Millennial Housing Crisis Engulfs Britain

>The proportion of families headed by a 25- to 34-year-old that own their own home has more than halved in some regions, showing that the crisis goes far beyond London.

>Ownership among 25- to 34-year-olds has plummeted in Greater Manchester from 53% in 1984 to 26% last year. It has fallen from 54% to 25% in south Yorkshire, from 45% to 20% in the West Midlands, from 50% to 28% in Wales and from 55% to 27% in the south-east. In outer London, the proportion has collapsed from 53% to just 16%. Out of 22 regions analysed by the commission, in only one – Strathclyde in Scotland – has home ownership among the young remained stable. It stood at 32% in 1984 and 33% last year, having peaked at 45% in 2002.

Why aren't you a homeowner yet Jow Forums?

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>Why aren't you a homeowner yet Jow Forums?

Student loan repayment is equal to what a mortgage payment would be. My parents' generation inflated both markets astronomically, benefited hugely from this, then decided not to help me in any way.

Home prices in my area far outweigh wages, new homes get built, population hasn't changed in 20 years, who is living in them?

What's your area?

No one is living in them, the same shit is happening in my country.
My city has a ton of new buildings that are 10% occupied or worse, and the prices are completely retarded.

This is the confusing part, the middle of nowhere. I know everyone on this board claims property prices are only jacked up on the coasts but I am 600 miles from the nearest port. My brother lives near Kansas City, a growing metropolitan area and homes are more affordable than here in Montana.

Better import another five million nogs and give them free housing on your taxes. That'll fix it.

Boomer progroms when?

I bought a house near a military base right before they expanded and now it's worth twice what I paid for it and I'm renting it out. God bless USA!

I'm planning on making it big in Bitcoin before I purchase my next house though, or for the housing market to collapse again

Boomers decided their shite 2 bed semi-detached ex-council house was worth £150k when it's objectively worth £100k.

Can't wait for landlord boomers to lose their shirts in the post-brexit recession.

They'll all die in the next 15 years and then you'll be able to gobble up property at auction.

Would you invest in this cheeky little starter home lads?

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Why would I buy a house now when they will crash as all the boomers sell them thinking they are worth x4-x10 the price they paid in the next 5-10 years?

Provided some chinky kleptocrat doesn't snap them all up.

Happened in student towns.

single moms.

You can get an identical home in Baltimore for $2,000, the entire might be wrecked and your neighbors are probably crack heads.

not if the government buys and carreis the loans for another 10 years while initially paying people mortgage payments. The voter base of people with mortgages or invested for 25 years into housing is too great.

Probably this, I see so many people begging for stuff on a local yard sale page, "just moved here, don't have anything, any help would be appreciated" why the fuck did you move here if you didn't have anything? I think it's a poverty magnet, our city owns about a 1000 housing units, in a town of 56k people and nearly every landlord accepts section 8, so we get everyone who couldn't get their welfare gibs out of state ending up here.

This. There's no fucking reason aliens should be allowed to purchase property when they don't even have residency. The States need to start banning this shit.

Dem jews be keepin me down, homie. I need mo money fo dem land purchases

wooo 20% for west mids
thanks mussies
really an economic boon
such strength for our economy

Something disturbing happened to house prices between 2000-2005, look in any old pre-Millenium local newspaper and you'll be shocked at how cheap shit was.

and they laughed at me for not moving out of my families home

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>having a "family home"

How quaint. I assume your parents aren't divorced then?

I almost started talking about Bush II's project to push home ownership on like half of America that didn't own previously which inflated the housing bubble here, but I figure you're talking about UK. Did you guys have something similar under Tony Blair, or did the mass migration just finally fill up all your excess housing stock around that time?

They are divorced, I'm a co-owner in the settlement. Just have to wait till my mum remarries or dies then the £350+ house is mine

>Why aren't you a homeowner yet Jow Forums?

Why do you always make this fucking thread you fucking cunt? What's your bullshit angle? Trying to slide some shit or what?

Of course it's a slide. There's a pastebin floating around of the top 500 most common OPs and they're ALL slide threads, some of them posted over 1000 times. I want to write a filter for them but haven't made the time yet.

It's not a slide thread. Housing is one of the most interesting issues faced by millenial men, which is largely Jow Forums's userbase. I enjoy reading about how people are dealing with the issue of inflated house prices in their countries. Some good posts about buying rural places, moving to Europe etc in these threads.

Take endless hordes of migrants, who at the end of the day HAVE to live somewhere. Then propertty owners smelled opportunity to make bank. They realized the real money is separating such a house into 7 one-room apartments and renting them out at 100/week per.

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Parents bought our current house at somewhere between 200-300k in 1994. Now worth around 3 million, no joke. Pure insanity.

Agreed. 24 YO user who wants to buy a home. Doesn’t seem possible in the near future.

Those room shares mostly aren't legal, they tend to live ontop of eachother like rats as with grenfell tower. It's government subsidised housing. The houses in question aren't subsidised houses, we're talking about private housing. But what you are on about generally occurs with private housing in uni towns, where students flat share.

Where abouts do you live m8?

Roomshares are very common in London. I've seen living rooms for example turned into a bedroom with a sheet hanging down the middle to separate each "half" advertised for £500 a month.

Barking up the wrong tree. Think easy credit. When anyone can get a mortgage for nothing, house prices rise in line with demand. If poor bumfuck john can suddenly get a £200k mortgage, then so can anyone, etc etc. (((They))) win again.

California in the San Joaquin Valley. It’s the more affordable part of the state but it’s still ~300k for something decent. I was told to wait until interest rates go down.

>over priced
UK needs to crash its housing market.

Keep her happy user, if you lavish her with attention and love she won't go searching for dick. And if she's horny, just fuck her. I don't think inbreeding is taboo over there.

>the entire might be wrecked and your neighbors are probably crack heads.

Same in Birmingham, house is still £200k

Not planning on starting a family, and my current employment has me on the road every so often.

With no survivors?

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in the 2017 year the amount of money spent on mortgages in australia was equivalent to $10,000 for every person in the country.
this shit is fucking mental.