Just picked this AR15 and full automatic clips package at Dick's sporting goods store, see the ad in this months NRA magazine, and you have to ask for it and they will go to the back and get it. They also had the new Russian BlakAttak® ammo so I bought a case (limit 1) So many good deals today! Look at this power!
Dicks sporting goods AR15 deal
Other urls found in this thread:
>full automatic clips
is this a new feature on youtube?
full automatic clips
Fackin retarded.
Nice b8 r8 8/8 m8.
>1 post by this ID
>full automatic clips
>Dick's sporting goods
Would probably be doing the world a favor by turning that AR on your own skull
>dicks stopped selling guns after parkland
>full automatic clip
so many layers of bait here
I wish I could voodoo you into having a fatal aneurysm.
Can confirm
I just picked up the Full Auto Ghetto Sweeper™ with optional extended NigBuster® grenade launcher. No background checks this weekend only. Also got my daughter the Arianna Grande edition Glock, comes in pink
LOL I just liked him up to see if he was still active. He is doing a movie called Children of Moloch lol
>Arianna Grande edition
good choice, she will need it
>full automatic clips
>Dick's sporting goods
Look closely at her eyes.
Thousand yard stare.
Such is the livestock.
Such is our youth.
>Children of Moloch
fucking based
Im surrounded by subhuman slavshits, hell, I am part one, but atleast its not as bad as your country, its all so tiresome
dicks doesnt sell ar type rifles
Well, we're in full fall of Rome mode, so at least it won't sustain for too long.
I'm just glad I'm not in any target areas.
the retarded slavshit I am cursed to share blood with are all jumping on the westerncuck bandwaggon, in 20 years we will be on the same level they are today, and it will only get worse from there, dont believe the retarded lies on Jow Forums, its over for ALL of us
Retarded post, but if we are talking about gun deals Big5 has the Remington 870 on sale for $280 today through Sunday. I just picked one up.
I was just being hopeful that there was a chance this wan't the end of all civilization.
Glad I own a rifle, because at some point the former humans are gonna show their true nature, and people will realize it's demonic.
oh it is not the end, its just the end for the common man. The global elites want to turn us all into mixed race consumerist slave caste, while they remain purebred and rule over us
thats literally it
Ah, yes.
The "Global(ist) Elite"