Tibetans are subhuman

I am indian/Nepali
When I visited Kathmandu I saw Tibetans treating the locals like shit. A tibetan mongolid barbarian was beating a poor India/aryan begger. The Tibetans have stolen all our business and still continue to expand. My local area once a undo-aryan wonderland is now full of subhuman Sino/Tibetan chinkys. Now the avg Tibetan makes at least 4 times more because they love to steal

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Stpped reading at indian
You all are subhumans niggershit

>was beating a poor India
Wtf I love tibetans now

Sherpa people > Street shitting Brahmins

t. Just came back from Nepal.

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I think he’s using that interchangeably with brown ‘Aryan Nepali’

Tibetans are shitty cunts. They are ugly. Aryans are white and Indian. Tibetans are subhuman I hope China will kill all Tibetans. All mongoloid races are worthless but Japan and maybe Korea.


Sherpas have aryan blood you know? Tibetans aren’t sherpas. Sherpas speak a undo-aryan lanaguge while Tibetans speak Sino(China)-Tibetan lanaguge with Mongolian and Turkic influences

Those people in the photo look Mongolian

Good chinks kill chinks perfect let them do our work

Mongolian and Tibetans are the same thing. I been to Qinghai. Both groups speak Tibetan and understand each other

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>mountain curries accusing mountain chinks of being subhuman

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So what you're saying is that China's Canadian Proxies are strong and numerous!

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Mountains make us tough idiot. And most Tibetans live in steps like dirty mongols. Vast majority of Tibetans are too pussies to live in the mountains like us pinoneers.

Lol. I fucking hate all chinks.

Well that should've already been obvious. They're yellow extraterrestrial downie monsters, who eat things alive and destroy civilizations.Case in point the khan invasion, which led to the collapse of the Islamic golden age.

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Anyone who's got an IQ above room temperature should know this. Mongoloids need to be exterminated.

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+2 , Fuck these prune faced yellow piss covered orgautans.

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Asiatic Caucascoids > Mongoloids

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They are, the mongols exterminated and displaced various caucascoid ethnic groups in this region. So much so that the pic related of the OP is the conventional phenotype of the aforementioned area.

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Bump 1

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Bump 8

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Consternation in Shangra La. Interesting.

Bump 9

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You people are all equally worthless to me.

Europeans rule the world.

Mongoloid = Down syndrome

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Not for long you sissy skinned faggot. Your pink boi pucci is going to get crushed by the invaders your politicians let into your country.

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Bump 10

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You pig skin euro cucks rules the world for a short 400 years while India ruled for 2 thousand. Now you fade away

Bump 11

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Yeah , they're delusional cum toys for their swarthy skinned migrant guests. Europeans are meant to be used and abused then raped.

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Brave words, Britbong.

How are your pakistani rape gangs doing?

Not too bad, and I'm Somali. Not some pale inbred chimpanzee. 1/10 try again you girly pasty white fairy skinned faggot.

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Indians didn't even manage to rule India. You got raped by tne towelheads for centuries.

Europe has created the greatest and most advanced civilization this world has ever seen.

Indians haven't even managed to invent a toilet.

India wouldn’t be bad if they culled the lower castes and freeded themselfs from western imperialism
The Brahmins have high IQs

Somali hiding in Europe because your home country is a tribalist shithole.

What ever has Somalia given the world besides skinny ugly niggers? I can not think of a single thing?

True, but you fairy skinned faggots did get conquered and subjugated by the Jews. Via the judeo (Jewish) Christian conquest of Europe.

Attached: Christianity LoL.png (570x400, 67K)

I live in the best country in the world. There are no degenerates here

And who would collect all the shit from the streets? Not the Brahmins I suppose.

Maybe they can train some monkeys?

Hello Zhang! How is rife in Canada?

lol you think Brahmins shit in the street like Dalits?

Trying to divide and conquer like the Jews are doing to you. Stop using masters techniques on us pig it won’t work again.

Who said anything about hiding? You're also moving the goal post you sad pathetic girly skinned cock holster. It feels good to know your people are going extinct in the coming decades.

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based hun

Very nice. My name is actually Hei Gui nice try tho gypsy

Americans also shit on the streets in broad daylight (((San Fran)))

Christians were at the forefront of the scientific revolution.

You people are pathetic. Living in the past, dreaming of old glories while European culture dominates everything.

Your language, your clothing, the device you are using. All invented by Europeans.

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Swimmer girls from Hungary, find a gypsy in pic related. Pro tip: none.

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dude the only thing yoiur country invented was anne franks diary

Christianity was a Jewish psy op, they used a brown man to conquer you. Lmao.

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Why don't you go back to your African hellhole if your culture is so superior?

Name one thing that Somalis invented.

You people are nothing but worthless parasites. You have brought nothing of value to this world.

That's a great picture

I am German, What are you talking about, idiot?

They have very nice tans

>All invented by Europeans

English has heavy North African, and Mesopotamian linguistic influence. Math was probably also one of the best inventions created by man, and it was first formulated and logically refined by a central Asian Persian Arab mutt.

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And look where it got us. To the moon and beyond

Where has your religion brought the world to?

You know exactly what I am talking about you miserable bastard

>I am German
Explains the level of misery. I don't come across that many miserable Dutch

Imagine being as ignorant as you are. Are those the fairy tales you niggers tell each other so you can feel superior to the Europeans?

Tell me what your culture has contrubuted to this world. Just one thing.

It got you swallowing the seed of a brown man. Your nation is a brown mans cumming parade. All rape and gape, but no one to cull the forigen rapist.

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Without our “shit skin” math I had like to see you people succeed.

Your mom gets gang-banged and sucks off Bantu people. Her tight lips slathers all over their big black cock. How do you feel?

Imagine thinking the entire world is predicted upon the life style of a fairy skinned faggot. Your people only became relevant in the last couple hundred years, lmao. Get off your high horse you cum bucket.

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You are the one living in rape-gang Britain, not me.

If I were religious I would thank god every day that I was born a white European and not a monkey like you.

Of all the niggers, you Somalis must be among the most hated worldwide.

Why is it that everyone hates you? Are you a Muslim?

And what did you do with it? What great things did you inve t applying mathematics?

We sold those bantu raisin heads into slavery, lmao. Gtfo you coping jungly ape.

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Answer the fucking question. Without us how are you going to the moon?

At least we are relevant. You subhumans have never been good for anything except being slaves to Arabs.

Cattle, that is what you are. And now that the slave trade has stopped, all you can do is infest the world.

No one cares about how girly and white your skin is. God made you a cum bitch

>Somalis hated world wide

Does South Africa ring a bell? The only people hated globally are you sissy skinned faggots.

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Dream on. Arabs hate you. Asians hate you. Europeans pity you.

You are nothing.

Yeah, but that was in the past. This is the present. The Bantus of modern times are way more ocky since they worked hard labor for centuries. Strength is hard wired into them now.

They can broke you like little twigs Zoomalis. Us whited will use them against you like Zoos and tell them about the Arab slave trade. They'll get buttmad and begin invading your lands

Bantus are too busy smacking their cocks on the white mans ass to come after us. Maybe in a thousand give or take a million years, you outbred retarded pavement monkey.

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>somali bro

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No we are waking up the Blacks on the Arab slave trade. All we have to do is shill basic history to the Negroids and they will be crying out for blood. I watch you Somalis. You pretend to like Blacks when you are in the West and "rep" with them for mutual protection because your both non-whites. All we have to do is sow anger between the various non-whites and you will all kill eachother off.

Modern Bantus are now more stronger than u. The Arab slave trade is becoming more known in the west and your Arabs will be fucked with no other allies

Ugh, stopped reading at Indian.



Oh so you’re litterally a nigger. Move on.

Says the Brazilian. Keep eating others shit

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The moment you stop getting fucked by dogs you come talk shit to me, drug addict.

Indians are still Caucasians tho, while Tibetans are Mongoloid

Calling us drug addicts is quiet hypocritical

the monkey is right, poo

How many white inventions do I see in that one pic.?