Is Jow Forums that bad?

Is Jow Forums just a toxic cesspool, or could it really be a fun place for someone that could be considered a "normie"?

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No. Jow Forums is really that bad.

I only visit Jow Forums and Jow Forums

Some of the alternative interests boards may be decent too

I'm a cyborg

Depends on what boards.

Jow Forums is thr only thing that makes this site filled with horrible people

The slower boards are actually nice and fun

normalfags should all be shot. GTFO
Oh, yes, of course it's Jow Forums's fault, not the /b/tards that jerk off to futa with shitting dick nipples.
Off yourself, leftist.

I'm not even leftist, like half the board is retarded.

it depends on the board
/b/./v/. and Jow Forums are toxic as hell, but almost everywhere else is nice to talk about stuff thats on topic, like /vr/ with retro games
but that doesn't mean that people will respect what you have to say, and a lot of people have opposing opinions to what the majority of other websites, such as reddit and tumblr, on a particular topic, for example if you wanted to talk about rick and morty you will get a lot less replies, and the replies you would get are more likely going to be about how the fans are cringe inducing
now a question that you are also probably asking yourself is "is Jow Forums right for me?" and you're the only one who can decide
make a list of your interests and go to the different boards relating to them and see if you like it

That's still a better proportion than the population at large, your point?

Shooting normalfags is fine or whatever, but doesn't everyone start out as a normie?


Then what exactly defines a "normie"?

Yes, it's really bad.
It really does twist your perception about the world.
You think it's kinda normie until you share things you've seen or talked about on Jow Forums only to normies' disgust, disinterest, or disdain.

Normal people.
A friend circle that they interact with and maintain good relationships. A somewhat decent job. Has had many positive romantic/sexual experiences. "Normal" hobbies like mainstream sports, mainstream music, and travel to popular tourist spots.

That's...kinda depressing to say the least

Not at all. Jow Forums is neutral. Normies?
The site has been comprised of normies for a long while. What you see here is just normal people unrestricted.

I've been on Jow Forums for fucking 10 years now
I'm not a total NEET. I do go to other websites.
And yet, Jow Forums is what I always come back to because it's the one place where any opinion is attacked. No matter what the fuck you say, someone will say something against, often legitimately so.
Jow Forums is for people who hate echo chambers.

not really
some people are just born retarded

> implying anyone wants normies in here
You clearly dont belong here so leave most of the people here feel at home if this is your edgy secret club then fuck off you wont adapt

Jow Forums now is what /b/ used to be newfag

No, but if you start to follow a hivemind set of thinking like Jow Forums or /b/, you'll get caught looking like a sheep. Jow Forums is an awesome place to be because you can freely express yourself without restriction and without identity holding you back. Jow Forums can be a terrible place to be if you follow bad and toxic ideas like a sheep to the masses. Try not to get slaughtered.

You need like 8 levels of irony to participate here
Nothing is real. Everything is real
You gotta flip back and forth 10 times before you get to the truth
If you ever do
What's the truth? Nothing found here
Or is it...

Jow Forums is what you make of it. Yes, there's a lot of toxic garbage, spoiler alert, there's a lot of toxic garbage on every social space on the internet. That's what existing on the internet is nowadays. And like any other social space, you get out what you put in. Post constructively in threads you like, ignore shitposters and trolls, DON'T BE A SHITPOSTING TROLL IN THREADS YOU DON'T LIKE, try and ignore the toxic nonsense that occasionally bubbles up, and don't let it consume your life. As in all things, moderation and responsibility.

And just general advice to anyone who hasn't been here a decade by now, when in doubt, lurk moar. You find out more by listening than you do by making an ass of yourself.
>2007 was 11 years ago

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Go away, poole's closed

>Jow Forums is one person
The only thing there with even a semblance of consensus is that racist memes are funny.

No. It isn't.

The only way to see the freaks is go to the freak show, whether its fake or not the completely ridiculous scenarios that people post and the thing's they say are sometimes really funny. "Toxic cesspool" and "normie" are things I never heard about before using Jow Forums so maybe I'm just lucky or you have more in common with Jow Forums users then you think.

It's the only very active board that's not about peepee here tits there and vidya though? What even makes you say such a stupid thing?

Fuck i miss shitting dick nipples. Shame guilty gear died off

There are good boards and retarded boards. In general, the smaller boards which focus on a particular topic are the better boards.

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generally not a good thing to fill your headspace with traps and meme racism

Jow Forums is not a place for weak-minded people.

You can browse Jow Forums just for the tits. And the occasional hookup.

I appreciate you. Thank you for being such an amazing person. I hope you have a great day!

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>Jow Forumstard
You're the cancer that killed Jow Forums.

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>pressure free social interaction
hits hard :(

it's really that bad
Jow Forums sewage is everywhere

Fuck up you cum guzzling rastie
Stop trying to turn my forum in to a gay faggot hug box

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>Is Jow Forums that bad?

Only when you say something stupid and someone calls you on it.

Normals do not defend civil liberties like freedom of speech. Not when push comes to shove, not even when it's just a butthurt asswipe that invokes the feds to the rescue because of feelings. If you truly are normal you do not belong here, you are not worthy.

Yes it is bad
I think it has made me a significantly worse and cynical person, hopelessly addicted to this site

I just saw a post on pol claiming all the South American peoples are slaves to the jews and were bread by them and over on r9k nazis are recruiting. this website is an echo chamber of negativity and self hatred resulting in insane people with insane ideas.

For the past 8 years I have tried to use Jow Forums as a normal informative forum, but it has failed me numerous times.

There's probably far far better forums out there which talk about cartoons, video games and at least 10,000 more which talk about technology.

/tg/ is good to great, but there's probably other communities similar to it with the same amount of creativity, effort, smooth prose, hardwork which is required in order to play DnD-like games properly.

If I ever take over Jow Forums then it will be separated into 2 classes. A separate red-board class made to stir up drama, troll, made for advertising. And a blue-board class made for genuine quality discussion and information exchanges. Bans would be meaningful because on the blue-class you'd have an invisible account for the mods to keep track of you and a fully unlocked account would not be easy to earn.

Or it could be that you choose to look at the worst boards

You are literally describing facebook :^)

>it's a hitler shitposts in his own defense anonymously episode

It's pretty toxic here. I have to actively try not to use, even just in my head, slurs and and other misogynistic and racist language (I'm sure some fucktard is going to pop up now and call me a cuck).

Jow Forums is the worst of the worst. I won't even go there anymore to sightsee the zoo animals because I don't want to catch their brain gonorrhea.

Honestly, after 10 years here, I think I should probably fuck off to reddit or maybe check out of the internet entirely.

>can't handle the bantz
Maybe you should work on this skill where you think about things before you bypass your brain and just scream them. Intelligent forethought is a terribly underutilized skill in everyday life.

being a cyborg makes me feel like I belong everywhere and nowhere at the same time )':

Look at the New York Times columnist that was hired and then immediately fired because she was found using slurs on Twitter or something. She said she just adopted that sort of language from spending time here.

I guess I just don't want it to be part of my vocabulary, period, for self-preservation if nothing else. I also just kind of think if you adopt something in a layer of irony, eventually the irony is going to melt away and you'll just be left with that thing. Jow Forums as a whole is an used to be that all the racism and homophobia was just a big joke of teenagers and 20-somethings just trying to shock and out-edge one another. Now this place is just racist and homophobic, period.

Like everything else in life, you get what you take from it.

/tv/ made me discover new movies and shows I would have taken years to stumble upon. Jow Forums made me interested in economics and politics, and I now attend IRL gatherings and made lots of new friends. Jow Forums made me go to the gym, lose 20lbs of fat and start lifting weights. /mu/ introduced me to new bands and artists that absolutely fascinate me.

Started browsing Jow Forums in 2015, 3 years later I'm leaner, more knowledgeable, more cultured and less introverted.

You get what you take, user.

hope you're not into Jow Forums's brand of politics, brah

If you knew anything about Jow Forums you'd know /b/ is a hollow shell of its former self and Jow Forums took its place

It's a testament to the retardness and autism of Jow Forums that being a "normal" healthy person is something to be looked down upon here. Like sitting staring at your screen calling anonymous people faggots is the true and woke way to live life

I've been using Jow Forums on a daily basis for about 13 years now. I'm 26. Most of the opinions and practices I hold in life are the polar opposite of what Jow Forums culture preaches.

My addiction to this website is based in the fact that you can heap obscenities and verbal abuse on strangers who will invariably read and respond to it, even though they have every reason in the world to ignore it. It is an outlet for me to express my negative feelings so I can be patient and even-tempered with the people who are actually present in my life. I might be wrong in saying this, but I don't think normies use the Internet in this way. Those who come to Jow Forums looking for approval and belonging, the way people use most social media, get swallowed up in the site's mob mentality. They find themselves saying things they don't believe and reflexively taking the most ignorant and reactionary position on any subject. Even on this board, people will just say any meaningless nonsense to get a reaction.

I've met a few users of this site in real life, and I hated every single one of them. It is definitely that bad.

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Just avoid the cesspools like Jow Forums, Jow Forums, and /b/ and you'll be good.

Yes, but despite what a lot of people ITT are saying it's not ALL bad.

Yes most boards are filled with Jow Forums and Jow Forums garbage and the site was better a decade ago but trying to talk about video games or whatever on reddit is impossible. Reddit is filled with either circlejerks or ironic circlejerks or anti-circlejerk-circlejerks. Also just endless reposts of old memes and imgur posts.

For all the toxic pity-party shit that Jow Forums has, it's still the only place I can just freely express myself and not have to worry about my posting history or other people's posting history.

This. Less popular boards tend to have less cancer while still retaining the Jow Forums """culture"""

This. Biggest difference between 4 chan and anywhere else on the internet is discerning someone's true intent only through text. Is it bait? Is it sarcasm? Is it a multilayered irony? Lurk to figure it out

>I've met a few user of this site and I hated every single one of them

I've met 3 people who use this site and I like every one of them some of the people I get along best with. This site even helped me through some rough months just being able to kick back after a long day and laugh at threads. Like other anons said this place is what you make it. In the end it's similar to taking drugs. It detracts from your life as much as you let it and enhances as much as you let it. But it's still not the healthiest thing either way

Thee sad life of a cyborg

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Memes aside, 99% of Jow Forums is just retards, stoners and underage b&s, but once in a blue moon there's some really good shit on here that you simply will NOT find anywhere else on the net. I swear to God, I have seen posts so good that they got stuck in my long-term memory. There are fewer of those every day though, and I feel that Jow Forums though still popular, is on the downswing with regards to its content and the type of people who use it.
Nowadays the only good posts are on /lit/, and they are still few and far between.

I've met many people from Jow Forums and everyone has always been cool. Maybe you just met people from the retard tier boards.

I think a lot of boards have good things.
I plan on getting out from here but still visiting some useful parts of Jow Forums.
Some of my favorites are:
/Mu/ for the sharetheads and to discover music.
/Hr/ for celebs i like photos and good quality images.
/An/ for Speculative Biology and curious threads.
/Tv/ for mommy's and waifufagin because outside of that /tv/ is pessimist blackpilled whinny crap.

I'm gonna do it.

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>Jow Forums is for people who hate echo chambers.
It has a 99% male userbase mate, it's the biggest sexist echochamber I've seen

> Like sitting staring at your screen calling anonymous people faggots is the true and woke way to live life

it isn't ??? ?

every website is an echo chamber somewhat, i wonder what wonderful boards and threads youre going on lol

Jow Forums gave me aids yet it amuses me a lot

Everything is bait; nothing is bait. Everything is ironic. Everything is dead serious. Never take anything seriously. Get the fuck off Jow Forums. Lurk moar.

To be honest, most people I've met that I'd pin as being people who visit Jow Forums I'd sooner punch than visit again, but the sheer chaos of this place keeps me coming back.

Did spend three some years the fuck away from Jow Forums. Jow Forums had three or four tripfags back then who did nothing but shit up threads. Like, exclusively. LitHit and Nero and shit are meh, but holy fuck. Yesteryear's tripfags make them look like shining bastions of sagacious insights to the world's threading.

I hate the pol boogie man. To blame it all on them is funny but vastly overestimates the board and is a gross exaggeration of what's gone wrong with 4hcan.

Depends, are you too immature to let a website have that much control over your life? Fact is, by visiting this site you are exposing yourself to the opinions of others. Some pathetic people, some very smart and insightful ones. So basically like real life. Depends on the type of person you are. But generally speaking it's best not to take this place too seriously. I only visit Jow Forums to give advice I think can help, and to see what others are going through. It's actually very comforting knowing others have gone through the same thing as me, believe it or not

Depends whether or not you've got the common sense to not take everything said here literally/at face value. Lots of it is memeing and trolling

That said, there are some genuine pearls of wisdom said here occasionally, and the fact its anonymous and people speak as they desire is very refreshing in a time where you're charged with crimes for getting aggressive over twitter (particularly as a UK resident who's country is going full 1984, America ain't got shit on us).

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I love my entertainment, so /tv/ is my chill out board full of fun.

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i came here first after the tay bot thing went down in march 2016. left in may 2017 because i realized how timewasting and addictive this shit is. now i came bag because of the bitcoin shitposting AND I CANT LEAVE.

the whole "youre here forever" meme turned out to be true

NO NORMIES Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Doesn't every website have both the problems and features people talk about in this thread? Or is Jow Forums just exceptional?

I would say its bad. Most boards are toxic and bad for anyone.
Even some of the regular sfw boards can be bad at times, however there is some good in it.
I find that here on Jow Forums and a couple others I have gotten some pretty good advice for certain things I need help with, or just a second good opinion.
Most of it though is just a shit posting paradise, that is because this idea that Jow Forums “IS” (because it doesnt have to be, nor was it started that way) this shitty place where anything goes.
Its a sorta catch 22, its bad because people make it bad, and people make it bad because it supposed to be bad.

fuck off, everyone knows /pol is an echo chamber

lol been here since '05, call me in ten years.

Similar, in regards to the mischief but /b/ always has its own charm.

>2007 was 81 years ago

No, everyone starts as a whiny bitch babby, with no knowledge of proper social behavior

Some people learn to be normies, some don't

I started posting here in '05 and I haven't left yet for a couple of reasons - 1, it's the only place that is active at all hours of the day, and the threads are fresh. It's not like some forums where there's 50,000 replies and jumping into the middle is gonna be weird. Second, I like asking shit or giving advice and knowing that no one is ever going to come back and follow up on it because they don't know who I am.

Anyways, I'm normie as fuck, but there's a ton of awful shit here mixed in with the normies. Jow Forums really is as bad as they say, and Jow Forums leakage has just made most of this place either horribly political or pathetic over the years. You can't have a thread that goes more than 100 replies on some boards without it turning into some Jow Forumstards shitting it up like we're invading their safe space to talk about a comic with a black person in it.

I mainly keep myself off to the side on /co/, /ck/, /trv/, and /an/ as long as I'm not here or masturbating.

Some are born autistic, so no

some boards are, some are pretty cool

i like Jow Forums, im just another user here

Jow Forums is a normie site

>I've met a few users of this site in real life, and I hated every single one of them
Interestingly enough, me too. The kind of people that share greentexts and suicide memes on facebook. Though i doubt they actually browse this site aside from /b/

Met a few folks from /vg/, and i get along great with them

Normies will have a bad time here, sure there will be newfags who will pamper their ass every, now and again, but some old fag will always be there to say a few choice words that will send them packing.