Local scientist wanted for murder

Local scientist wanted for murder

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he a gud boi dindu nuffin

Unfortunately for Peter Gleick the recent data in his graph is fake.

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>Composite Antarctica CO2 levels compared to Mauna Loa
OP doesn't even know wtf he just posted you nigger.

explain to me how we know what temperature the earth was 1000 years ago?

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This graph is fucking nonsense. Terrestial plants cant fucking survive at under 200ppm of CO2

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Geology, archaeology, and extrapolation

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Jesus left a thermometer in the arctic before getting back to 33 AC with his time machine and a dinosaur.Then jews killed him.Believe jesus and his thermometer.

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CO2 concentrations in deep layers of glaciers. You can tell age and atmosphere composition looking at the right elements in a sample

explain the process

why did this guy not then overlay temperature with the C02?
If he wanted to make a connection to C02 in the atmosphere to temp. Why not then overlay the graph? Surely we would see we live in the hottest time EVER right?

Similar to how we know how old the earth is. Traces left in rock and ice, and more recently trees and things.

>know what a sample is
lmao you braindead mother fuckers never cease to amaze me

next you're gonna post someone using the word hypothesis and freak out about how smart he is right

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Flat earth orbit temperature chonogrons found by examining layers in the ascendant atmosflat

Within a certain margin of error anyway, with some margins being rather large and increasing the further back you go.

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If we can't agree that humans are responsible for increased volatility in our planet's climate, can we at least agree that a rapidly changing climate could be harmful our society and way of life?

Even if the coming-and-going of ice ages is completely natural and unaffected by human activity- shouldn't we prepare for it? Shouldn't we try to mitigate the potential negatives? Shouldn't we have contingency plans for this, regardless if we're responsible or not? The last few times we had glacial periods like the one we're heading towards, most life on earth died out. I don't want that to happen to us.

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Global warming really is the "perfect hoax"

traces of what and how does that lead to a temperature estimate?

How old is the earth, on what time scale does its climate operate, and how long is 30 years (or even 1000) relative to it?

Drilling ice cores and mud cores out of lakes and analyzing the isotopes of detritus and pollen in them by counting down in years from the top.

Mankind has no effect on climate. Climate variation is driven by solar variation. Anthropogenic climate change is a psuedoscientific religious cult popular amongst neo-Marxists.

All infopics in this thread are useless without proper sources.

CO2, trapped in air bubbles in the ice at the time.

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96% of scientists CANNOT BE WRONG

That's fine, I don't totally agree but for the sake of argument I'll agree. What now? If we're heading into a cold period of our climate cycle wherein mass extinctions typically occur, what do we do to prevent that from happening to us?

CO2 is not the only factor, it is not always an exact 1:1 equivalence of CO2 changing and temperature changing exactly after it.

>CO2 readings
nothing to do with the climate you fags

As for temperature, you can extrapolate by how thick each yearly layer of ice is. Thicker = colder, thinner = warmer.

Do you genuinely think that poster cares that only one or two images were sourced out of over a dozen? The point of propaganda is that it's easy to assimilate quickly. No need to check sources.

So here's a story for you Jow Forums

I was at imperial around 2004 ish and there were a bunch of computational bods doing models and stuff of the planet and the ocean.

they were saying how basically the readings are being faked and the real problem isn't heat of the planet. it used to be dust and pollution in the air preventing rain but we fixed that. now the problem really is the salinity (dunno) of the oceans where the gulf stream and similar things are.

there was a dept basically doing lots of air/sea modelling and they were paid to basically lie.

and they said the real problems are dealt with by the military. all this stuff about climate colder or hotter is just companies/organisations trying to affect trade and charities scamming etc.

so. there u go. i don't beleive all the climate change shit. seems like someone trying to shove something down my throat. also i dont see any difference and nor does anyone else i know and my grandmas nearlhy 90 she seen some shit.

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And... What kind of error bar can we expect when extrapolating global temperatures from that process?

hillary clinton 99% certain lamo

Then show me. Also how long after the C02 causes the temp to increase? 100 years? 1000 years? Give me data. A fucking volcano could erupt and BOOM 1 degree colder now.

Unless you're being lied to about those 90% of scientists.

Personally I WANT that to happen to us

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Do you think some climate change fanatic is going to accept that answer? I know the sources exist somewhere, but there's no fucking way I can use those pics to redpill anyone.
>"got sources for those?"
>"ehh not really"

Nothing can prevent it, but we can prepare for it. Stop feeding niggers would be a good start.

"climate change" is a world government religion who's priest class is the likes of Al Gore, the Rockefellers and the UN


Not that you'll believe a website that disagrees with you.

>I know the sources exist somewhere
Ohhhh, you were concerned that the propaganda tools you are being given aren't going to be effective enough because they're unsourced. You yourself don't care that they are unsourced, you've already been brainwashed to conclude that they are right regardless, so you think that some source must therefore exist.

So, fucking guessing.

This reminds me of how surgeons told me they'd certainly be able to fix my condition and then just fucked my body up more. I was young and stupid. The reality is that scientists are stupid pieces of shit who like to pretend they know things when in reality we know nothing.

There is no real way to calculate a temperature by looking at a rock, as much as you'd like to LARP it as being so.

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And we all know 96% of scientists actually know anything about meteorology

Also it is a fact that man flight is impossible
>t. 1800s scientific community

shut up nigger

Called it. Absolutely pathetic.

An educated guess. It's the best we can do when no humans were around at the time with a thermometer.

>There is no real way to calculate a temperature by looking at a rock
So nice of you to include a picture of yourself with your post.

Better base our entire societies around it tho

you didnt call me questioning the validity of government studies based on corruption
you stupid nigger

All of science is our best guess. It's good enough for most things though despite that.

My favorite is how scientists like to pretend they know shit about how the universe started when we don't even have a telescope that can look at Pluto clearly. Fucking useless pieces of shit. We should use their money to send rockets to the moon to mine it or cure cancer. You know, stuff that's actually practical. All we get instead are a picture of Pluto every thirty years when we throw a camera at it.


Take it or leave it. I suspect you're too pathetic to actually take it, read why you're wrong, and learn from it, but I'll give you the chance to fail or succeed anyway.

also checked

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>Ohhhh, you were concerned that the propaganda tools you are being given aren't going to be effective enough because they're unsourced. You yourself don't care that they are unsourced, you've already been brainwashed to conclude that they are right regardless, so you think that some source must therefore exist.
I just giggled a little at how easy I just played your stupid ass. Do you see my reason for demanding sources now?

T. Rabbi Weatherwitz-Sheckelgrabber

I'm confused, are you retarded or not? Fuck, you're right, you did get me... the mark of a perfect troll... well done you worthless pile of shit, get fucked.

Posting skepticalscience.com in regards to climate change is like posting stormfront.com in regards to nazism.

>skeptical science
lel and the democratic peoples republic of north korea is democratic

>and they said the real problems are dealt with by the military
This is how you know this is bullshit.

You know what my issue is? I find that on the contrary the "debunking" is shoved down our throats. Don't like kikes destroying your nation and believe in the ethnostate? Be a good little goy and make fools of yourself.

Either way, these sorts of threads follow a pattern. Claim, bunch of images of decreasing relevance. Depending on what the claim is, what is posted ranges from real data to misinformed to hilariously absurd (flat earthers having their telescope taken out of focus while pointed at stars comes to mind).

Whatever the case is anymore, it's become moot. I haven't seen a single thread like this actually convince anyone, and it's just shitflinging in both directions. At this point I think it shouldn't be allowed on Jow Forums, but oh well.

>take money away from scientists so we can cure cancer

your ignorance is palpable

>which match the change in temperatures well


So you haven't read the site then. Exactly as expected. Continue being ignorant.

global warming is an international tax scam.

imagine having to pay a global co2 tax to left wing gangs to fight a non-existent problem.

Look deeper. Maybe you're the retard?

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read the entirety of this site i picked or you're ignorant exactly as i expected

Have you ever grow weed inside a closet? You literally need to produce CO2 to make it grow. That's why the earth is getting greener retard.

>PROOF: youtube.com/watch?v=DfuSFwqMIiw

I have been aware of them for a long time. That is why I know they are far from neutral, as their name tries to suggest.

They are propaganda pushing ideologues.

Fitting you posted a picture of a monkey, since you're about as smart as one.

And how would that be relevant to the climate science conversation? Also, that appears to be a news website, not an information website.

So you haven't read any of their arguments against your beliefs.

how would your skeptical science poofter shit be relevant to climate change

I have been arguing about climate change for years. With them and outwith them.

Have they got any new ones?

Fuck it. I'm not going to even bother with global warming anymore. There's so much convoluted detail and this shit is uninteresting.

It addresses every single thing you mention except for your "but the gubment always lies so I cant trust anything except for what I deem trustable" confirmation bias unfalsifiable bullshit.

How should I know which arguments of theirs you know and which you don't?


the globe warms sometimes and the climate always changes they're meaningless communist terms

>5 "It's cooling" The last decade 2000-2009 was the hottest on record.
>the last decade

That gives you an idea.

yeah well david icke addresses everything you mention so read it or fuck off wanker

because SCIENCE you anti semite

That was the last decade....? What year do you think we're in now? You understand that 2018 is in the 2011-2020 decade, right? That they don't mean a moving decade?

1st graph is irrelevant and bullshit it could just as easily easily be the sun or a cycle
2000 year one is still bullshit doesn't show Minoan warming or 1600s ice age
800 thousand is just co2 levels not temps lel

It's a decade out of date m90.

Truly gives me some insight in to how you function. Just mimic what the enemy does without having the objective backing up to do so.

Can you read my post????

Based graphs poster

i'm holding you to your own standards you pseudointellectual satanic globalist fascist commie


his assumption is increased CO2 is both bad and caused by humans, iv yet to see the proof that fags living to close to the shore being forced to move will end the world.

t. tampa 8' ASL