Who is next?

So, Jordan Peterson is BS, Joe Rogan is BS, Bill Burr is cucked...who is the next 'realist' super star?
Owen Benjamin seems untouchable, but all he talks about is pedo. Gets old. Kind of my issue with Jordan, that after a few hours of listening to him, he just says the same crap over and over again.
JP's 12 steps were about 8-9 dumb steps and a couple of decent advice steps, but he doesn't have the answers after decades of preaching.
Someone mentioned Duncan Trussell earlier, and he might sound like a lesbian trucker, but he is original and doesn't seem repetitive.
Where to now for our realist worship?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Vox Day

>t. leftist McTurbocuck

Stephen Malturin

Unless we can figure out nigger voodoo and bring the fuhrer back to life, noone can save us from the jew.

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Tbh no one is edgy enough for me anymore

It would be me but the kykes keep pruning my threads

Chateau heartiste
Vox day

How about, I don't know, you educate yourself you dumb fuck. Read a book.

Books are gross, and give me allergies. Just looking for the next dad. The recommendations are all weird, can't get into 'em.
What is a dumb fuck?

Everyone seems repetitive when you watch over 100 hours of their material. You ever notice how people get sick of all internet personalities? Its because after binge watching hours of material it gets boring and repetitive. Same think happened with Neil Degrasse Tyson, Richard Dawkins, Bill Nye, Ben Shapiro, Lauren Southern.

He's based and redpilled

>Just looking for the next dad.
I lol'd. very true observation in this phenomenon

>Where to now for our realist worship?
The answer is ponies.

we don't need narcissists anyway

Someone who cant read a book because they are allergic to intelligence

Only philosopher you'll ever need.

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Just watched some Vox Day. Not sure I can get behind someone who writes books about joos for money right out of the gate.

>Jordan Peterson is BS, Joe Rogan is BS, Bill Burr is cucked

Only a dumb, fatherless, idol-seeking, insecure, circumcised jew-slave zog jewmerican fat faggot bastards would make a post in - yes - a fucking current year - about Peterson and Rogan and Burr being "shills".

The level of americanism is unbelievable. Go kill yourself I beg of you, just do this vile world one favor, end your pathetic life. Or if you don't have the guts for that, enroll in Jewmerican military and fight for Israel, with any luck you'll die in the process.

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Nah, that's not it.

I think I am allergic to the dust and stuff in the paper.

Meme game strong, brain game gone.

Kill yourself, dumb, fat, zogged, circumcised jewmerican goblin mutt.

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Ok, I will try. Thanks, dad.

Opinion discarded

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Where did you find a picture of every Bosnian ever?

Stop looking up to celebrities.
They are nothing more that mascots selling product placement.

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I was thinking this same thing, very black pilling.
But I suddenly realized there is a group of white men that can withstand the onslaught, if carefully conceived and politic'd. Come up with a spot within the right for them to develop and fight against the left.
A more polite version of Milo,
>fag-cabin-republicans, and cat boys.
Just watch, the next star will be something like that...

OMG that's it. Rich Evans. Hhhrmmmmmmph
He cannot be defeated.

E Michael Jones

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Fulton Sheen. Regardless of what you think of the Vatican, this guy has some good lessons. Watch and listen to his shows.

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Are Fulton Sheen shows on YouTube? I know that Father Coughlin has some of his radio broadcasts on there.

Here is another of these "Woke Conservatives" or WTF they call themselves folding like they all do.

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Here you go, user.


Try Jason James Bickford and his unified code theory. He's pretty far out, but he's a type of realist you're not going to find anywhere else. Basically:
>There is no truth community
>The media is MUCH more fake than people realize
>The world we live in is an illusion and built on patterns

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read jordan petersons maps of meaning. its really dense and intellectual and shit and gives you the anserws u want.

>There is no truth community

Did you mean "There is no true community", user?

>Taking postmodernism seriously
Yeh nah cunt

JP may not be saying anything new, but he did manage to say the right thing at the right time for me. Helped me out of a big problem I was having by just saying the most common sense thing I needed to hear at the time. Straightened me right out. You don't have to always agree with someone to appreciate the good they've done. (No, I would never pay to go see him but I enjoyed his books and lectures)

If it took Juden Peterstein to convince you to not cut your dick off, you should gas yourself.

Fr Chad Ripperger.

Seriously. He's an exorcist out of Denver, with plenty of talks on YouTube. Completely based.

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Absolutely. Based Catholic champion.

>a bunch of literally who’s
if a tree falls in the forest

Noam Chomsky, It's hard to believe but he really is MAGA. Get right on it OP.

I’m a standup comedian. I make money from it. I’m right wing and have never punched right publicly or privately. I’m not famous but I’ve got a modest following. A lot of my fans are open WN. I tell people I’m a racist on stage and sometimes I’m stunned I’m allowed to operate and haven’t been forced to quit yet.

If I get pushed out it’ll be from you animals turning my comment sections into Jow Forums and not even having the decency to dogwhistle.

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>(((standup comedian)))
>Hello, my (((fellow white nationalists)))
>Please stop saying things that will wake up the goy... I mean trigger the normies
Try again.

No, it means the truth community is fake.

I didn’t ask anyone to stop, I’m just aware it’s how my career will end because I refuse to disavow.

Do whatever you want.

>Do whatever you want.
Good. Permission to put (((European style comedians))) in camps.

Just take the best advice from all of them and be your self. They all fall from grace eventually and then you are left with only you to trust. And remember: Hell are the others
Gundam is a SW cosplayer that reports on gaming, mod and hardware news on youtube and is not really into politics. I like him he is a cool du:de, but not the one I would consider a commentator on today's society issues.

I would personally gas almost every comedian I know.

Crowder, is that you?

Adolf Hitler. It was Adolf Hitler all along.

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you are one sick motherfucker. how fucking dare you. this place has sunk to the absolute bottom of the deepest gutter.

Duncan trussel doesn't sound repetitive? Lmfao. What have you listened to, like 2 of his podcasts? His show is just dude weed the podcast. All he talks about are psychedelic drugs and Hindu bullshit. That's it.

This. It sucks when it gets to that point, but I'm right there with you brother.

>Owen Benjamin seems untouchable
>loves jews commiting genocide
Owen Benjamin is a jew loving zionist cucked faggot, that must be why he is "untouchable"

You idiot. There's only man who's perfect and his name was Jesus Christ. The names you listed (and the the ones you didn't) of course were going to stumble, but there were useful in their own way. You should appreciate the work they do in redpilling normies, but the true bread of life comes from Christ.

Too soon

none. of these.people.matter

>this place has sunk to the absolute bottom
Actually, I believe corpses float...

>Not soon enough
If you know what I mean.

Mark Collet probably isn't quite the level of fag as your looking for, but he dislikes both muslims and jews, so...\_(ツ)_/

He's a pedo

You forgot to mention the fall of Sargon, or are we just talking about boomers?

He hasnt participated in "cosplay" events for years, and most of his commentary is political, because they made games political. He's entertaining, what else matters? You want intellectual discussion about psychopathy? You want debate with lunatics about retardation? The lines have been drawn, talkie time is over.


How come CNN, MSNBC and the BBC all treat this guy like he's an alt-right sexist that incites hate? They all do it. I don't understand, how do they have this same incorrect narrative that would be cleared up if you listened to him for 20 seconds? Like they're all saying the exact same things about him

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>what is controlled OP