Sell your fucking car dipshits. I pay 1260 for rent, and I make middle class money, and the day I got rid of my car, was the day I realized there was a whole world of opportunity ahead of me. Why would you spend all of your money on a car if you have other means of transportations?
There is no way I would go back to paying for insurance, maintenance, gas, and car payments, just so I can save 30 minutes per commute, when I can take that money and save it for future investments.
If it was 20 years ago, then sure, I would probably disagree because rent was lower here, and so was insurance, but nowadays if you’re a single bachelor like myself, you’re just cucking yourself by having a car.
you literally can't survive without a car where I live
Xavier Evans
I spend about $200 per month between gas and insurance, it's not that bad in my opinion especially when the alternatives are to bike around the city in snowy shit weather or spend an hour and a half riding and waiting around for the nigger hauler.
Jonathan Nelson
Because I love cars, and because I live 5 miles away from the nearest bus in a 1000 feet hill that takes me 2 hours to ride by bike.
Kevin Butler
I agree there is no point owning a car if you live in a walkable/transit friendly location.
Hunter Turner
you have to be an Uber jew
Kayden Bennett
forehead of the pope with some filters attached.
Aaron Lee
What a retarded waste of a thread. If you were spending tons of money on a car payment, gasoline, maintenance, and insurance- you're the problem not the car.
Xavier Morgan
Do you mean 200$ CAD (approx. 15 USD), or 200$ USD (approx 2666.6666r$ CAD)?
Grayson Reed
>sell your fucking car dipshits Imagine being this Jewish
Zachary Ross
I use my car to make my living.
Jackson Rivera
Already paid off my car. Much more freedom than you will ever have, you pathetic snow Mexican
Joshua Flores
Whit a car you are saving your life for other things. You also dont have to be in a confined space with the dredges of society.
Alexander Phillips
>canadians start using their drop in standard of living as a boomer style pissing contest So this is what this board will look like during the upcoming recession
Piss off mate. A vehicle gives me and my family more freedom and opportunity that bicycles or using the bus ever will. Why is there this sudden desire to make our lives more difficult, but still spending the exact same amount of money for this privelege? Tiny houses, share apartments, expensive vegan diets, being victims of public transport. Sold to us as 'easier living'. Makes no sense.
Carson Stewart
You're a disgusting urbanite that wouldn't know what self-sufficiency looked like if it bit you on your unwashed dick.
Jordan Rivera
It's the silent recession before the market crash.
Easton Bailey
>living in a city fuck no lol
Leo Phillips
>Why would you spend all of your money on a car if you have other means of transportations? >if you have other means of transportations? >other means of transportations >transportations go the fuck back
I drive a 1994 Geo metro, 120k miles and run great. I do all the work. Parts are cheap and it's easy to work on. I pay 36 dollars a month to insure it. I spend about 40 bucks a month in gas and I use cheap rural King oil. Oil change costs 10 bucks. All together I have less than 1000 in it a year.
Ethan Wright
Why would you pay $1260 for rent when you can live in your car for free?
Anthony Reyes
>other forms of transportation >in the us of a >implying our very infrastructure is a kike scheme to force people to buy cars and pay the associated expenses
Logan Ortiz
My car cost my $1500 and has lasted me for 8 years so far and shows no sign of stopping.
Kevin Adams
And why buy groceries when you can drink gas?
Dylan Sanders
i have a big fuck libtards diesel ford truck that makes me money and lets me accomplish solid jobs
Brandon Collins
>actually paying for car insurance.
What a cuck. Any time there's an accident,do what I do. Just fucking leave.
Kevin Ramirez
>1260 for rent Lol fuck that noise. What province and city? If you say Toronto you need to jump off the nearest 5-story building face first.
Juan Russell
Legit poster with a brain detected. A years worth of rent at that price can net you a nice rv. Hell you can build an even better one with a moving truck or dry cargo box. Good mpg but big enough for a bathroom. In the states a company called eureka sells half ton truck campers for 5k. No wood, no rot
why? I have a work vehicle, free fuel and free rent. Not even pay for power as that's provided free of charge. Maybe op should get a better job where your employer cares for you.
Andrew Smith
OP probably has a shitmobile like a Fiat 500. My Corolla costs between $75-150 per regular maintenance, fuel consumption is around 32 MPG, insurance costs are around 350 dollars a year, yearly DMV registration is about 50 dollars, and depreciation is like less than 10% per year. Its rear seat is for emperors and has all the comforts one would expect from a modern mid-range sedan. And on top of that, since 2014 it stopped being a bland, boring car.
Camden Jenkins
Use mine for work that's why.
Levi Flores
>live a 35 minute walk from work >usually run home in 15