God created evil. There is no free will since God knows the future and you can't do anything he hasn't foreseen you doing. God makes the good guys good and the bad guys bad. In the end however everyone will be a good guy. Hell is real and it exists but it will not exist forever. All those that go to hell will eventually get out. Everyone eventually goes to heaven.
Revelation 14:10–11 10 he also will drink wthe wine of God’s wrath, xpoured full strength into the cup of his anger, and yhe will be tormented with fire and sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb. 11 And zthe smoke of their torment goes up forever and ever, and athey have no rest, day or night, these uworshipers of the beast and its image, and whoever receives the mark of its name.”
Blake Gutierrez
>knowing future = responsible for it wew lad. just like i'm responsible for for Trump winning and the dems losing the senate because I knew it was going to happen, therefore I am responsible for it. saged for smooth brain logic
Lincoln Nelson
does god know the future? I thought we had free will.
Nolan Ward
Hell does exist and we're born into it, when we're born we fall from heaven into hell the domain of Satan. No biggie, when you die, you escape back to heaven
if you knew an innocent person would be murdered, and you did nothing to stop it, that makes you immoral
Christopher Thomas
humans =/= God
why would God stop murder that humans have decided to commit. He want us to willingly accept him not force or scare us into worship
Ian Kelly
Because murder is fundamentally unjust to the victim, and God is neglecting justice by not preventing it. God sits back with folded arms as children get raped and murdered all the time. Is that a good god to you? And yes, God does have the capacity to intervene, as he's done countless times in the Bible. But he chooses not to.
Lincoln Thomas
>Is that a good god to you yes, like I said God could just appear now and prove his existence and force everyone to worship him but that's not what he wants. If people want to do bad things that's on them, they will be punished. >God does have the capacity to intervene, as he's done countless times in the Bible. But he chooses not to. In the old testament yes, not after Jesus
Levi Brooks
>Acts 14:8-10 8 At Lystra a man was sitting who had no strength in his feet, lame from his mother’s womb, who had never walked. 9 This man was listening to Paul as he spoke, who, when he had fixed his gaze on him and had seen that he had faith to be made well, 10 said with a loud voice, “Stand upright on your feet.” And he leaped up and began to walk. God has the capacity to intervene and has after Christ's resurrection. Are children being raped not worthy of a miracle from God?
Jace Green
this is after he had been converted by Jesus and given the power to spread his message. this isn't God directly intervening because he feels like it.
Noah Richardson
>Does God know the future? Yes. >I thought we had free will? You do. I can watch the DVR of last night's basketball game, see how it ends, and not have changed the outcome or anyone's free will.
Landon Davis
>given the power What do you think intervention is? It's God using his abilities to produce an outcome that is otherwise unachievable through human means. In this instance, he is using a human as a conduit to produce a miracle--an outcome that is unachievable through human means. If that power can be given to another person after Christ's resurrection, why isn't it given to children who are raped so that they can find a way to run away or kill their rapist?
but you didn't create the people playing, watching, coaching or physics itself... the fuck out of here with your bullshit analogy
Jackson King
>because God let's ppl die, He's a big Ole sinner No. Genesis 3:19 tells us: >In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return. Death is a given, part of the user agreement to life. Whether early, painfully, or old age in a warm bed - you will draw your last breath and die. How it happens and whether you think it was an acceptable death are irrelevant. God has not sinned by not intervening. You choose to accept or reject Christ and to be prepared or not.
Jeremiah Cook
This thread again. This is some idiot who has appointed himself the ultimate arbiter of who does and does have the ability to think logically, and uses his flawed understanding of modern monotheism as a premise for his "test" >in all fields
The ability to know the outcome and not change it, is free will. You just can't square up the fact that you are responsible for your actions, that they weren't determinate, and you will answer for your sins...cast naked before the white throne of God, all sins bared and read like a book, judged and condemned. Only the cleansing blood of Christ will save you user.
Carson Richardson
why should he? someone chose to rape a child it's not his doing.
Jose Thomas
If you have a child, and you know the date and circumstances under which your child will be murdered, and you have the absolute capacity to stop that murder with no consequences to you, would you? If you didn't, that would make you objectively immoral. If you did, then that would make you good. And yet the God we call good neglects to save his children, even though he has the absolute capacity to do so.
Thomas Watson
Next time your child gets brutally raped, >implying a woman would ever have consensual sex with a panting NEET you can praise God and his plan for your poor child
Ryan Walker
l would't be mad at God I would be mad at the rapist. Also you seem angry chill out man
Owen Miller
Jesus fucking christ some here are dense. Jesus is a myth just like all Gods. The Jews invented YHWH . There is a Creator who is not your god.
Robert Wilson
what makes you do this?
Jackson Cox
So what you are really saying, is that there is no acceptable age of death with circumstances you could agree to. You have personally judged God and all creation unworthy by comparing it to this perfect utopia that exists only in your head, where nobody dies, there is no sin, and accidents never happen. Please tell me more about this perfection you've dreamed up, is there gravity or large predatory animals?
Caleb Green
replace "person" with "maggot" then you can see from proper perspective.
Angel White
Figures that the antichrist is a phone poster.
Ryan Kelly
God uses evil as much as he uses good. It's all a means to an end. Brainlets don't comprehend this. "Boo Hoo my 8 year old got cancer and died. There is no God!!! A loving God would have blah blah fucking blah." Selfish brainlet cunts say this shit. God is real and you're a cunt if you think otherwise. See you in hell, smart guy.
> >>wanting children to not get raped and murdered means I want to live in a perfect utopia >you people are fucking deranged
No you're just a fucking moron.
Carson Myers
Who has God's vantage point above time? Every tragedy springs forth 100 miracles. I often hear the atheist argument of "but bone cancer in kids" or something along those lines. How does God motivate a doctor but by tragedy and need for a cure? Every peak in modern medicine and triumph over a conquored disease was attained by countless deaths that motivated doctors in years past. Each life along the way bent towards God's will. Each broken heart calling His name seeking comfort. Every tragedy has 100 miracles you'll never know until you cross river Jordan.
>God: Humans are maggots >also God: Humans are made in my image fucking kek. I can't even fathom the sadomasochism that's been ingrained in you freaks since day one
Try to read the bible in your native language next time. Act like you didn't skip the boring parts.
To be safe for all eternity: A: Admit that you are a sinner, who violates the Will of God, and that you need a Saviour. B: Believe that Jesus Christ, Son of God & Messiah, died for you sins and rose again, as prophesied and recorded in the Word of God. Trust in His finished work. C: Call on His name, ask Him to save you, and confess that He is Lord.
Some resources that may help: TTB.org has a verse by verse Bible Study for download or daily listening. Chuck Missler’s Learn the Bible in 24 Hours (youtu.be/PZ3hESj__M8) Robert Breaker’s Bible Study and Topical Sermons (youtu.be/H124iZiyGUs)