look like i'm ready to beat the shit out of the next person i walk past

If I ask a girl out and she says to do a raincheck the day of, but she's interested enough to continue texting, what's my next move?

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If you're alpha as fuck:
>ditch that thot and move on to a girl who won't flake on you

If you're slightly less alpha:
>give her a second chance, keep texting, and ditch her if she makes excuses again

please respond

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i'm 20 and have been receding since i was 15, shits not funny i definitely did something wrong in my past life or i nutted too much. nobody in my whole family except me started losing hair before the age of 40 and my dad still has a full head of hair. i'm 5'7"


alright that's cool, at least some people don't hate it so much. honestly i don't think i'd be able to handle being single until my 30s and then being extremely inexperienced by then so I'd still get rejected. shits not cool god hates me

She told me she'd let me know, and I didn't have high expectations to meet because of her work schedule. (she's a nurse)

>i nutted too much.
That's a myth, or at least it's got to be. I've been masturbating since I first discovered it, and I've been doing it on a near-daily basis. Not only do I have hair, it's long as fuck.

>nobody in my whole family except me started losing hair before the age of 40 and my dad still has a full head of hair
Apparently baldness is typically inherited through your mother's genes. Can't blame dad for this one.

>she's a nurse
Okay, then expect to see a lot of this.

For all I know, she could legit be interested in you. But nurses are busy as shit, they will always have an erratic schedule.

When should I ask her again?

One more thing: I would start worrying if her texts become less frequent/substantial. Now THAT's a red flag.

nah my grandpa had a full hair too but he died in his mid 30s

Asking her "girl, when are you free" can be annoying.

Instead of inquiring about her availability, just start talking about stuff that is vaguely related to dating.
>a new sushi place just opened
>you think Infinity War is gonna be any good?
That way, you can remind her that there is to be a date, but you're less aggressive about it.

You could always just outright say you'd like it if you texted or talked more. Crazy but sometimes it works.

Question for girls. I'm someone who meets women through mutual friends, like I'll hang out with my guy friends and if a girl jumps into the convo I have no problem talking to her after the fact. What I want to learn is how do you approach a girl randomly and when would it be the proper time to ask her to hang

Yeah its pretty risky but straight forward. Don't just straight up demand attention from the other person without explaining how you feel otherwise you're just gonna sound like an asshole

Books 'n' shit.

Some examples:

>will wait as long or longer between message replies as the gap between her last message and your reply (this one is way more common than people think and it's a dumb game of pretending to be less invested than the other person)
>goes out clubbing/drinking regularly
>more interested in the details of other people's lives than any other topics
>tends not to have any significant hobbies
>doesn't hold opinions

He shouldn't be your bf if you are such a bad match. idiot

Yea, I guess. IDK. Shes the type to call, and at the peak, it would be twice a day, like once a week.

Atmost it was ~3 times in one day, when she was working. For upto 20 min

pls respoond lol

I love the idea of being on the "bottom" and want to ask my girlfriend to peg me, but I've heard horror stories about guys who did the same and it ruined their relationships because their girlfriends thought they were secretly gay.

Am I worrying about nothing, or should I be legitimately concerned that she might think I'm a closet homo?

So I'm 28 and live at home. Understandably, most women are turned off by this.

Thing is, I can easily afford to rent a place of my own, I do have a bredy gud job. Should I just go ahead and rent a place now, or should I continue trying to save for a house?

I'm a dude and I'm bisexual. If I'm dating a girl, is this ever going to be important?

If she assumed I was straight throughout our entire relationship, I wouldn't give a shit. But relationships are also about honesty and opening up to your partner, so there's that aspect. Does she need to know that I'm a half-faggot if I'm clearly in a straight relationship?