What's so bad about having low IQ? Low IQ people seem happier

I noticed that women in particular don't care if a man can enunciate himself well or spell correctly, it won't stop them dating the man if they like him. You see thugs in the hood getting laid with middle class college girls all the time despite not being able to formulate a coherent sentence.

And it's the same thing in terms of planning and overthinking. Being intelligent leads you to overthink too much and you have to keep paying attention to too much petty things that the low IQ man doesn't even think about. This hinders daily living and makes you passive. Not aggressive and forward.

Getting a tattoo for example. High intelligence man beats his brains around trying to decide if he should get it and then eventually decides against it. Women and low IQ man just book themselves into the tattoo shop and get it done within a week.

Even with the arguments against Trump. If you're low IQ you can simply state "Trump is racist let the refugees in" on Facebook and get a thousand likes and loving emojis from women and friends and you don't even have to explain yourself. Everyone likes you and validates you for that single statement with nothing backing it up. Yet the high IQ man who says Trump is good has a lot of explaining to do as to why he is good and he will get a lot of hassle and ifs and buts.

Look at the guy on welfare with 3 kids, smoking weed, beer, and endless supply of side chicks. He is happier than the average guy slugging it out in a 9-5 job with a receding hairline who looks depressed and goes home to a lonely apartment.

low IQ seems to be more of an advantage at least in terms of social life and dating. Even some of the richest people like rappers, politicians, and athletes are dumb as fuck.

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Failed your STEM college entrance exams, eh?

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Happiness is a waste.
Only weaklings desire "happiness", it puts a damper on your productivity.

>Low IQ people seem happier
What a meme.
Literally believing the fairytales of "if you aren't so smart you'll be happier becuz the world isn't for those big brain nibbbas".
Lmao @ ur life.

Imagine requiring an 100 IQ to vote, DRUMP would be BTFO

What are you talking about? In the UK we have a massive underclass that are termed "Chavs". When you speak to these people and interact with them regularly you see they are much much happier than some guy of smarter intelligence and better resources stressing about his mortgage or how many holidays his wife will require this year.

The Chavs are unemployed, fucking, partying, drinking, getting as much sex as they want and they have families at the end of it too. When their wild days are over they have the option there of settling down with a family. Women give them multiple kids. The guy who is supposedly smarter and makes better decisions can't even find a girlfriend into his 40s, but hey at least he has no tattoos and no criminal convictions (which women don't even care much about anyway)

If you're low class women will accompany you to the tattoo shop and get one herself. She will also be happy to chill in bed watching Netflix all day instead of going out to work.

You're touching on halo effect. If someone is good looking, you'll perceive them as being smarter, funny, confident etc. So stupid Chad actually sounds smart, and if he debates some ugly nerd on economics or politics at a party, everyone will think Chad won the debate, even if objectively he couldn't form a coherent thought and just relied on social mogging. Basically personality (including perceived intelligence) doesn't real and is entirely a function of your appearance

>Yet the high IQ man who says Trump is good

That man doesn't exist. I'm not sure why you would claim otherwise and then use that picture to punctuate your case.

Degrees don't make you smarter, degrees are just a means to thin the herd and prove your commitment, much like school was designed as a tool to indoctrinate future 8-17 office workers.
You need a degree to be a nurse. Nurses are the stupidest fucking people on earth.

You would have to be rather low-IQ to think that comic is funny or clever.

It's not trying to be funny or clever, it's simple political commentary, and also correct.

yeah, right ubermench, how's that working for you?


It's a fucking stupid comic because voter ID involves ugly stupid mutts from underdeveloped countries, factually dumber than hicks.

Welp, there goes the black vote.

>Low IQ people seem happier

Trust Sessions

Low IQ people are happy on a shallow level, they can never attain a deep happiness or even true love.

That would also get rid of all their voters too

>You see thugs in the hood getting laid with middle class college girls all the time despite not being able to formulate a coherent sentence.
Its makes you seem foreign if you can't formulate your sentences and you speak with an accent. And the less you understand someone, the more you project your own interpretation on to them. Mute people are more likeable and silent people are cool.

OP doesn't have anything going for him, so I'll just comment on the comic. Ofc low I.Q people should be allowed to vote. I'd be happier to know that the Soros funded idiots actually formed the majority, rather than being loud minority, because then I knew where I stand in this. Now I have to constantly measure if the opinions I hold are popular or unpopular.

116 here. It's the fucking worst you can have. I am smart enough to understand that i am dumb.

Ignorance is bliss

If only high IQs could vote we'd live in a utopia. Sure Jews could still vote, but they would be outnumbered by high IQ whites. That's not what the comic author intended to say, but they have to print as much anti-Trump garbage as they can, quantity over quality, so they can't afford to put too much time or effort into it.

quit posting these fucking insects with the fasces, faggot

I dont consider myself smart but god damn the tattoo part is so true. There people who just do it, i want one but a debate is always going on in my head abiut whether or not should i get one.
BUT i know people who have countless tattoos and they are smart as fuck. Really good outside the box thinkers

There have already been studies done that show a link between high intelligence and depression/anxiety and other disorders.

>There have already been studies done that show a link between high intelligence and depression/anxiety and other disorders.
post them, because it's literally the opposite. You're parroting (((hollywood))) tropes.

IQ testing would block the majority of niggers and spics - sounds like a good idea desu.

IQ tests are more """racist""" than ID tests

mcnamara's morons


You probably think alien-faced fat Mexicans look good.

Happiness isn't a virtue.


135 here. But I'm neither rich nor successful. My intelligence hasn't helped me squat in life.

Of course dumber people are happier, OP.

Smarter people think about the future, more and therefore have more to worry about. They also get more pleasure out of sex for the same reason, smart people worry too much about STDs, pregnancy scares, women wanting to nail him down etc. meanwhile test-charged Chad and Tyrone are just thinking UUUUHHHH UHHHHH MDIKKKKK


>They also get less pleasure out of sex*

>100 min I.Q required to vote
>If we look at America, only a tiny percentage of niGGers would get to vote
>A slightly higher percentage of spics would get to vote but most wouldn't
>Other demographics with sub-100 I.Q like the unemployed, felons and CNN watchers wouldn't get to vote
>Women would be slightly more affected by an I.Q test than men
>The prime voting demographics would be white people and Asians (and Jews but they're a tiny % of the voting pop even after removing niggers and spics)
>A Democrat would literally never become president again
I'm all for it, that's the best idea this leftist cuck has had

This is what retards think (also degrees that are actually worthless, like womens studies). A good and proper degree will train you to think critically, to learn how to properly research and understand, to self-teach without falling into conspiretard tier schizo belieifs. A good degree does make you smarter, but you have to work to attain it. If you just go to class to pass the test, then you will come out dumber for it, not smarter. On most campuses less than 10% of the students there are actually trying to better themselves, those are the truly smart ones, the rest are just checking the block for a piece of paper, they are the retards of the world

They're talking about "ADD" and "ADHD" along with literally "self-reported and suspected" disorders. That study is a fucking meme and I didn't see anything about depression, bipolar, schizophrenia, etc. Just about everything I've ever read points to an inverse relationship between IQ and mental illness.


>You probably think alien-faced fat Mexicans look good.
Have you considered I just don't think nonwhites look good?

143 here, similar story, but I think it is a form of intellectual acedia.

Know what?
I am unironically down for that.
I.Q. >100 or gtfo.
>minority votes vanish
>female votes go AWOL
>republican majority for the foreseeable future
>Jewish lack of numbers work against them
>new intelligentsia and social drive to raise intelligent kids

I will never understand you corporate robots.

What point is there in being productive if the end goal is not to achieve and support a life that you find fulfilling?

Why possible reason you you want to spend every waking hour filling some assholes pockets, or even your own if you're never going to use it to enjoy life?

People like you are just as responsible as jews for turning our nations into international shopping malls.

I noticed this too.
Cretins seem to be the exclusive breeders of those I know personally. Real dumpster fires of humanity too. Think facial tattoos and a ukulele.

All IQ functionally does is change your perception of things and makes learning certain things easier.
You can be intelligent and knowledgeable and have a low IQ, it's just harder and takes more time.

Hands-on and reader-doer teaching methods work best for helping those of a lower I.Q. retain information.

Sadly, it's impossible to convey, say, theoretical physics, or philosophy, in a hands-on manner. :c

That's not true. There are things someone with an average or slightly better than average iq can do that someone below 85 genuinely can not understand to the level necessary for replicating it. You get s little bit lower and the person is for all practical purposes a useless sack of meat, as in they would struggle to be your grunt that follows relatively simple orders.

The idea that anyone can succeed and achieve anything with hard work is the height of bluepilled. You can easily observe that it's untrue just by going through everyday life, yet people still regurgitate this abhorrent take.

That's not actually true. You can't really increase your IQ by any measurable amount, and if your IQ is low, there are some things that are just outside your ability to ever understand. Someone with low IQ can never become a mathematician for example.

All this talk of high IQ causing success but I just want to die. Whether this is a trend or not is irrelevant but how do I find purpose in my life and use this resource to gain something of worth? I don't spend money or have any additions or hobbies that need it. I don't have any interests that I could or would want to dedicate my life to or even more than a few days. I've tried a bunch of stuff and travelled a decent amount so it isn't like I don't know what the world has to offer but it still feels empty.

Is not having a reason to live a valid reason to die?

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Whats so bad about being an animal?
Animals seem happier.

It's generally parroted by a certain IQ range where you think you're smarter then what you really are and you feel a certain entitlement due to your self-assumed high IQ.
While a higher IQ range will be more aware of their shortcomings and seem humbler, and just be smarter.
Then the even higher who knows they are smarter, but don't really bloat about it, but rather accept it for what it is.

It's tormenting, but there's no reason to die or kill yourself. Live while you live. Die when life is taken away from you.

sounds awfully communist of you

You win The Dumbest Post award.

Because in democracy idiots will follow the candidates who has a nicer propaganda without thinking, then block the country instead of pondering every solutions. And that's how people who sucked Macron's dick are now pissing on his doorstep.

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Basically a High IQ makes it possible for you to Le Think Different(tm)

Lower IQ people are more like animals in that they think less and more simply about everything. This is why the typical Low IQ person

- goes to bed early
- is extremely sociable
- has very normal and moderate beliefs about everything for his class and social group (both rarely thinks out of the box AND is very attached to the social group)
- often has boring taste in food and entertainment
- is happy doing the same job over and over again
- easily makes a gf and follows a set path in life, ie marriage kids golf/football on the weekends with the guys or whatever

Basically society can only function precisely because most people have a low or at least moderate only IQ. Social order would break down if everyone or even too many people had a very high IQ and let their mind go in every direction and wasn’t able to focus on achieving basic goals that advance the survival of the biological group

I speculate btw that this is why the highest IQ people like the Koreans and Chinese have evolved such a rigid social structure and even way of thinking, a society chock full of IQ105~115 people is only possible because they’re kept in line.

Europeans are on average a little more primal and instinctual, which means that even given more social freedom they are more likely to behave in a socially normative way simply by instinct. More Europeans will feel an instinctual desire to breed, to fight and protect the group, and to avoid fucking other people over than most Asians would in the same situation.

>must show IQ
>loses entirety of the black and spic voting bloc


IQ doesnt correlate with IRL success because

Primal male drives for dominance, sexual success etc are actually most powerful in less intelligent men. The same is true for women, the most boy crazy girls who will get pregnant in middle and high school are disproportionately Low IQ.

Think of men as robots kinda. Theyre going to be most successful at accepting their makers programming if they cant question it. A man with an IQ of 90 will be better at getting laid than a guy with an IQ of 80 because he can hold down a job, make conversation etc. This probably also makes him more of a team player one of the guys. Same for the guy with an IQ of 100, who might even get to be manager at the store he works at, he knows how to sweettalk chicks, hes also smart enough to eat right and not pack on the pounds which makes him more attractive to women and more socially successful in general even as he ages than his 90IQ counterpart. Less health problems. Can consider further education too making his later years less boring. Less likely to ruin his life by getting a chick pregnant in high school because he knows how to use a condom. But now the guy with a 110 IQ. He is more neurotic than clever around his peers. He mistrusts other people especially women and is deathly afraid of sex and relationships. He can still talk to normies but awkwardly. He will likely have some academic success (more due to a lack of distractions than any brilliance though DESU). He wants to get along with his peers and probably wants intimacy with women but finds the whole thing stressful and worries about taking on responsibilities. Women sometimes find him funny and endearing but not always attractive. He can take care of himself physically and hold down a job even a good job but missed out on life experience so isnt much of a flirt. The 120+ IQ though will find normal people frustrating and irritating, his good advice will go ignored, he will want to change things in the world but find himself...

...lacking in the will to power to make others do what he wants. He may be physically attracted to women but intellectually see reproduction as not really very important, and women may find him cold and unloving even if he actually does feel affection albeit not in the way regular people find warm or manly.

tl:dr intelligent people pay for their gift in alienation and a lack of ability to enjoy simple pleasures because they overthink things by normie standards. Most pleasures are pleasurable because nature has had to find a mechanism to induce people to do things that are illogical if not harmful to the individual person. This is where bravery, lust etc come from and why more intelligent people seem to be less effected by these emotions, their rational brain is at least partially able to overcome them. This helps assure the survival of the individual but doesnt always help when it comes to reproduction or achieving power since these are more primal objectives that lower IQ people are more likely to pursue effectively. Intelligence in this way can be a distraction from this perspective.

Do you realize that the lifestyle of these "chavs" would be impossible without a more intelligent hard working population for them to mooch off of?

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I noticed that a man's accent, pronunciation of words and elocution is what gets women the most wet.
Poor elocution might not stop them, but good elocution gets them going.
You see gangsta niggas being popular with the girls because that's what Hollywood wants you to see.
In real life the only attraction they have is that offbeat rebellious attitude. Like flies who're attracted to shit.

Being intelligent means you have a great capacity for thinking, and there's wisdom in using it well and understanding that you control it, not the other way around.
You can make yourself comfortable with a tattoo when you're intelligent, it's just that because you're intelligent you can understand the ways in which a visible tattoo may hinder you in doing business.
Low IQ does not, so they get the tattoo caring only about what it means to them, and not about how it will influence others.

This is possible because while low IQ folks lack the necessary intelligence to compete with the top dogs, they still have the basic instincts and their personal experience on which their worldview is based.
All a smart guy has to do to appeal to them is walking along those lines. Don't talk about the metaphysics of limiting immigration and creating a labour shortage, tell them that less workers means your work is more valuable and employers will pay more to have you work for them.
IQ or not, most people have experience with outsourcing and being replaced by someone younger and cheaper. Get rid of them and you're more valuable. Less men trying to get laid means you have an easier time getting laid. Basic instincts.

You're truly high IQ when you can leverage this to get low IQ workers to enjoy working the 9-5 jobs while you go out to the golf course to do networking.
This is also called being an entrepreneur.

The only 2 stats I saw about IQ and political families showed conservatives with a 3 - 6 points IQ advantages.

Why the fuck do you think they always show "education level" in election polls (which includes the millions of low-IQ social-science leftists) and never "IQ"?

>I believe the comic becuase it matches my big fat faggot feelings
>Meanwhile, in the dastardly realm of Reality Land, liberals face thei

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>social life and dating.
Implying that social life and dating are a priority.

Because of how racialized “conservativism” and “liberalism” are, I’m not sure how meaningful linking either IQ or education to political views is anyway

Does a 106 IQ Korean or urban Ashkenazi Jew voting straight-ticket Democrat somehow make “liberalism” “right”? Does a 96 IQ fat white guy in Iowa voting GOP make “conservativism” “wrong”?

This childish way of discussing the merits of political views is ironically very unintelligent in itself.

Animals can’t into space? I dunno lol

157 and in Mensa here. IQ is not a measure of intellect. College does not make you "smarter." Intelligence is a measure of one's ability to naturally problem solve and reason. An education simply provides you the instructions and information to perform various tasks.

See bottom left. It's what the country looks like when only college educated whites vote.

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Nee york isn't white.

>Low IQ people seem happier
Until you see them under the slightest pressure, then they are the most angry and fearful critters.

Neither is Texas.

I guess He was trying to be edgy...at least i Hope soo

That's a lie about the POC vote, some states go red when it's only asians or spics voting