I often wonder what it would be like if the white race escaped planet earth and resettled another planet and left the lesser races back on earth to do what they will.
What do you think would be the results of each earth and the new planet (that only whites inhabit).
>Other Every shithole in the Caribbean and Africa.
Jacob Martin
the east Asians would create a genetically engineered virus to kill all other shitskins. Remember that Asians have no morality or decency, the exact trait that jews hijack to destroy us.
The white planet would be like a combination of europe and classic 1950s era america.
but I like Earth its a beautiful planet. We should put all the non whites on a bunch of SpaceX rockets and put them on mars. just tell them they'll get free welfare checks every month and they can have all the porn, rap music, rape, and designated shitting streets they could ever hope for, and they'll be lining up for miles to get on a ship to mars. then we just send em off and live happily ever after.
I really really wish Stargates were real and we could gtfo of here. Imagine that. New planet all free to explore, naquaddah nuclear energy, no kikes and nigs, untouched nature... damn, that would be fine...