My mom loves Jews. She thinks they're God's people. She thinks its her Christian duty to support Israel...

My mom loves Jews. She thinks they're God's people. She thinks its her Christian duty to support Israel. Can I get some redpilled sources/links to why jews are bad to change her mind?

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Other urls found in this thread:–Roman_wars


Has she even read the bible? Jesus literally tells us they are the synagogue of Satan.
have a bump

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But how is that inherently bad? Every group or race should strive to have control and power. Only subhumans cannot achieve this.

Why does a people who represents less than 1/100th of the population get to decide and push the opinions they feel we should have?

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Matthew 27:25

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someone reply to this post

Show her this

>A Federal Reserve bank is a privately owned corporation established pursuant to the Federal Reserve Act to serve the public interest

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Israel != Jews

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Sabbatean/Talmudist/Rothschild Jews are evil

Torah Jews and Christians are good

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Notice how all the infographics are all from memeflag shills. The real truth is you should have pride in whatever you are and elevate yourself.

Kick her in the vagina.

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Not what I'm looking for.

The Bible(KJV)

Hate the game not the player

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LOVED fucking jew cunts in school.
They always were on the pill so I could always raw-dog and leave it in them.
They just loved taking the uncut D.

unironically get her a holy land holiday to israel, it frequently causes mental breakdowns in zionist christian boomers when they have to deal with shit cunts and deal with maccas at jerusalem.

blows their fucking minds.

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Well there was that whole thing where they LITERALLY KILLED JESUS!
If that doesn't change her mind I guess nothing will...

>Christian duty to support Israel
It is within all of our duty to support Isreal. This is the deal that Hitler made with the Zionist jews.

The bible. In Greek.

What's Eugen Levine's phenotype? Nigga looks a lot like me.

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Just go on google and search “christians attacked in israel.” Theres fucking pages.

Image quality is shit, anyone got a better version? Would like to read.

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Rev 2:9
Rev 3:9
and somestuff John said, bless him

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If your mom is a Christian, why would she think Jews are God’s “chosen people” when Christ died for all?

Something I've always wondered is this an exclusively American Christian thing or does this occur elsewhere? I used to attend a church as a kid with my family and even then I thought it odd that at least once a month they'd have some sorry looking Jews as guests come up and speak at length on how bad thing were in Israel and it was our duty to assist them.

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>She thinks its her Christian duty to support Israel.

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Point your mom to Rick Wiles' TRUNEWS

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Let them control Israel's media, we'd like to control ours, please.

Ok, so we got:

>Jesus boiling in excrement

>sex with 9 year olds

>sex with 3 year olds

>gentiles that read the old testament deserve death

>how to (((not))) sacrifice to molech

>Jews get circ'd
>Converts get circ'd
>Slaves get circ'd
If you're cut, and you're not a Jew or a convert...

>Jesus hanged on the eve of passover

And let's not forget pic related!

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Show her in the bible Ezekiel 2 and John 8:44


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You're an idiot - if you want people to actually read stuff on Jow Forums, inline it. I'm not doing it for you. Go on, waste your time being ineffective in convincing people because you're lazy.

Offer her a translated Talmud for christmas

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Not every jew is a bolshevik, but every bolshevik is a jew

Get your people in line, proxy Jew.

The concept of "Judeo-Christian values" was used by George Orwell in 1939, with the phrase "the Judaeo-Christian scheme of morals." It has become part of the American civil religion since the 1940s.

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Tommy Robinson in the UK is a huge Zionist cuck, so that's a thing over there too.

If shes a Christian why does she disrespect Jesus so harshly?

This. Modern Jews are nothing like the flannel-board Jews of Sunday school. Also, there are infuriating videos of Jewish settlers chasing out goyim, also I think Morgan Spurlock's 'where's osama bin laden' or whatever movie, when he goes to Israel and looks to get surrounded by orthodox Jews - shows you that they're not cuddly. But I know that image - "Those who bless you I will bless, those who curse you I will curse" etc. Break it with some reality. Also, maybe some Joe Sacco graphic novels on Palestine. Or even that one comic artist who visited North Korea + Myanmar - well he visited Israel, too, showed how Jews systematically knock down Palestinian houses. Quite the illusion-dispeller.

That was part of God's Plan user. Git good - see:

Jews are based in this chart desu. Europeans are far smarter than Americans. Logical choice.

There's actually some really good wisdom in one of those sections.
"He who casts a stone at an idol, serves it..."

Replacement theology was this nation's founding religious view. The "Judeo-Christian" label started in the last 2 decades. We are Christian.

Yup, that will do it as well. Of course, God doesn't have to honor such things. The important part is that they willingly reject him, and there-fore cannot have any of the Holy Spirit's guidance. Any resemblance is echos of God's word from the OT, which he promised "does not return void." Unfortunately, where that may be true in life-styles and language, it isn't sufficient for those who have heard the Gospel.

The players make the game, you chucklefuck. It’s not all but they’re extremely over-represented in all top positions and they consistently argue that you need to diversify your work/relationships/imagery. the hypocrisy is frustrating.

They killed jesus

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I can't wait to pimp out your mother to black men.

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That doesn't excuse them from what they did. They crucified Jesus because he revealed their sins and threatened their power. Jesus went willingly to the cross, "the lamb slain before the foundation of the world" he paid our debt, died for our sins, but the bible is clear on those who killed the Prophets and Messiah

dunno, just search "Leuchter report" and ponder the implications, make her do it and see through the process - they be imbeciles in their bias, whamen that are, treat her as such, you'll gain nothing but respect, also go fuck yourself kikel, or kikel's ass licker, go fuck yourself royally, have a nice day (night, whatever)

revelation 2:9 they are amalekites
not jews.

Attached: real jews armenia fake jews amalekite rome.png (1920x1080, 1.47M)–Roman_wars
The Jews were punished for their sins.

tell her they want to edit the Bible.

Jews are actually the most based race on earth
>get BTFO for centuries
>get a homeland
>lose the homeland
>Lol, wut Babylonian genocide
>get BTFO for centuries
>get a homeland
>Lol, wut White genocide
This is evolution at work. Right now the jews are the undisputed master race.

Despite the fact that he feels so secure, at least for the moment, the Jew is thinking hard about why the awakened peoples of Europe are defending themselves against him. Nothing reveals his uncertainty about the path his laws dictate to world denomination than what we often read in the works of Jewish authors.

It is in part this uncertainty that drives the Jews to pursue their goal of world domination more quickly and more consistently. Even Goethe wrote:

“The Jew will not spare us.”

We can be sure that this is more true today than ever before.

I'm just kidding Jews, you know I love you.

Just tell her to read the bible and history of the Jews. If she's smart enough she should get that Jews have long lost the favour of God because they became too proud of themselves.

We do not believe you, watch your back Goy.

Ask her to read the Talmud or whatever the fuck they read, it's so anti-goyim it's sickening.

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>Israelis harass and occasionally assault Christians in the holy land.

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Why are you spergy incels always so obsessed with jews?

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Show her John 8:43-47 and Revelation 2:9 & 3:9


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St John Chrysostom. Dostoevsky.

me on the right

You're being Jew-taxed through a kosher certification racketeering scam, user.

>Kashrut in America is a $12.5 billion mitzvah, according to a market estimate by the consulting firm Lubicom...more than 60% of products carry kosher certification. The figures are staggering, given that strictly-kosher Jews in the US number only a few hundred thousand.

In Israel, Rabbis in the industry have shown a pattern of not even showing up for the job while drawing a salary.

>In May and June 2007, Israel’s state comptroller made unannounced visits to 54 businesses under the supervision of Jerusalem’s religious council. During morning hours, investigators found inspectors present in only six locations; in the afternoon, they found none at all...allegations of nepotism in the employment of kosher inspectors and described cases of inspectors drawing multiple salaries by holding several supervisory jobs simultaneously while working at none of them.

The total population in the US as of 2017 was estimated at 325.7 million.

Do the math, user.

>$12.5 billion divided by 327.5 million

That's roughly $38.38 taken from every goy man, woman, and child and given to Jews every year.

Jews are roughly 2% of the population.

>2% of 327.5 million is roughly 6,650,000
>$12.5 billion divided by 6,650,000 is approximately $1879.70 stolen per Jew in the US.

This is only one of the ways you're forced to pay tribute to Jews, user.

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-Hollywood's full frontal perversion exposed and shamed
-Legal system/DOJ known to be a partisan, globalist sham
-Universities/academia are just worthless, socialist indoctrinating diploma mills
-Practical medicine/health insurance is unattainable and too expensive for average people
-Financial/banking systems worldwide are unsustainable, corrupt and bankrupt, based on debt slaves for their profits

If the Jewish people are in charge, they are doing an incredibly poor job.

>My mom loves Jews. She thinks they're God's people. She thinks its her Christian duty to support Israel.

Learn who Cyrus Scofield was. He wrote a Judeophilic concordance to the bible that has been hugely influential in this country.

His friend and patron was (((Samuel Untermyer))) who is better known for being the blackmailer of President Wilson during his presidency.

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They literally killed Gods son.

Where did the Israelites get the name "Jew?" Even among the Israelies, only one of the tribes was called Judah and those people we known as "Judeans." I'll tell you where they got it: they got it from time travel rebels misusing my name Jonathan Warren. J.W. pretty much spells Jew.

The old testament

Can somebody explain how Jews were able to get Jesus Christ killed and somehow 2000 years later have the followers of the religion they tried to stop from existing so cucked? Surely early Christians despised them. At what point in history did that change?

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I literally heard the Jews literally killed Jesus literally with an fully semi automatic literary double barrel shotgun.

>She thinks its her Christian duty to support Israel
They killed Jesus and refuse to accept the truth.
They're damned. Why is it her duty to help sinners?

>full semi auto

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