What did he do to piss (((them))) off?
What did he do to piss (((them))) off?
Wore out his appeal. Time to move on to the next nigger wannabe with ink on his face
what didnt he do nigga look at him
>has the tattoos of a felon
>becomes a felon
the memes.
they scribe themselves.
all these is part of the plan
he is already in snitch dependencies
in a couple days he will be out, debuting his new album, buffed with jail time cred
Feds cant have a nigger like this running his mouth like he did. Half the blood niggers in his videos probably had warrants or past felony convictions. Also the gang shootings and shit, the pedo rape etc
fucked a little girl swede...
oh wait i need other explanation
he's a nigger
He didn't share the little girl he and his cronies raped with his Jewish producers, so now they want his head
He didn't upset anybody, it's just part of his character. For a rapper, no prison, no record sale.
Literally who?
i dunno, maybe it was the part where he fucked a child
The boomers?
Zoomers are despised by boomers naturally, all he had to do turn up his obnoxious zoomer ways to an unavoidable level.. what followed seemed almost obvious
They can use him to get to a lot of other gang members. He was around a lot of the crimes they committed without actually taking an active part in them. He also has a lot to lose so it makes him perfect to testify against the others.
he didn't listen to fat joe who gave him a specific warning.
its like you dont even browse reddit
>15 year olds are children
No wonder why America is so mentally stunted and retarded.
Now i'm prissy uh
Gotta suck the willy uh
Mouth gettin' jizzy uh
Swallow no spilly uh
He's a beaner
under the age of consent. whatever, still a child.
Child is a biological term referring to prepubescents humans. Most 15 year old females have finished puberty.
so it's ok to fuck a 15 year old? what about a 14 year old, what about a 13 year old, there has to be a line drawn somewhere.
t. Ahmad
Is his music any good?
you tried dude
they let him go with a slap on wrist for that because the video didn't incriminate him
He has no prefrontal cortex lol. Look at the incline on his forehead.
I can’t finish this. It’s terrible
Premarital sex is never okay. A pubescent or post-pubescent female should only have sex with her husband.
A pubescent or post-pubescent human is not a child. The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their proper name. Do not surrender vernacular to the (((enemy)))
He is a high profile famous person with millions of dollars. Thats all he did, prosecutors make their bones off getting convictions on people like that.
Its a career jump for them
Better to get a woman young rather then she becomes a literal roastie
>be a millionaire musician
>rob a college student at gunpoint for a backpack
For what purpose.
It really depends on how far developed the child is 16 is a good legal barrier
I find his music funny
He's a dumb subhuman, it's in his genes
Same reason the kid from The Sopranos stole some other kids phone. Pretending to be gangsta is a hell of a drug.
At the age he was, I think he was under 18 or only 18, I think it’s weird he’d go that much younger but realistically how much of a punishment can you give? An 18 year old is dumb as they come, I think the punishment there fit, he was given an opportunity to turn his life around.
Now if he was older than that he would deserve more serious punishment.
exactly, it's agreed upon that most 16 year olds have developed enough and are able to make their own decision and consent to sex, some may mature faster, some not so much, but 16 it's pretty much universally agreed upon that at that age they are capable of understanding and consenting. you can't judge on a case by case basis that would be a nightmare.
Nothing, his uncle works for the Chicago government so he’s pretty much being treated like a king in jail
ignorance is no excuse. if you are 18, and murder someone you get punished just the same as if you were 20 or 30 or 40. why should any other crime come with leniency due to age and stupidity, what about all of the other 18 year old men that follow the law and don't bang underage girls?
He didn't achieve fame through the (((approved))) channels, he needs to be shut down.
He's a nigger. It's in their blood. Honestly though, a lot of rappers will do shit to get felonies on their record because it makes them "more hood" and his album sales will explode from this, guaranteed.
Why? Niggers are stupid. Going to prison isn't rehab for them, it's clout.
Where does this idea that A13 yo girl with A13 yo boy was fine anyway
The earlier they get sucked into this Jewish game of flirting and boyfriend girlfriend, the more niggerish they become. This is completely degenerate. No wonder iq is dropping. We let mentally stunted adults (adolescents) fuck and flirt non stop.
Not necessarily, if you turn 18 but were underage at the time you can be tried differently, and attempts at youthful rehabilitation by way of leniency happen after that. Killing someone is a little different than sex, I’m not saying he’s a good kid or anything and I’m glad they caught him now for this, but in the US it’s not impossible for your age to be a factor.
lol at copers who think the reason they can't get laid is cause of age of consent laws. 15 year olds would reject you even faster than 25 year olds
My wife is turning 15 this January,
Hes unironically not a nigger
He's been on a crime spree for years. At some point they have to stop letting him off.
He’s South American, he’s not black.
Acted too much like a nigger that (((they))) couldn't run cover for him anymore.
Other than casually slandering him as a "racist" perhaps he didn't hate Trump enough.
lots of cases in the US i have seen 16 / 17 are tried as adults.
I think it has more to do with them wiretapping his friends, pinning him as a coconspirator for murder, robbing students, video taping gang shootings, and partaking in violent gang turf wars.
This kid is going the Aaron Hernandez route, if he gets convicted he’ll be dead in a year from suicide, he can’t survive in general population, he’s been removed from it before. He’ll be a target for the rest of his life, a plea deal with parole is his only option for survival.
It depends on the state, charge, judge, and atmosphere. It can also depend on your financial status and how competent your lawyer is. If you’re a hood rat with a public defender straight out of law school, you’re probably going to prison for a long time.
I was going to court for a crime I didn't commit the morning it was on the news he killed himself. It's fucking stressful even if you don't get convicted
If you give even half a shit about stupid niggers like this, you deserve to get shot.
Maybe robbing people and shooting from his car using weapons he didn't own legally had something to do with it.
Nahh it was somebody else behind his stupidity obviously.
am i white or black duh
which cock do i suck huh
will i tickle sack nuh
really-gotta-be slack wuh
now im in prizzy uh
cell mate got tha stiffy uh
boi hole getting bizzy uh
now im shittin jizzy uh
he stole their girlfriends
My version is clearly more lyrically sound. Considering the topic though it's probably less accurate.
that fucking image
He's a pedophile and looks like a retarded nigger.
He was a cis white male
Lil Kim, Wesley Snipes went to jail.
Disgusting beaners detected. Anything browner than white is a nigger, get fucked.
Maybe if he gets a haircut and wears a suit the jury will think that he is a good boy just being wrongly accused by law enforcement.
no friend, you do good rember 2030 superpower
he'll walk free, didn't piss off anyone.
>rape the loli
>pay the toli
>Join the Jihad they said...
>Fight the infidels they cried...
>mfw no 72 virgins for this terrorist
he never said anything of such, mongrel. He simple stated a biological fact. Being reactionnary is a sign of npc.
I lol'd
Hey doesnt have Jewish handlers. Since he isnt a designated propagandist he is a wild card and need to be eliminated.
Trump should pardon him if he agrees to perform at Trump rallys for the next election.
he defended trump
That president who builded the biggest wall the world have eves seen?
His family sold him out.
The prison system should stop classifying niggers and spics as whites. They aren't.
Why not 30? Only after she’s into her career will she know if she’s well traveled rich enough to have a child.
look at these niggers going off
>tekashi is a bad person and bad influence on young people
as if all these other niggers aren't doing the same shit
Did that blast take part of his arm off?
Get out of my fucking country
Why so butthurt?
This right here is the number one reason males should not be trusted
Even asking this question
Perhaps progressives are correct your gender should be cast into the sea
Fuck this spic child molester. Made shitty music.
That would be a new level of ironic shitposting in real irl.
are you out of your fucking mind, he was charged with filming it which is enough to get him put on the registry/put away for years.
They let him go with a slap on the wrist because he can afford to pay a top tier lawyer you fucking idiot. He caught new RICO charges because he wanted to "stay real" and kept hanging out with his scumbag friends from the street. Who kept getting in fucking shootouts/pissing off rival gangs
notice how 21 savage, nig with a face tattoo, has managed to stay out of trouble once he made his money? It's because he dumped his hoodrat friends and lives in a luxury apartment now
she was 13 you cunt
They've been fucking children in Hollywood for 100 years and nobody is even arrested.
not everyone is against they^
>t. paranoid edgelord
69 just fucked around too much and they couldn't keep him clean. Probably didn't have insider occultists to help him out
They're feeding that nigga to the fishes