Fellas, be frank with me. Precisely what makes Trump a good president?

Fellas, be frank with me. Precisely what makes Trump a good president?

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He’s not Hillary

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it already says on his hat, which of his core values he supports

He helps our greatest ally.

He makes the left insanely butthurt
Trump derangement syndrome is fucking hilarious

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>I like Trump because he makes the liberals mad!

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he has a unique skill set and is master at the art of persuasion.

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he's a terrible president

When will the left make their own memes?

What he did in Korea.

Media pretended it didn't happen but it was truly astounding.

He's based and redpilled


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Think about this for a moment. Your ideology has caused so much harm to general populace that a person who literally has nothing going for him except for opposing your ideology was popular enough to win the presidential election.

He pushes policies that arent complete trash.

I love watching liberals being insanly butthurt and upset
Simple schadenfreude

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The left can’t meme

>traditions for thousands of years
Good, that's called culture and heritage.
>biggest news outlets
Yes, that infamously pro trump media.
Go to Africa and see how blacks live and see if you'd prefer there or Chicago (yes, even Chicago).

>n-no ur a npc!

The left can't meme.

he is ridiculously honest, hates illegal immigration, and has improved our economy.

y i k e s, lefties are not very creative are they?

Which policies? Name 5.

Classic Jow Forumstard. Thinks this meme’s Jow Forums‘s invention because the left happened to internalize it. Fuck off.

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says a burger while parroting a lefty meme

Improved our economy how so user?

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He is "пoлeзный идиoт" for purpose of deconstruction of US hegemony for favor of Mother Russia and friends.

reduced govt regulation
immigration reform
anti state-subsidized healthcare
pro 2A

He isn't since he's a Zionist, but he's better than the alternative.

>the word "yikes" is a lefty meme

>Ending tpp
>Renegotiating nafta
>Renegotiating trade agreements with china
>Renegotiating trade with the EU
>Not agreeing to paris climate change accords

And thats just trade related stuff thats better than anything the last four presidents came up with.

two time obama voter who voted for trump not thinking he was a savior (i knew hed be a kike puppet), i did it because it was important to unhinge the left and wake up the majority of normies, which trump has done flawlessly

>ridiculously honest
>Hates immigrants
Loves to hire them, especially for his own businesses
>improved the economy
Farmers on welfare, markets in the shitter, factories boarded up and moving out. Didn't even save that one fucking factory from moving to Mexico.

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All the entrenched powers that be hated/hate him. Fuck them.

>reduced govt regulation
>immigration reform
>anti state-subsidized healthcare
Political positions don’t mean shit, dumbass. What’s he done that makes him good?

I'm pretty sure it is. I'm pretty sure I saw it used on Jow Forums by invaders first.

>Reddit memes aren't inherently lefty
That's a wew lad from me.

You asked about his policies. I answered.

Do the ends justify the means, though, user?

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>i will pretend all arguments i can't address don't exist so i can still be right in my imagination

It got loads of coverage - people don't seem to be taking about how fuck all has actually happened, despite the various promises and statements.

Lousy answer, then, user.

he's unlike we've ever seen b4

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He is also skilled in the art of grabbing 'em by the pussy, and his Chyna mixtape was golden fire.
Really though, what happened in the election was the fucking Lugenpresse would not stop antagonising the fence sitters, and the far left extremists weren't told "Shut up you dumbass" but instead "You are brave and strong and doing the right thing".
The result was that everyone in the middle was pushed right.
Facebook, Google, Reddit and Twitter try to create a filter bubble but greatly underestimate the tenacity of the memer and his willingness to dab on them jannies.

All you realistically had to do was shut the fuck up for 2 years and you'd have won ezpz. But no, you had to Troll them racists epic style xD.

This but unironically

Can you tell about Trump’s “immigration reform,” user?

Says who, you?

Yeah your opinion carries much weight and value as you whine and bloviate nonstop about Trump.

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i know what you really mean, wink wink.

He's not corrupt, hasn't broken the law or done anything worthy of jail time like Hilldawg. Do people on the left just not care or automatically assume all leaders are corrupt criminals?

it is quite simple really, LEADERSHIP.
dont matter what u think of him, he's a boss.
a trait the other candidates didnt quite have as developed as he did.
so he won.


>whine and bloviate non-stop

When lol?

He makes you mad. Also magapill.com/

OP is further proof that the left can't meme.

Trump supporters are the most gullible low IQ tards in the nation. Truly the lowest common denominator.

It was magical. The press cried and shrieked, they used their every available move, and they still lost.

Try reading!


Not being corrupt is a bare-minimum expectation. Forget about what he hasn’t done - what HAS he done?

You asked for 5 policies. I gave you 5 as did another user. If your dissatisfied with the extent such policies are pursued by congress thats fine blame congress. Write Pelosi and tell her you want a wall.

Yeah let's pretend you didn't make this shit thread to antagonize and argue rather than to actually receive answers to your question.

Honestly, hes a tough negotiator

He has met bare minimum expectations unlike the other candidate ;)

I googled “Trump immigration reform.” The only results were political positions. Thanks for the input, though.

He hasn’t really made the liberals mad in a long time though. They’re pretty much laughing at him now, especially since that mid-term ass raping.
Trump is a seething mess of buttblasted now.
So....can’t cling to that anymore really.

Travel ban, anti birthright citizenship, the Wall, DACA.

>The press cried and shrieked, they used their every available move, and they still lost.
the press knows how to actually kill a presidential campaign. they did it to ron paul in 2012: just don't cover him. they covered donald trump 24/7 from the minute he started running. he won? what a cohencidence

This is why I voted for him.
Of all the people the democrats could have run they chose the single moat corrupt candidate in the race.
I cant believe people fell for that "cool grandma" act

Better than the worst isn’t anything close to “good,” chum.

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It's a two party system retard

It was literally nothing.

Trump and his kleptocracy are stealing your money.
Wake up average American.

he exposed what the left has become for some time now.
the insane rambling lunatics that hate white people, try to pump 3 year olds with hormone blockers and dress them like girls, want to destroy the borders and are violent fascistic thugs that want to censor everyone and brig in another murderous communist dystopia.
He's done exactly what i predicted he would do.

>Y-you don’t care anyway!!!
Thanks for the insight.

He’s real as fuck
Most presidents are slimy shits that don’t communicate with the public without excessive filtering and proofreading to make sure their statements are never cast in a negative light. He just doesn’t give a fuck and is very direct. We will miss this quality in our next president
And you know this is just fun
Cooled the ongoing nuclear tension with north korea. No one wants to acknowlege that. This is a country that made threats to destroy us on numerous ocassions. They made propaganda videos of new york being bombed. The minute anyone gets tough with them, they back off. Obama never had the stones for it

He's better than everything else user. Also soi wars memes?

I honestly don't believe they are organized enough to make it happen without leaking it.

>what makes Trump a good president
He's not Shillary.

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Deporting illegals

I support his desire for closed borders. I support his desire to piss on people like Adam Schitt. I support his want to put constitutional originalists on the supreme court. I support his efforts to lower refugee intake. I support his efforts to alter our asylum laws to not benefit illegal aliens. I support his actions against jewish media. I support his actions against Israel. I support his actions against the EU. I support his actions in regards North Korea and Russia. I support his trade war as fair dealing with the US should come back. I support his dicking of Canada and trying to help Mexico. I support his wanting to make things a bit easier on business owners. I support his desire to see the demorats brought to justice. Lastly, and bigly, I support him in his position because it pisses off all the assholes in the world. Liberals, Trudeau, Merkel, Macron, Biibi, liberals again, corporate demorats, Iran, communists, and liberals.

>reduced govt regulation
Asbestos and off-shore drilling, except near his properties. Neat.
>immigration reform
Private prisons for immigrant kids, more government handouts to America's fastest growing money hole
>anti state-subsidized healthcare
Still no solution except to keep breaking shit and hope for the best. Hardly a "policy."
>pro 2A
"I like taking the guns first, due process second"
Same problem as the rest, dodged the deal on the table but hasn't offered anything coherent of his own.

>Hand shakes
>Pieces of paper signed on camera
Literally no evidence of actual nuclear program breakdown
Nigga wut

^^194351207 (You)

I agree

>how did he reduce gov't regulation?
Idk buko have you been living under a rock?



Shit posts. Anyone who shitposts about the media is worthy of presidency, nay godhood.

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Trump grabs women by the pussy, which is better than low energy Obama. The only good thing Obama did was get us out of Iraq.

foreign policy. not getting involved in a million shitskin countries.


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To add, what I think happened, was not many were interested in watching Ron Paul, and so they did not cover him. Laughing at Trump attracted a large audience, so they kept doing it, for shekels. They started realizing their mistake midway, but being jews they just could not stop themselves.


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Throwing a shitfit and starting tradewars isn't policy. If what we had before wasn't good enough, what we're getting now is going to lead to much worse.
Luckily for Donny, it's complicated so by the time shit hits the fan somebody else will be around to take the blame.

He sees:
1. China s hijacking of USA universities and indoctrination of the US citizens AGAINST our NATION.

2. The corruption of the YOUTH through ANTI-SCIENCE transgenderism to destabilize and m
psychologically traumatize civilians

3. The radicalizing of Homosexuals and Women under a FAKE GENDER PAY GAP

4. The SYSTEMATIC discrimination of Christianity by an INTELLECTUAL JIHAD

And HE IS MANAGING 99 other problems without

4. EXECUTING HOMOSEXUALS (by throwing the off buildings)

I'm not a genuine Trump supporter, but I guess I was enthusiastic about his election because...

>Hillary is an arch-roastie and is supported almost entirely by roasties\slimy beta types, and seeing them btfo was nice.
>Trump is obviously a complete joke and he makes a mockery of the US government and popular politics.

I would like to think that most of his supporters here on Jow Forums had the same mentality as me.

The best thing I can picture happening right now is Hillary coming along and being elected to BTFO all the trumptards, and give the roasties even more power so we can expand this misandry bubble to popping point.

The Wall? You mean the renovated fences?

DACA remains in place.

I’ll let you decide if the Travel Ban did anything meaningful.

>what we're getting now is going to lead to much worse.

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Yes its policy. It's clearly not policy you agree with your boiler plate liberal responses and thats to be expected. You would have liked Shillary. I don't much care for globalist neocons so Trumps policies are a refreshing change in my book.

She’s not running again. She is forever btfo

The person you replied to said he pushes policies. You said which policies. I answered. You asked for specification. I answered. You can criticize the results all you like and point the finger at whoever you like, but the point is, you've been btfo.

>is a joke
>most radical policy is that he's against illegal immigration
muslim detected