Its ok to be white

Its ok to be white...

I'm Russian and I can not fully evaluate how the intonation you hear this phrase. I'm punk for life . Punk would be in Russia said,"I'm white and that means I'm a man". And this phrase sounds like an apology to black for being white.Am I right? Is that cowardly?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Am I to understand that this is a cowardly phrase?

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the fuck did you just ask?

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Terrible English

Your daily reminder of the type of people who buy into iotbw

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Its not meant to be understood as an apology or concession, its meant to be a modest statement of agreeable fact which is intended to provoke unjustified outrage. The whole point of the posters is to say something "modest" and "uncontroversial" as opposed to something like what you are describing as "punk". The aim is to demonstrate how ridiculous it is to get outraged by such a modest statement.

Does that explain? Hopefully I am understanding your question

I could see how you'd think that. It is a form of social 'apologetic', but it's not an attempt to please or assuage. It is specific in that it is using the propaganda language of the Cultural Marxists against them.

I'm not just asking. I need to know the subtext of that phrase. Is he cowardly or not?

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No, in English, "It is OK to be white" is massively different from "Is it OK to be white?"
It's ok to be white can be read as, "It is good to to be white"

>picture of ugly smoking whore
Disgusting, you should go die.

> It's ok to be white can be read as, "It is good to to be white"
Not really, its intended to be read as "there is nothing wrong with being white", or "being white is acceptable".

Its meant to be a simple and non-controversial statement... that will get a reaction from the left.

Thats the genius of it. When the left attacks such a simple, non-threatening statement it shows that the left isn't really anti-racist, they are really anti-white.

Yes myoure right. Its a cowardly phease and likely was made by shills to make white guys look weak. Hence why its fat incels or teens that promote the IOTBW message.. Kind of like Proud Boys. Sounds wimpy and apologetic af.

imagine being russian and thinking its okay to call yourself white

there has never been a more delusional "people" on this planet than russians

Its not at all intended as an "apology", its intended as a statement of a modest truth: "being white is perfectly acceptable".

The reason why it became a popular meme is because of the disproportionate outrage such a modest statement evoked.

That's me .

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You're missing your frog sweater and fat and sex offense

why are you just being a rude asshole for no reason lmfao. quit wasting your life

""I'm white and that means I'm a man""
Right, thanks for that, you're suggesting that other skin colors are not men. Since that would simply inflame those who don't want to look at distinctions between races, that was, wisely, not on the table.
Enjoy your Russian punk, remember to sleep on your stomach when you are drunk and put your face sideways so that you don't inhale your own vomit.

Im RED and that means Im a MAN

Unrelated, that OP picture is one hot piece of ass. I'd make her wear my SS hat while I fuck her.

It was a phrase used to demonstrate that leftist faggots would not accept that its ok to be white.

Personally, I prefer the simple slogan, White Pride World Wide!

Writing OK to be white is not the same thing ,it's GOOD that I'm white. Normal doesn't mean good. In Russian it is so.

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You are not white, you are Russian. If they make us into a monolith it's easier to destroy us. Only Americans are white(mutts). The EU is trying to the same thing, we are all 'Europeans'.

Yes, it is so in english as well. However, the aim was not to say that its good to be white, the aim was to make an even more modest statement, so that the inevitable backlash appeared all the more ridiculous.

Now that the misunderstanding is out of the way, how is the pro-white scene in Russia?
Is there a Russian equivalent to Jow Forums?
Just starting to learn Russian

I don't care what men of a different color think. I don't want to be white - OK, I want to be white - okay. Or are the words the same in English? I don't think that's true.

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Чтo ты нecёшь, ayтиcт?

All real Russian nationalists are in prison now.

It means only that it is neither good or bad to be white.
Our media attacks white people a lot, so the goal was to get them to say that simply saying it is Okay to be White is racist
This would make people realize that the media is attacking white people for existing
The point was never to put up flyers saying that "white people are the best", because normal people would ignore the posters and call them racist
The message is not cowardly or not, but the goal is to put up pro-white things in the future

It's not funny. It's humiliating and cowardly. It is better to nothing on the shirt not to write such rubbish.

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Feels fucking bad man
What were they arrested for?
No hope for whites at all?

What you shit speaking.
You stupid

Its not humiliating, its a simple statement that being white is fine and no one should have a problem with it. It was not done to affirm anyones self esteem, or protect our egos. It was done to provoke our enemies into making an information warfare mistake

All radicals are in prison since 2013, this includes left wing, right wing, Muslim, orthodox orthodox radicals. There was a big chance of coup in 2011 where antifa and nationalists were united at a protest together.

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The people who thought like us in the past didnt get anywhere with their ways
The goal here is to gradually get people to be less and less scared of our ideas
Plus, if anyone is caught, it is easier to defend yourself for your actions
Saying that whites are the best to normal people right away doesnt work right now

Im guessing they all got life in prison?

You’re not even Russian, nigger

It is meant to get a racist reaction from those who claim to be anti-racist.

It works like a charm.

Boy, Putin really know how to get the job right.

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Yeah some did, some were forced to leave the country. Mostly was Jews with money who left.

This is epic
Nobody screaming about a russian bot.

Post feet :3

I am REALLY looking forward to that happening in the USA

Yeah there was a threat to his reign back then, he shit his pants and cracked up on people who tried to sow discord. Rightly so in my opinion, our biggest threat is rebellion.

>Mostly was Jews with money who left.
Why? russian jews were mostly left wing? because in israel they are more right wing than the mizrahi jews.

They are left wing if you compare them to normal Russians. They are right wing of you compare them to western lefties. They are traitors anyway so it doesn’t matter.

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In Russia there is a prohibited inscription on the shirt-I'm Russian. The fact that it is written with the font called "Ermak". Ermak is a historical Russian conqueror who joined Siberia under Tsar Ivan the terrible . The fact is that he "baptized" the pagans in his own way - he took out his penis , put it on a stump,and the conquered peoples obeying him kissed him. You do the same in the US and the West was nothing like this and wear a shirt that says cowardly, "it's OK to be white".

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tell your leader to stop sucking our dicks. we're not coming back to the shithole.

>to that shithole.*

In Russia there is a prohibited inscription on the shirt-I'm Russian. The fact that it is written with the font called "Ermak". Ermak is a historical Russian conqueror who joined Siberia under Tsar Ivan the terrible . The fact is that he "baptized" the pagans in his own way - he took out his penis , put it on a stump,and the conquered peoples obeying him kissed him. You do the same in the US and the West was nothing like this and wear a shirt that says cowardly, "it's OK to be white".

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I wish we in the US could do stuff like that, but if people find out our identities many of us would never get a job again because leftist organizations will pressure our employers to fire us, or they will cause people to protest the business we work at
This is why we stick to putting posters up with the slogan
Once we get people to accept our ideas a little more, we can do stuff like you guys do

You don't want to come,don't come. But historically, Jews have lived in Russia for centuries. Personally, I am against the Jews have nothing.
Этo мeня ecть дpyзья eвpeи и в Poccии и в Изpaилe.

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>He doesn't smoke

What a faggot.

>get called racist by all the media scandalizing IOTBW
>ask why people are hiding their face
"Journalists" were a mistake.

Then order a t-shirt with the inscription AMERICAN with the font "Ermak", just a picture and every Russian remembering the history and its roots you will understand.

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>lol *coughs* you mean you don’t smoke *croaks in a raspy voice* You are not like me so I’ll call you a faggot since it’s my only move *gets throat cancer*

Will get one if i ever go to Eastern Europe

Why are you larping as Russian if you can’t even speak Russian, retard.

You're a jerk. Rogozin and his chief PHE are now at the top of the government. Put only idiots who can not agree.

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Not a bad idea

Чтo ты нecёшь пpидypoк?Я ceйчac нa кaкoм пишy?

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Этo кaфe
Maмa, димa нe мeдиc

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Кaкoe eщё кaфe?

Tы пocмoтpи нa флaг Hoвopoccии - этo флaг кoнфeдepaтoв cшa, кoтopыe были зa paбcтвo и ceгopeгaцию.

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She could walk past me and fart and i would noteven bat a eye.

You use your brain sometimes. Confederate flag and flag of Novorussia. Nothing in common?

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>pro white
Is that a bad thing


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Looks pretty common
Any direct connections between the two?
Did the NovoRussians communicate with the southerners?

No it's not because it's me you fuck. Fuck off. Love seeing myself on pol.


But in fact, the beginning of the war in Ukraine and the beginning of the us Civil war in 1861 are strikingly similar. And not only that, and there, and here there is a rare fratricide consanguineous and co-religionists neighbors. And not only that both civil wars began at Easter time, as if a deliberate mockery of the gospel word of peace. In Ukraine, the war began with numerous cases of seizures of military units of the Ukrainian army first in the Crimea, and then in the Donbass. The first month and a half in the Crimea and the first two weeks in the Donbass Ukrainian troops only conceded and handed over weapons. This created the appearance of some kind of victorious March of the militia. And only then gradually began hostilities. But the same thing happened in the southern States of the United States in the first months of the Civil war in 1861. After the separation of the southern States from the United States in January - April 1861, a wave of seizures of garrisons of American troops swept through them. Armed forces of the planters were disarmed

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>he smokes
You must be one of the faggots spending all his welfare check every month on smokes, walk around selling like a rotten chimney, cannot walk 2 steps without sounding out of breath and has the teeth of a trash eating abo.

You stink faggot, take a shower

I also find it interesting that the serfs in Russia were set free the exact same year that the american slaves were

Yeah, that's an interesting coincidence. I remember back in high school wrote about this essay. The reasons were the same! The Northern regions could not compete with the southern regions because slave pipes were cheaper. In the North of Russia,by the way, there has never been slavery! Because people could barely feed themselves. There was a so-called OBROK ( this tax is now called), but was paid not by money,but by products or goods that a person produced. Only 50% of Russian regions were in slavery. For example, my region - Vyatka, but when he was not a slave and the Mongol Horde also did not come to him.

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Interesting trivia Igor.

>posts jew

Very interesting
Good chat, its late as fuck where i live
Good night russianon

It is a fact statement. It is neutral. It highlights those upset, liberals, as being anti-white by their reaction.

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My name is Vladimir

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Good night bro.

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Quintessentially Russian, Vlad. I guess you're no churka.
Please, if you know some more esoteric slavic facts, elaborate. There are few people who know such trivia.


Agreed. It is NOT ok to the white.

>pro-white scene in Russia
>What were they arrested for?
Article 282: offending ethnic/religious/cultural feelings.

probably more ripped than 90% of the kiddies here

Is non-Russian called Vladimir?! I am Russian and know a lot of history and mythology. What are you interested in?
Bolshevics mother fucker faked many of historical.

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I hope Kingpin is okay.

Fuck off vodka nigger.

Punk is Dead


Tell me about armenia

Recently, your fucked-up liberals and blacks fanned the scandal with Papa Johns pizza. For a far-fetched, false reason, forced to remove from the box the white man founder of the brand. In Russia, it did not go and left as before. Your society is hurt by liberalism and tolerance . I wouldn't be surprised if you'd soon be serving Negroes and Mexicans a couple of days a week like slaves.

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People who care about whiteness in russia are larpers
To real russians all non-russians are just different kinds of shit, sore paler some darker

What about Armenia? Armenia not Russia . Or are you referring to the Armenian genocide by the Turks?
In 1989, Russia and Armenia took Karabakh from Azerbaijan. This is 20% of Azerbaijan's area)))

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Are they bad in russia? In the US they do a lot of crime and semilegal business like drugs