Oh Fuck. I just found something huge. With global implications. It could trigger a global crisis

Oh Fuck. I just found something huge. With global implications. It could trigger a global crisis.

Attached: 1525731938907.jpg (1028x700, 660K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Show nose with timestamp.

And no one wants to know, I don't blame you. This information could get you killed.

Attached: 1536818228514.png (1149x1400, 154K)

gimmie a sec.


Attached: my nose.jpg (200x170, 6K)


Attached: ss.jpg (1920x1080, 562K)

>tfw no natsoc gf

Attached: liebensraum.png (866x752, 39K)

>no timestamp
fake and gay


I wish this was me.

No it's me.

Attached: me eyes.jpg (283x76, 6K)

Then include a timestamp liar


Attached: 1528498076075.png (800x800, 52K)

Oops, corrected.

Attached: 20181122_180259.jpg (3096x4128, 2.4M)

where's your nose shekelberg?

Why are you calling me a kike? I am not a kike.

Why did you pose like a girl in your childhood pic? Did your mom or sister tell you to act girly? Or are you just a little sissy?

Show a timestamp with your nose in the picture. You're lying and you don't want us to see that giant schnozz

>fucking leaf
stop projecting

Wtf are u talking about

Check exif lazy nigger

It was at school and I guess that's what they told us to do. Here is one of my elementary or middle school pics.

Attached: meeeee weeeeee.jpg (1684x2184, 612K)

Okay, sure, my sister used to dress me up as a girl and my mom even bought me a pair of girl's pants as my pj's
Big deal. I'm trying to be a man, despite the early programming I had to try to make me act girly. So what if sometimes I still have an urge to dress up in cute girls clothes? I try to fight it and I never take it public

Ahh shoot you would've been my little buddy as a kid for sure, you looked chill

Jow Forums strips exif data. OP is a lying kike

Ed wood?

Alright, I'm bored with this lying, samefagging kike and his dumb slide thread.

Enough timestamping, what did you find?

PROTIP: Never respond to tripfags!

That is one of my more cooler pics. I don't look as cool in my other school pics.


Attached: Bakhtiari children.jpg (640x640, 87K)

No, but the attention gave me wood sometimes. Sometimes girls in school would know I was wearing girls jeans and they would laugh at me, calling me a sissy and that gave me a boner. My sexuality is ruined :(

Attached: 1524719747709.jpg (225x225, 12K)

Attached: Solutreans.jpg (480x360, 15K)

That most of the world could kill themselves for being gay.

Attached: Jewish seedline.gif (275x211, 11K)

So what the fuck was it that you found?

>Man states the obvious, more news at 7.

Attached: rrgw1la8ley01.jpg (501x294, 9K)


Attached: The_Rookie_Concept_Art_halo3_odst.jpg (1920x2159, 1.83M)


Attached: 220px-Gwen_tennyson.jpg (220x167, 9K)

Attached: arabid.jpg (800x450, 26K)

Here is my baby picture.

Attached: My baby picture.jpg (1684x2184, 985K)

Nice burka, faggot.