>What do you think of white people?
>Would you support a white ethno-state?
>Would you be able to forgive Hitler?
>Do you believe in racial egalitarianism?
>Anything else you'd like to say?
Jews on Jow Forums, come out of the closet
Other urls found in this thread:
They have nothing to forgive Hitler for because Hitler did nothing wrong, there was no holocaust, only fuckhead kikes who refused to get the fuck out.
always remember the 60 billion
>>What do you think of white people?
what else to thibk?
>>Would you support a white ethno-state?
if gibes gold
>>Would you be able to forgive Hitler?
>>Do you believe in racial egalitarianism?
>>Anything else you'd like to say?
pay me aid with gold only pls
i know everyone hates us on Jow Forums but at the same time I know everyone hates us everywhere therefore i prefer comfy Jow Forums
also i despise any sort of collectivism whether it's communism, natsocialism or even zionism.
i hate you too
feel sad now!
>What do you think of white people?
I hate anti semitic racists and I work to gather them as much oposition enemies and suffering as possible.
>Would you support a white ethno-state?
White people should not exist with power or sovreignty they will Holocaust.
>Would you be able to forgive Hitler?
No, he is a mass murderer of Jews.
>Do you believe in racial egalitarianism?
Yes, all races are the same but Judaism is not a race and we have a special position among the goyim.
>Anything else you'd like to say?
We love all humanity and only want what is best for humanity.
>Do you believe in racial egalitarianism?
Yes, all races are the same but Judaism is not a race and we have a special position among the goyim.
>Anything else you'd like to say?
We love all humanity and only want what is best for humanity.
How genetically fucked in the head do you have to be to believe both these things
>What do you think of white people?
fuck them, white people discriminated against us for centuries; the past decades is just the beginning of our retribution. all white men will witness their women and children as our slaves and their is nothing you whites can do to stop it.
>Would you support a white ethno-state?
will never happen
>Would you be able to forgive Hitler?
for what
>Do you believe in racial egalitarianism?
we are the master race and each one of us will slaves from all the others
>Anything else you'd like to say?
the tribe is one
Read the bible Goyim, G*d gave to us a special posistion among humanity.
All he wanted was a second chance
So the many times you fucked over whites they fought back once and now you don't want them to have the thing that made them kill you over in the first place...... no wonder fascism is growing
Yeah as the last boss of humanity
Israelistes who follow the God Jesus Christ yes. Do you follow Jesus Christ jude?
Jesus was a false prophet, just like mohammad.
You know why they did right? Also another holocaust will happen if a ethno state is not formed to many people are waking up on your people
define jew, most of us are white and hate multiculturalism.
sequential digits bro
Yeeessssssss goyyyiimmmmmmmm
Bible also says Jesus gonna come back & all the other races of world shall tremble, and Jews will know they were wrong & beg forgiveness. But, y'know.
>speaks of the bible. Calls Jesus a false prophet
wanna know how i know you will burn?
Is not really a jew you absolute retard, just LARPing as one
Ashkenazi here. Used to talk shit about kikes, then my dad popped the news on me when I tried red pilling him. Literally fell out of my seat. He never cared to join that club and raised three men to be US Marines and Christians.
>What do you think of white people?
They're scum, fit only to serve gods chosen people
>Would you support a white ethno-state?
You're a funny goy.
>Would you be able to forgive Hitler?
He murdered all my ancestors and all you white people are going to pay for it!
>Do you believe in racial egalitarianism?
>Anything else you'd like to say?
Race mix now, erase the whites!
The Quran says other things too, do you read Quran?
Hitler killed 600 billion, not 60 billion. Why are you minimizing his evil? Are you antisemitic?
You're the one talking about muh bible, calm down faggot
Another LARP
Hitler offered you kikes free passage out of Germany with your stuff, remember? Why didn't you dumb kikes take him up on his offer?
Come to Portugal. Spend your savings here,
As an American Jew, I believe it’s time my people stopped subverting white countries. All Jews should make allyah and return to Israel. This is the prophecy.
Only the Torah and Talmud is inspired by G-D, everything else are writings of false prophets.
Why are you so afraid to travel? Visit Portugal dammit. No one is out to get you. Here, at least.
>proud jew
I'm Jewish.
>White people are people, just like anyone of any color.
>I would prefer a more dynamic community over an ethno-state. Rather than isolate a community to one ethnicity, understand that ethnicity is dynamic.
>It is not my job to forgive. That is the job of God.
>Yes, but equality of opportunity, not necessarily outcome.
I'm Jewish, but just like you, I'm only human.
Why whites? Whites stopped him
>t.proud spic
>All Jews should make allyah and return to Israel. This is the prophecy.
Yup, then Anti-Christ gonna sit his fat ass in tha temple say, "Yo me is Gawd n shieeet", and Jews gonna believe he messiah n shieet cuz he probably got like sick Jew technology ultra lighting out of hands power n shieet. And after 7 years Jesus is gonna come, and he has like even sicker technology based on carebears, and be like yo wattup this the true power of God bitch, and blast that nigguh to bits. And gg no re. And that's the Golden dawn 1000 years of peace.
It's a bit over the top hollywood esque, but it's a cool enough story i guess.
Jow Forums hates Israel. Jews are more than well come to live in Canada. You will be treated really good here compared to Israel and besides there is nothing but war and chaos in the ME. How long before those pesky Palestinians or Hamas breach that boarder fence. I would get out while you still can. I’m being sincere in this post. Btw I’m goy not jew.
>Jow Forums hates Israel.
I don't, just diaspora liberal Jews, and in a way I love them too, cuz life ain't fun if there's nothing going on.
Race of disgraced, one day you'll pay for everything you've done to others.
Israel is awesome, anti-immigration, not apologetic, kinda a bit too liberal in terms of like gay acceptance and what not, but still one of the more based countries out there. I see no reason why any Jow Forumssters would have any problems with Israel, if we forced the Ashkenazi Jews out of the West & back to Israel, I don't see why anyone here would have any problems with Jews then... It's the US Jews they don't like
>yeaah uhgh us kikes.. gotta stick together, man.
>What do you think of white people?
They are the devil fuck wh*Tey
>Would you support a white ethno-state?
No but I support JEWISH ETHNOSTATE becausee wer are better
Would you be able to forgive Hitler?
no he shid have gassrd wh*TOIDS
>Do you believe in racial egalitarianism?
Yes but only as a means to GLOBALIST DOMINATION over inferior gentiles (especially thewhite ones)
>Anything else you'd like to say?
Jow Forumstards will believe this is a serious post by a real jew
>obviously jewish using reverse psychology
Jesus wasn't the Jewish Messiah
He was a Magi
>Most of us are white
When it suits you
>also i despise any sort of collectivism
t. juden peterstein
>define jew
neanderthal hybrid
IF you followed the Torah. However you reject Yehovah by following the traditions and rules of the Pharisees. In fact you were told explicitly to refer to him as Yehovah to everyone, but you won't even spell God!
Your ancestors broke the blood covenant they made with God and so they should have died then and there. You should have never been born, and should be killed immediately, as you haven't performed the correct sacrifices that allowed your ancestors to postpone their demise.
There was a man, Yeshua of Nazareth, who met every qualification described in the Torah to be the prophet you must absolutely listen to and believe, and he became the one, true sacrifice that can renew the blood covenant by paying the price for your breaking of that covenant. But only if you listen and believe.
You just need to accept him as your savior, repent from the false religious system that led you astray, and actually follow the instructions God has left you.
Hey greatest ally, mind helping out the only whites who care about your existence ?
Most Israel Jews on here sound alright.. I said it! Seems like the vast majority of Western Jews, Hollywood etc. originate from Eastern Europe and are evil.
Out of all the non main Western countries, Israel posters seem the most Western and even without flags outsiders stand out but Israel posters could be American, British etc. you can't tell because they seem on the same cultural level.
You are still penny pinchers though.
>What do you think of white people?
I think Christian whites have gotten a hard shake by the Jews. All that's left now is Christ's return, or whatever messianic figure we're gonna have to save us from Jewish oppression.
>Would you support a white ethno-state?
>Would you be able to forgive Hitler?
Definitely. The Jews, through communism and other economic vehicles were actively fucking Germany. Germany had an allergic reaction to Jewish poisoning.
>Do you believe in racial egalitarianism?
No, I think en masse whites are superior morally, and the ultimate inferiors to white morality are Jews and blacks.
>Anything else you'd like to say?
My father is white and my mother is Jewish, so I am technically a Jew.
The answer to what is really going on in the world is yours and yours alone to unfold
Jews arent victims so drop the narrative of "jews are hated on Jow Forums"
I will never forgive Hitler for not gassing the leftist kikes and glownigger freemasons and losing the war.
Based kike
That's supposed to be a two man weapon
How would you even see what you're shooting at with all that dust?
kill yourself
Shalom, goyim.
>What do you think of white people?
Mostly dumb herd animals like every other race.
>Would you support a white ethno-state?
Ethnostates are dumb idea and won't happen again.
>Would you be able to forgive Hitler?
Hitler allowed for creation of Israel plus the most corrosive myths of evil ever invented. He was a faggot for losing the war and not killing enough leftist kikes or the right financial kikes.
>Do you believe in racial egalitarianism?
All races are dumb herd animals including the kikes. Very few people are non-NPC these days. There are differences between the races but in general most people suck. That said niggers can't build civilizations.
>Anything else you'd like to say?
Hitler escaped to Aldebaran via his secret base beneath Antarctica that leads to Agartha. Hitler and Maria Orsic flew to Aldebaran aboard a Vril 8 Odin flying disk. The Nazis who escaped to Aldebaran have harnessed the power of Vril to halt their aging. Hitler and the Nazis will return from Aldebaran in 2045 to conquer the earth and destroy all lesser people's and shining the light of neofascism upon the world for all to see. Hitler is coming home. Gas me daddy.
Thanks desu
I swear israeli posters are always goldmines for keks.
I'm Jewish and after being on Jow Forums for 3 years I've started to hate Jews even more than white people.
I'm starting to think that suicide is the only viable option for us Jews to make the world a better place.
Jews are well-hated in Canada. Fuck off.
>don't know, I just don't care that much about skin color but if you are referring you native Europeans then no problem, although we have a troubled past I rather forgive and move on.
>If the majority of white people would like their own ethno-state then sure.
>Why should I? He's either dead or soon to be dead.
>I believe races are genetically different but should be treated equally.
>Sorry if my english is trash.
>>What do you think of white people?
Most jews are white
>>Would you support a white ethno-state?
whiteness has nothing to do with it
>>Would you be able to forgive Hitler?
t. blue pilled
>>Do you believe in racial egalitarianism?
I don't believe in any egalitarianism
>>Anything else you'd like to say?
people are worried that "with government shekels come government shackle
How about I sprinkle some gold on my cock and shove it in your mouth you dumb kike?
Quickly release the gas while we have them here in one place.
Mischling, legal gentile reporting in. I agree with Jow Forums on just about everything up to the point at which it would involve me being gassed.
I converted to Christianity years ago and I’ve been a Republican voter my entire life.
1/4 Sephardi 1/4 Askhenazi here (converted as an infant)
>They are the creators of Western civilization and therefore based. I like East Asians and Mesopotamians too.
>Yes, but I would not live in it.
>I don't care about Hitler. I'm skeptical of the mainstream Holocaust narrative.
>Sort of, I don't want any races to die out, but they are best kept separate.
>Most of the "Jews" replying are probably not Jews.
>>What do you think of white people?
White people have persecuted, murdered, mass murdered and expelled innocent people because of their superstitions and antisemitism. I really hope they stop reproducing so that they will stop bringing more hurt, hate and misery into this world.
>>Would you support a white ethno-state?
They already tried it once, and uhm, well, it lead to genocide and the murder of 6 million innocents, so, uhm, how about not.
>>Would you be able to forgive Hitler?
Forgive a mentally ill psychopatic mass murderer who tortured people for fun? That question is honestly just dumb.
>>Do you believe in racial egalitarianism?
Yes. We are all one race, the human.
>>Anything else you'd like to say?
This racist and antisemitic cesspool of a website gets what is coming to them, so enjoy your hatefulness while you still can :)
wtf are you actually retarded? Hitler killed 6 quadrillion jews. And you dare to say that? Honestly, I've never been offended this much my entire life. This is like the holocaust all over again.
>What do you think of white people?
They're great people that have made this world a better place.
>Would you support a white ethno-state?
Yes. All of us Jews need to go to Israel.
>Would you be able to forgive Hitler?
There’s nothing to forgive. He did nothing wrong. Jews destroyed Germany and he fixed it.
>Do you believe in racial egalitarianism?
No. Niggers are not equal to any race.
>Anything else you'd like to say?
Take control of the world from these evil child molesting kikes.
Дa, кcтaти, я мигpиpoвaл из вaшeй cтpaны в Изpaиль. Taк чтo нe aмepикaнeц и нe бpитaнeц, кeк. Ho cпacибo зa тeплыe cлoвa
This one is just retarded lol seriously all your points are so easily countered
Hot tbqh
spasibo tovarisch!
a my tut vse ruskiye B)
There is nothing worse than Russian/Israeli, they are the a jewy and kikes can get. Always scheming. Ty pedaras, ty ponjal?
I dont hate non-religious jews, I call them Europeans & try my best to Europeanise them to make themselves identify as white Europeans which they are.(just a bit inbred.)
Once I explained why the hatred existed because they have dual identity & they agree so far 100% of the time.
I've converted 22 (formerly Jewish) women & 8 (formerly Jewish) Men to embrace the white European identity & they are actively working toward having offspring with less than 50% Ashkenazi blood.
It's the only way forward!
I'm a crypto jew living in Germany, I did some research and it is true, I was and will always be jewish, because it stems from my mothers lineage I'm even by jewish standards a Jew. I always was very suspicious about my ancestry, because it was so unclear and hidden, but at last I found out, I'm a Jew, but I'm one of the smart type of Jews, I have blue eyes and ashblonde hair, my beard is red and my body hair is jet black. Suck it goyim, most of the people that post here who come from best goy land (americlaps) will never come close to my white features, I blend in in every social setting I come across, people call me swabian, because I can imitate German dialects pretty well. I can speak 5 languages fluently, what's funny is your rampant antisemitism will always blame me and my blood for the evils that happens in this world, but don't worry, I can understand it, yes I understand after spenting a good amount of time on this rotten ass of the internet. Pic related, you'll never be as good looking as me.
nothing worse that a degenerate collectivist, sosi hui ne psihui
Sup bitch
Basiert and hat rotpille gegessen
A cheap jew? Isn't that an oxymoron? I guess you could say the jews HAVE won, because now the world worships money instead of wisdom of morality or anything good really...congratulations world jewry. It's why everyone hates you.
A jew using arabic letters hahaha...
kek this one made me laugh
I’ve been lurking since around 2016. You guys are so obsessed with race and it plays right into the banker’s hands. You’ve all reincarnated as a different race and will do so again...
If i get coupons
half jew here
I hate all of you
dis skares de joz
If you are non-religious & under 50% Ashkenazi blood just call your self a white European, non-religious Ashkenazi's are now aloud allowed in the white enthnostate!
Join team white today lads! ;D
>What do you think of white people?
Both the most sophisticated and, at the same time, foolish people of this earth
>Would you support a white ethno-state?
Sure* white majority state. I'm not white but i support the saying "the white way is the right way"
>Would you be able to forgive Hitler?
Nah, he's fucked
>Do you believe in racial egalitarianism?
Nope. No one's made equal , let alone 'equal' races. I doubt blacks can do anything as sophisticated as whites and asians. What have the brought to the table in the past few centries?
>Anything else you'd like to say?
Don't do drugs.
>Serious post
>Real Jew
Go home, Moshe