Why Are Mexicans Appropreating Our Sacred Holidays Liek Thanksgiving?

It’s not okay.
Our culture is not another one of your excuses to drive drunk and make tamales.
I don’t give you my people’s permission to celebrate our high holy days, or to even attend a Back Friday sale.
These are our sacred traditions!

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This can also be a Mexican hate thread too

as a spic i would love to celebrate Thanksgiving here too.

>As a Mexican I would love to suck your American dicks, can I be American now?

Every single fucking time!

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bet op is irish or something other than british

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this, faggot

You dont tell me not to put turkey in my tamales gringo, i love yams now

I’m an American that is essentially 100% ethnically Irish.
Where does that put me?

Your recipes, they have to go back!

Here ya go!
Whiter than YOU Mohammad!

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We'll talk when you stop eating tacos adn speaing spanish up there fatty

I can eat all the tacos I want but refuse to speak a word of Spanish.

How’s that?

>I will appropriate all from your culture that can be consumed, and reject all aspects of your culture that can actually enrich my intellect and own culture.

United States of America in a nutshell, everybody.

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Can I move to costa rica and never be cold or hot again for the rest of my life?

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well gee, I guess you can move over here if you want. But know one thing we have two seasons here: rainy season and not so rainy. Have you seen how eskimos have like 20 different names for every different type of snow they have? well we have that but for types of rain. What you would call a mild Autumn rain, its mere atmospheric humidity for us.

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Then take your people back.

>there are Europeans that celebrate thanksgiving
i hate my country for being such an autistic ameriboo

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the same as a nigger sure you're an american but not descendant of the forefathers

It goes both ways. I see more and more white Americans celebrating Day of the Dead ever year.

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>a good language

Pick one

>Mexicans dressing their kids up as Pilgrims and cooking massive turkeys with green bean casserole
Sounds cool.

How do you call a person who knows many languages: a polyglot. A person who knows two languages? a bilingual. And a person who only know one language? An American.

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Yeah man I hate this country too
At least I'm Slavic and don't celebrate burger holidays