When did you stop believing the myth that serbs migrated to the balkans in the 7th century?

when did you stop believing the myth that serbs migrated to the balkans in the 7th century?

Attached: Prefecture_of_Illyricum_map.png (500x494, 111K)

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That's quite the assertion

why? because one (1) historical script from the 10th century mentions a migration of a portion of a tribe to the balkans in the 7th century?

When the Vinca tablet was found proving the Serbs are one of the oldest and most intelligent races on the planet.

why do people keep ignoring the existence of neolithic written script

I'm pretty sure the process of Slavic migration to the Balkans is backed up by more than one source

fun fact: its actually not

Youd be surprised lol

fun fact no.2:etrurians were serbs

and dont forget aleksandr makedonovic

When the yugoslavs started fighting one another just like the thraco-illirians did 2000 years ago.


jokes on you, aleksandar (or lesandar) is literally a serbian name with a serbian root
"macedons" were also never considered as greek by the ancient greeks


i dont precisely know abou the serbs,but i do know that you guys wuz the goatfuckers from the caucasus and shieet

Illyrianz an shieet

It's not a myth so the answer is NEVER faggot

Explain the Lusatian Serbs then.

Attached: lusatian-serbs-map.jpg (1334x1600, 331K)

Explan the fact they speak Slavic and not a balkanic language to begin with

Attached: IMG_8644.jpg (940x960, 106K)

I don't quite understand your question. Lusatian Serbs speak Sorbian which is closely related to other West Slavic language groups (Lechitic and Czech–Slovak). Serbians speak Serbo-Croatian which is a South Slavic language. Both West and South Slavic (as well as East Slavic) belong to the Slavic language group. In fact around 1000 years ago all of those language were mutually intelligible as a part of the Proto-Slavic language.

Attached: image002.jpg (475x373, 27K)

>this is what s*rbs actually, unironically believe

There are 2 Americans, 2 Russians, and 2 Serbs on the moon/ They argue who it belongs to, until one serb murders the other and claims they've bled for it.

I mean if Serbs are descendants of a 7000 year old balkanic culture why are they speaking a language that is unrelated to other balkanic languages

part of the people who lived on the balkans migrated northward when the romans invaded. the ones who lived on the danube eventually became czechs slovaks and poles (you have these things documented . smaller groups from south eventually became lusatian serbs

>Serbs exist

Attached: 1528781649436.png (586x586, 264K)

Sorbs - slavic germans, speak slavic language from VIII century. In Poland Kaszuby region people speak slavic language from X century.
Here is the example of Sorb language
> Intresting fact Sorbs identified as related to Poles and they wanted to get independence from Germany and join Poland somewhere in early XX century.

Attached: serbołużyczanie.jpg (600x552, 41K)

>"bugari" "exists"

Actually i belive it more and more thanks all the serb butthurt on these threads

Attached: 1542993839407.jpg (1500x1192, 354K)

So Serbs are Slavs or illyrians?

It’s moot because the only genetically pure original South Slavs are Muslim Bosnians. The Christian Serbs are all TURK’d.

both actually
illyrians are dinarics and the lower danube civilization is the ancestors of modern day west and east slavs
those two tribes lived together on the balkans creating serbs

Niggers should just change their name from Lusetian Serbs to Sorbs

why lol

Hands off Hellenic clay you fucking subhuman niggers. None will be spared.


Why at 359 AC you weren't even a nation. Only a pledge vassal to the Byzantium and maybe some villages here and there.

For real, The balkans where "along with the ride" with the Byzantium all the way to 1453 AC when it fell. If we hadn't fallen that year, you would still be part of the Byzantium.

I actually believe all of the peoples from the Balkans lived here long before their given names and historical records and didn't migrate from anywhere. Ancient sourcers weren't known for their objectivity regarding rivaling cultures (neither are today's either, to be frank). The whole slav ethnicity theory doesn't hold when subject to logic and proof.

Also btw the conclusion that bulgar was a turkic langauge was made after a group of 'linguists' decided that ~20-30 words have 'turkic' origin even though they're seen not only in turkic languages but also mongolic, uralic and indo-iranian. If you apply the same logic to english you could make the conclusion it's a romance language while in fact it's germanic (or maybe even a pidgin), but in the case with more ancient language with much more scarcer data about it the idea you could group it with others with a high degree on certainty is simply stupid.

>this is what they teach in Greece



That lone (as far as I know) remaining depiction of him looks a lot like some of us to this day.

>That lone (as far as I know) remaining depiction of him looks a lot like some of us to this day

Yeah because you've been mutted to oblivion

Attached: 1541533121934.jpg (750x711, 152K)

>hellenic clay
kekking at you my man
you mean the few empty valleys you settled and created your polises?

you do realise this post makes no sense right

>"Macedons" weren't considered Greeks
Then why were they allowed to participate in the Greek only Olympics? And why did they Speak Greek?

You can only make the claim English is a romance language because like 30-40% of English comes from French, which is a romance language.

>is literally a serbian name with a serbian root
ἀλέξω+ἀνδρός = defender/protector of man

You know what doesn't make any sense? A slav saying he's something else.

stupid albonigger strikes again! your post makes absolutely no fucking sense, and yet you continue to waste precious air, you disgusting inbred subhuman. the serbs are fucking ANGELIC BEINGS compared to your filthy roots. you have been absolutely turked to the point of no return. your entire country stinks and is falling apart to the point were I have to remove it from my maps because it just reminds me of the AWFUL ABYSMAL SMELL. you faggots are the absolute definition of subhuman, not a single one of you will be spared you failure of a nation. all of your goatfucking, child molesting and trafficking, trash eating, organ stealing, thieving abominations will be soon burned down.

Attached: kosovo.png (1679x1060, 1.31M)

Suck my dick you albanian rapebaby

Attached: 23andMe_Balkans.png (800x581, 60K)

Chiptards gonna chip.

>giving your genes to a jewish company so they can tell you how white you are
honestly we did you a favor by genociding you

That's not what the map is about, discount Albania, it shows how much balkan admixture there is in every country.

Attached: 2000px-Flag_of_Montenegro.png (2000x1000, 240K)

do you even logic