Well, Jow Forums....
Are you doing your part or are you taking a nap?
Well, Jow Forums....
Are you doing your part or are you taking a nap?
No one in my family needs redpilling because they all voted for trump and always lean conservative :^)
I'm not alt-right you seething kike
I’m napping because I ate dinner and all my relatives voted Trump.
How do these people write this shit? Even if it's edited (which I doubt) I honestly believe these people have no soul, no desire to use their brain, and furthermore no brain to use. It's fucking disgusting and I can't wait until I'm in Alaska far away from this shit
1. He says anything that could be construed as at odds with corporatist globalism or identity politica
Please stop posting this stupid shit here though
Literally "take the blue pill goy"
Comfy as fuck
This is a real article for anyone who actually questions shit here still
This desu. Even my gay uncles.
>As you're no doubt aware, literal Nazis who call themselves the "alt-right" (but to be clear: they are Nazis)
One sentence in and they hit Godwin's law
>when you’re so hip even Jews have to admit it
The only time politics is discussed is when someone wants to rant about something and they ask "hey user, what did you think about x doing y the other day?"
My family is a mixed bag.
They're evangelicals and are brainwashed to love jews and Israel but they're zero percent cucked on blacks and race mixing so at least there's that. I think if they lived around any actual Jews they would be very different. I should take them on a NYC vacation to show them the horrors, lol.
We trendy now
We put a Nazi in your Nazi so you can quetch while you can quetch
Wtf thanksgiving was last month
The alt right is nazis about as much as antifa are soviets.
>people ask this guy godwin 'is it okay to call this guy a nazi' all the time
imagine being such a moron
>tfw young and hip
stupid fucking yanks
I’ve met similar. You need to sit them down and read revelations. It literally says the sons of Abraham are the sons of satan and worship in a synagogue (which kikes do). I’m not even really a christfag since I’m french and basically defaulted to Catholicism and I fucking hate francis. Benedict is my pope
more like redditpilled
One of the most anti semitic books ever written was written by a jew. Buy your relatives "the jewish war" by flavius josephus for a Christmas present
>young and hip
This over 20 family members this thanksgiving all red pilled.
Damn. Cozy household
Thinking about pro-white politics infiltrating the adult tables from sea to shining sea
So.... doesn't this article imply, rather clearly and factually, that their side is bouepilled and striving to keep their readers so?
Only rural retards voted for Trump. Educated City folks, you know - the smart people are #withher
>stay mad conservacucks
I'm alone on Thanksgiving. Can't redpill anyone.
>redpilled means always voting Republican
r/the_donald has officially fucked up the meaning of that phrase beyond all recognition.
dude i dont get why people involve politics with family
the only persons who know about my politics are my uncle, mom and grandfather and each on isolated occasions
i wouldn't ever try bringing politics with a family member who might not agree
a sad state of affairs
>implying NPCs are worth anything more than burning for warmth
My parents were the ones who warned me about getting "Jewed" when I bought my first car.
The general public has always been more aware than the MSM pretends they are. It's just that life is still good enough that people won't escalate things beyond the boundaries of the system. Even with rampant, in your face, criminal behavior from those in power.
That said people are getting more restless with all the chimping out the Jews have been doing the last few years.
They want you to shut up and not talk to people irl about non-politically correct subjects! Especially round the holiday season when families come together. They know they are the minority!
Boi, you still need to lurk more.
>call themselves alt right
Who tf does that it’s a newspeak term for soys
I'm gonna bring up the topic of the caravan that even Mexicans don't want their kind there so why would we want them here
Jow Forums WILL BE FREE.
>What do?
-Sign the Petition
-Share link on other threads
-Get others to sign
Good a starting point as any
>No one in my family needs redpilling because they all voted for trump
You just proved why they do need it.
not only are these faggots trying to start a civil war, they are trying to break up families.
They should all be fucking killed without mercy
This isn't a democracy faggot. Every one of you Reddit loving newfags need to have your posts deleted.
We had a lovely three red pill salad as a side.
We just got done discussing sneaky kikes
>How do these people write this shit?
Have you seen their audience?
>guy got so redpilled that he became bluepilled
like clockwork.
>Be Americlap
>Push propaganda for 70 years
>People fell for said propaganda
>'Why are they be so dumb? I can't understand?'
>something that doesn't actually exist and Nazis are exactly the same
Based leftists, they've taken the next step beyond holohoax denial to denying the existence of their supposed genociders as well.
everyone I know are already redpilled
He could never have predicted the power of the internet & the power of the meme! ;D
He doesn't want the burden of knowledge, for it is heavy and never relents.
I'm finding it rather peculiar that vice is acknowledging the red pill ideology. Either they are trying to subtly push the red pill themselves or their journalists are such npc's that they associate any information under the guise of red pilling as neofascism
same, we started the night laughing over mark dice's video
You know the government has ways of turning Alaska into a section 8 subsidized jungle just like every other part of mainland America that has been destroyed
> Even my gay uncles
> gay
> uncle
You might want to cut a few branches off that family tree user. Mental illness is not a good look.
>newfag cancer gaslighting as oldfag and accusing everything he doesn't like of being reddit
Oh how adorable. Plus where I live in upstate NY voting red is the most redpilled and also futile thing you can do.
>whole family are libfaggots
>openly trump/conservative
>always try to get at me but get shit on instead
>qt cousin is hyper lib and openly tries to "educate" me in front of the family
>continue to assert my high testosterone and muscle mass on them all
>little do they know my qt cousin was converted by me a while ago and just doesnt want to deal with all the shit I happily get
>continue to redpill her in secret
>she voted straight Republican few weeks ago
feels good
>I need LIGHT red pills. My family is highly leftist.
And if there is specifically anything on Netflix thats redpilled and accessible to liberals PLEASE TELL ME NOW. I cant stand having to watch "Adam ruins everything" which is what my sister and dad find hilarious and I find cringy as fuck.
These are largely the same people who accusing the Ebil Right™ of co-opting their own philosophy.
Fuckin BASED am I right fellow 'pede?
>tfw hanging with Mexican side of family that have completely turned on the Democrats except at a local level.
Many a case in the borderland.
Pretty good pasta, senpai.
Shall we start the bidding on your cousin?
Surely someone ought to breed her for the cause.
Remember when Vice used to be good?
Eat that drumpfrs!
How is the matrix about the struggles of coming out? I get that there is a very loose cmparison to be made there, but I always saw it as no more than a cool sci fi movie that had nothing to do with being trans or some fag shit.
Fight Club was literally about anti consumerism and breaking the social mold to be your own person. It already serves the liberal agenda
t. rural and surburban retard who voted trump unlike smart and sophisticated city people who voted hillary
>make fun of Muslims
>cousin calls me racist
>tell him Muslims aren't a race, it's a practiced religion
>he pauses
>he says "So what would that make you?"
>I say "I don't know, but people make fun of Christians all the time and nobody bats an eye"
>he has nothing to say and looks visibly confused
>family members around us saying how I just blew his mind
Did I do good?
I love how even they buy into red and blue pill meming. They are proud of living in the matrix.
>the smart people are #withher
Then why didn't she win ? And are all those illegal voters educated ?
my entire family hates jews, and in fact during ww2 they've given so many jews to the gestapo and filled trains with jews so much that the nazis said they couldn't keep up with them. result? the place where we live is isolated but has zero jews, zero shitskins, and is hard to access.
That’s a base hit
fucking pwnd
the matrix can be about anything anyone wants it to be. "everyone disagrees with us and only a small group of people have the real truth"
Is everyone in your family edgy 14 year olds?
That will change soon. Your whole country will be brown in a few decades.
in what world do you live in that the average conservative is 14 years old?
>Fight Club was literally about anti consumerism and breaking the social mold to be your own person. It already serves the liberal agenda
Fight Club was a mirror of the gay bathhouse scene in NYC in the 70's that led to the AIDS crisis. Chuck was a faggot who buried his faggot friends then wrote a books about it substituting "Fuck" for "Fight"
everyone in my family is as red-pilled as they can get. boomers get mad when you talk politics that they don't know about, so I can't go any further than talking about liberal tears
Every family has a gay uncle.
Don't alot of niggers live in cities?
Faggots are degenerate but conservative faggots are alright. They still have a foot in the real world.
I guess I'm the Nazi uncle and my brother is the gay uncle.
Why do they treat "redpilling" as a brainwash? Are they assuming people are incapable of listening to strange ideas without a critical mind, without skepticism? Are they assuming people are NPCs?
>matrix about the struggle of coming out
>fight club about toxic masculanity (tm)
just do these faggots see the same things as we do ? this is fucking impossible