Common Sense Gun Control

Why do American right-wingers fetishize their guns so much? I personally think it is to compensate for other things. Regardless, gun violence could be significantly reduced with several common sense methods.
>Federal firearm database
>Universal background check
>End the gun show loophole
>Must be 21 to purchase a firearm
>Must pass a firearm safety course to own a gun
>Bump stock ban
>High capacity magazine ban
>Military style assault weapon ban
>Extend the mandatory waiting period
>Allow police to get a warrant to take guns from unstable individuals, similar to the law in Florida
Feel free to post any more measures!

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no, it's to blow faggots heads off

theres common sense gun control in places like Chicago and Los Angeles and all of New York, yeah look how that turned out you fucking retard

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eat shit and die in a fire, kike

You fail to exercise common sense when you neglect the nigger problem. Your opinion is discarded and I am keeping my guns you homo.

Niggers don't follow the law and cops don't hang out at my house to protect me. Fuck yourself you commie faggot.

Guns just need to be confiscated and destroyed.
Problem solved.

true but still it proves my point that gun control doesn't work

Shut the fuck up CTR shill

>>Military style assault weapon ban

Fuck off moron.

The only common sense gun control is no gun control at all

Like I said, I'm only for common sense reforms

If America gives up it's guns, the shitskins will run wild.

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Most of Latin America has stricter gun control than what OP describes... and higher homicide rates than the United States.

>New York has a lower homicide rate than London
>than London
>where even knives are binned
You’re not helping your cause.

Only. Common. Sense. Reforms.

If there were no more guns, maybe there wouldn't be any mass shootings anymore.

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Ask me why then, gun control in Chicago, LA, NYC, Baltimore, Milwaukee, SF and PG County doesn't work? It's because niggers get their guns anyway how and usually don't trust the law
they fetishize their guns because of a civil war which is likely due to (((them))) not controlling the left in making sure they don't get uppity
my measure would be to actually check every house, that would be a start

Common sense would be checking every nigger's house, niggers simply do not follow the law

a true based leaf

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>allow me to fuck the son of whores making those shitty slide threads by jamming my dick inside your ass through TCP/IP

>Why do american right wingers (x)?
Poor Question.
>Why do left wingers post provocative threads starting with "Why do right wingers (x)?"
Better Question.

And btw, without force there is no law.

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>And btw, without force there is no law.
Who said anything about the police?

Its my god given right to bare arms, I wouldn't call it a fetish.

>gun show loophole
fuck off faggot thats not a real thing


I'm ready to start killing cops now. Keep pushing.

it is though, instead of me having to pull up to the zoo known as chicago for a gun i can just pull up to a neck of the woods gunshow and get one too

Who shoots the shooters

If you are anti-gun, then you are pro-rape. If you want to ban guns, it means you hate women and want women to be unable to protect themselves againt physically larger/stronger men.

Pro gun control = Pro rape

It's not to compensate for other things you straw-man using retard. It's common sense why we have guns and if oyu don't know that you're an idiot who shouldn't act intelligent.

Why should gun violence be reduced again?
>Kills niggers
>Kills pigs
>Gives harassed and tortured individuals opportunity to retaliate
I wish we had as much gun violence as a burgers. And if you're against it, you're either nigger, pig or want to harass someone who can't fight back.

I get your idea with this, it's just the problem that it NEVER WORKS.
until the left personally decides to fucking bust into every niggers home and take their guns your shitty reform shouldn't be expanded out of those shitholes

Those reforms aren’t common sense. We already have universal background checks, it’s called NICS. There is no “gun show loophole”, the problem is private sales don’t require a NICS check if the seller is not an FFL because only FFLs have access to NICS. I’m a proponent updating NICS to be as simple as a google search (right now it’s still a fuckin phone system) and of allowing anyone to run a background check through NICS; liberals are against this because “muh privacy for criminals” so stop bitching about the “gunshow loophole”.

Banning “military style assault rifles” will not reduce homicides. Less than 1% of firearms related homicides are committed with long guns of any kind, including shotguns. Long guns are used to kill fewer people than blunt objects each year. The only reason libs want to ban these is because they are a threat to tyrannical government, whereas handguns are not. You’d be better off banning niggers if you want drastic reductions in the homicide rate. Also heroin, cocaine, meth, and weed are all banned at a federal level; how’s that ban working out?

I care more about my familt than every child at every school across the globe. I would easily allow every single child in this world to die if mine got to live. Fuck your gun contorl.

>Who shoots the shooters
Now, or when guns no longer exist?

>End the gun show loophole

All gun sales have to be by an FFL. There is no gun show loophole.

>Bump stock ban

I can bumpfire with my belt loop. Are you going to ban those too?

>Military style assault weapon ban

Name one military that uses an AR 15. If you're going to ban ARs and not Mini 14s (the gun used in the deadliest mass shooting in history) then you're admitting you're just banning based on cosmetic details that scare you.

>High capacity magazine ban

How difficult do you think it is to put a piece of metal, a piece of plastic, and a spring together?

You know your nation is also filled to the brim with illegal guns right? Taking guns away from law abiding citizens will not make the illegal ones disappear.

Fuck your background checks nigger. All free men (not currently incarcerated) have a right to bare arms.

There’d just be mass stabbings instead

Of all of the things that make you soulless bootlicking oligarch puppets absolutely reprehensible and non-human, the way you sincerely believe the “disarm yourselves goy, and all your problems will go away” narrative is probably the top one. You don’t bother to think about to societal changes that are a lot more responsible for the mass shooting phenomena, because a lot of those detrimental societal changes are allegedly good in your eyes and actually fixing the problem would require going back to a time where people went to church and families and marriages actually meant something

Because we know you want to kill us but can't because we are all armed

There is no such thing as an illegal gun

shall not be infringed nigger

Hey fucking retard, theres a reason literally 99% of mass shootings happen in gun free zones. Yet you want the entire country to be a gun free zone? Fuck off.

>Why do American right-wingers fetishize their guns so much?

If you liberal cocksucking faggots would leave people's guns alone, no one would make them a "fetish". YOU are the ones causing this because you in fact could give a shit less about "common sense gun control" and in fact want to disarm the American populace.

>I personally think it is to compensate for other things.

It is. It is to compensate for being outnumbered or weaker. A 105 lb woman has no chance against a 250 lb man about to rape her. I have no chance against 7 other men with baseball bats. Gus are great compensation. You liberal bitches are always banging on about "equality". Guns help level the playing field.

>Regardless, gun violence could be significantly reduced with several common sense methods.

Guns aren't violent. Guns are used by violent people to perpetuate violence. Violent people can use other methods: knives, trucks, cars, and gasoline cans come to mind. You are an idiot if you think guns are the problem. We don't have a gun violence problem in America, we have a violent people problem, mostly niggers.

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New York has a lower homicide rate than the entire USA. So gun control worked there, according to you.

You see the problem is people fear what they don't understand. Because you're afraid of guns you don't understand them. Then the result is you come up with stupid shit like this because you don't know what you're talking about. Common sense gun regulations are made by people who are afraid of guns and don't have any common sense about them.

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>Not seeing the context of who I was replying to

Hey retard, guns prevent other crimes like rape and robbery. Check NY's stats on those and come back here.

>Common Sense Gun Control

That is just leftist code for ban guns.

Same argument applies for Socialism, if Socialism is so great, why isn't the left fleeing to Venezuela? Because it shows SOCIALISM WILL NEVER WORK?

>You see the problem is people fear what they don't understand.
I have to agree with that statement.
Anytime there's talk of gun control, gun owners flip the fuck out.
Fear of losing their guns?

The is no gun problem. As long only Americans gun down Americans in America: NO PROBLEM AT ALL.

Socialism works quite fine in Scandinavia

every time a normie woman start talking to me about politics and how she wants more nice and tolerant laws I seriously want to [comment redacted]

Look at who commits the overwhelming majority of shootings, and what guns they use. Its niggers, using stolen handguns. The places with the worst gun violence also have the highest rate of shootings. All those laws you just mentioned would do nothing to stop nig on nig violence. Ar-15s used in mass shootings make up a fraction of the overall deaths. If you really wanted to cut down on gun crime, make it a death penalty offense for non whites to be in possession of firearms. That would cut the gun violence rate by 90%

gun control is population control so fuck off, cuck

Why do you write this over and over despite having your question answered so many times?

Faggot OP will hang soon.

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Of course we fear losing our basic human rights everyone does but it's not from a lack of understanding. We understand exactly what you're trying to do. You don't understand guns though because you're afraid of them and the result is you think banning bump stocks and scary looking salt rifles is common sense.

Reminder that Sweden has many muslim parasites draining their welfare, and that there is only 21 million.
You want to put a system that can easily fail with a big population, into the US, 300 million people with even 10x the amount of leeches in niggers alone
and where does the money come from? you aren't gonna tax the rich when you're the rich's lapdog

only 21 milion in all of Scandinavia*

The rate is also lower, so what are you talking about

and to help your case a bit we're somewhat socialist
welfare is for everyone, everyone has equal rights, and free healthcare exists to a degree

He is just parroting a talking point

Uh huh.

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OK, tit for tat.

Common sense voter reform:
1. National ID required to vote
2. Must be a land owning white male to vote
3. People with no serious financial investment (land) are NOT allowed to even apply for a voter ID
4. Under no circumstances, ever, should property be allowed a right to vote.
5. This means women, in case you haven't figured that out yet.

Pass this shit, and we'll talk about guns.

so can you still give a good argument on socialism working? a good argument on why we need gun control everywhere? and how you're going to seize legal weapons from 100+ million americans?
answer these questions instead of waiting for nu-pol to bite with a retarded point

>Socialism works great in countries that already became rich from Capitalism

It's just slowly draining an already rich country. Name one country that was poor , adopted socialism, and then became rich.

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Gun violence is overwhelmingly a nigger and spic problem. White America has rates of violence equivalent to white European countries. Why destroy the guns? Why not get rid of the people causing the problem?

There are plenty of laws on the books now to cover every fucking situation....shut the fuck up you fucking faggot

you need to be 18 to use this website

Even if you had your "common sense" gun control, however the fuck you define what that is, you would still have gun violence. Then you would come back and want more common sense gun control until common sense ends up being no guns at all. Basically, OP is a fucking anti-american piece of shit who I would gladly waste a $0.30 bullet on.

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Most gun violence would go away if we banned blacks and browns.

Terrible b8

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Why are people so willing to give up human rights?
Why can people not learn from what history has taught?
Why are people so child-like in the way they reason?

These people bring their argument with insults and emotion. Look at what the OP says in it's bait.
>compensate for other things
>common sense
Three sentences and four derogatory phrases. They cannot argue using facts because they have no factual basis. Instead they cling to emotion and propaganda regurgitation.
As for the OP; at least you used some proper grammar, but you're still a faggot.

fuck off with your faggy regulation. jew faggot.

Not sure if you had noticed or not but Somalia is inhabited by violent,retarded niggers. It does not matter what the laws might be there. They will always be garbage.

it would be bait if the guy didnt actually try to reason some arguments and instead regurgitated other bullshit

>Bump stock ban
>Common sense
If banning aftermarket garbage that makes guns less accurate is common sense, the common man is pants on head retarded.

Sure, let's start with the police and military.

Oh wait.

Guns might be their last resort against
the globalists who want to annhilate
them and enslave every human being on
this planet

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You have to do a background check if you buy from a gunshow, too, dumbass. I bought a gun at a gunshow a few years ago and had to fill out a 4473 like you would at any shop.

Are you retarded? Robbery is above the national average.

>There’d just be mass stabbings instead
No, bombings. Daily reminder that bombs have always held the highscore: Bath School massacre dwarfed any schooting before Las Vegas/Orlando, and then mr. McVeigh makes both of those look like amateurs.

>How difficult do you think it is to put a piece of metal, a piece of plastic, and a spring together?
Have you ever tried? It's pretty hard actually.

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fuck-outta-here child rapist

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You only want to disarm us so you can round us up and kill us

>personally think it is to compensate for other things.
So your argument against guns boils down to "YOUR PEEPEE SMALL HEHEHEH"?

just bought another AR from PSA.

was so cheap i got an AR10 in .308 just because i can... eat a bag of semi-automatic dicks gun grabbers

>gun control
>common sense

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>Still believing all races are equal

We see this bait every day


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California has all of that and some nut job marine vet still shot up a bar.

because they are poor and stupid