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Other urls found in this thread:

Cause you're a faggot that can't link a fucking source you dumb shit.

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it fucking sucks i want to die why did hiro do this

Who gives a fuck. 4 Chan is shit. Jow Forums is shit.

I just come here to shitpost and distract myself.

Because it's not a big deal and you can still link between this board and other boards
Random example

Are you talking about the World Chess Championship, and how Carlsen and Caruana have split all the points so far - 10 straight draws? Don't worry. There are still two games left with classical time, and then a series of rapid play tiebreaks.

no he is freaking out because hiroshima made a site that links you to Jow Forums called 4channel so he can put real ads on blue boards.

fucking kek.

Estimates on when the Jow Forums ghetto will be liquidized?

>a source
Fucking idiot

You’re such an idiot memeflag

>tfw we slipped into the shadows
>tfw the real fun begins now

thanks Hiro

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4chanX is fucking broken it doesn't redirect to archives anymore

r/a/ is burning

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>Shit blue boards get shittier

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then fix it

wtf testing this
btw does anyone else get malware warnings for 4channel? i just ignore it but who knows what (((they))) have in store for us there.

>Stupid frogposter!1

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yeah this. i just skip this but it makes me think.

>does anyone else get malware warnings for 4channel?
I'm filtering Hiro's nasty ukrainian adds on 4channel too (he pulled them on Jow Forums last year as well). Didn't get any warning even tho idk if my filters are even working

The chad Jow Forums
The virgin 4channel

We don't have the links for nsfw boards if we are in a blue board, even if we are in Jow Forums and not 4channel

finally no more leftwing retards shitting up my fav boards

what the fuck is going on

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so this is where it all ends

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>idiots who don't use 4chanX
Literally didn't notice since I can jump anywhere I want.

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I'm over it.

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It hasn't even been updated you lying German

Fuck you, you nazi piece of shit.

ew gross

It just works you island monkey.

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Can somebody take the time to tell me what's going on? I'm slow and busy now.

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Hiro sold out and opened up a different site called 4channel that's supposed to host all the sfw boards either in order to increase marketability and shill ads to triggered normies, or it's a ploy to keep half the site going because the nsfw board about to get nuked from the internet.

blue boards get their own site while NSFW boards stay in Jow Forums, you may see all boards above and below but if you go to a blue board you will see some boards are missing. that's because mook wanted Jow Forums to be advertisement friendly and to let reseterafags come to Jow Forums now that he made it safer for them

Jow Forums traffic is declining so hiro is moving SFW boards to a new domain so he can get adbux
so far nothing happens in particular but I am 99% sure this will destroy the site in the near future

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welcome to Resetera 2.0, soon we will start using usernames

Not with that flag.

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>Using BotnetX
>Using Chrome
Hans, use the luger on yourself

wtf Jow Forums has ads? Also ty very much frens. Fuck you aquafresh.

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What's so absurd about this is the absolutely insane notion most users wouldn't just block all the ads anyway.

getting thread watching to work across the domains is tricky

it only works on Jow, it doesn't work on 4channel. You just have to change all 4channel urls to Jow Forums


it always had ads but malware ones
he wants reliable ad providers but Jow is blacklisted because of porn so he wants to change that

Ironically, my work firewall now blocks the "safe" boards, but I can still browse the NSFW ones.

I guess I'll have to spend more time on Jow Forums now.

Apparently selling user data wasn't enough to make a profit and there's an increasingly growing number of useless mods who need to get food on the table while torpedoing the site with their SJW agenda.

cuz its just hotlinking the 4channel htmls


mook is just stupid, he could only restrict access unless you turn off the adblock

Stupid question: Why didn't fucknut just keep Jow Forums as it is with all the not as safe for work sfw boards and create a new more liberal site for whoever can't take the old Jow Forums minus the nsfw?

Imagine being this retarded.

The Japshit should kill himself

Shut up shill. Dont talk about it.

All the boards are still on the homepage of Jow

Man this sucks, why can't things just stop changing for once in this life.

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because users wouldnt be bothered to migrate over. This is a way to try and cheat. All the millions of people who just press "4" and click the first autofill on their browser are not going to 4channel any time soon. But he needs to be able to say its a separate site for those ads. It's just not going to work, and hiro will have to escalate.

If he was doing this I would start browsing using a pi-hole that filter's out the ads on a dns level and advertise directly into my trash bin.

Jow start page looks as it always did.
Are you fucking retards too dumb to type in the correct URL or what?

Reminder 2chan warned us of this and none of you fags listened


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because faggots like the ones in resetera want to feel welcome in a site like Jow Forums to feel like they are the cool kids without stumbling into things it triggers them, also mods are full mode liberals and have been trying to kill Jow Forums from the inside for a while now and because they don't want to do this for free, they probably pushed mook to do this ad-friendly split so they can continue killing Jow Forums and get paid for it. Once this site is gone you will see these faggots taking the credits

Jow Forums used to be on two different servers. Who cares.

If he does that I'll go somewhere else ultimately or get a real hobby. The guy is seriously underestimating the appeal of this shithole and especially the stubornness of the people who come here. Does he think I'll post some comment about niggers, look to the side and go like oh an amazon ad! I sure need a fidget spinner, let me lock in??? I ain't clicking those ads bro.

Because they literally want this site for whatever fucking reason

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So can you now post pepes in /a/ without get shitted on by the mods?

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Divide and conquer because they fear us

I get that, but then I think: Why don't they go to reddit? Like seriously. Why does some free speech hating cunt seek out some place like Jow Forums for hugs and acceptance? That's fucking retarded.

Pepe is not very advertiser friendly

ad revenue. no one would go to cuckchannel

I have one question about the change...

.. if 4channel is now the nice friendly face of chan, with strong enforcement of the rules, does that mean that the jannies will be letting the dogs run a little over on the Jow Forums side of things?

If so, I may need to buy a bunker, we're weeks away from cannibalism and blood sport.

One thing that does surprise me... that the "my little pony" board is on the 4channel side. What little I saw of them from the april fools joke a few years back suggest that those are some seriously degenerate people.

What the fuck?

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They do go to reddit, where do you think they organize to take down sites like this?

What is stopping an user to buy a couple dozens blacked bots and spam every board on 4channel in protest?

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Don't forget where you come from Jow Forums.
Remember the first two rules.

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dumb newfag

because liberals don't want people to have a place unless is being supervised by them. This is why they go for videogames, comics and anime, because if they can't have fun on either place then nobody can and they want to push their agenda so they can feel accepted on places they aren't invited i am incredibly mad right now i can't process my brain to translate this properly in english

Jow Forums is now unironicallt the spirit of Jow Forums after it died and the only pleb filter left. Were the only board left that is stopping all of Jow Forums from becoming a reddit liberal shithole

This just makes me shake my head. It takes them like 5 years to accomplish ANYTHING of remotely of substance and then everbody just goes somewhere else. At worst there's suddenly like 20 other chans popping up all of a sudden that can't be monitored as easily anymore. They literally don't understand the problem.


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Only thing this seems to do is make the site harder to navigate. Virtually every user wants to use both blue and yellow boards, but now you can no longer move from blue boards to yellow ones with a simple click.

Time to rise up
Kek will be unleashed upon the physical world

Irony is a funny thing.

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This aaaaaaaaaaannnnnd this. We'll simply shitpost in the shade

That's my issue with it. Hiro is perfectly fine with inconveniencing us for more potential ad revenue. The malicious ads as soon as he took over probably went unnoticed by most since they had adblockers or just never went to the homepage, but this will affect them.

kys idiot

Because they want everything to appeal to them.

I hope that fagget goes broke.

That file name. My sides

I feel bad for 8ch looks like they're getting migrants

meanwhile /v/ is getting sjw and furfags now that the site is more friendly for them

it's just a sister site user

blue site for ads

it funds our ops


FUCKING THIS Jesus what a retard.

Hiro is our hero. The normie traffic was destroying Jow Forums. We need a few years off the grid to prepare for 2020.

And nothing of value was lost